Okay, mock-up for a HUD layout, based on 1024x768 resolution. It's not perfect, obviously, and I think some tweaks need to be done to the windows themselves before we can get anything finalized:
I've got 3 hotbars there, since that's the number of hotbars we can access via keyboard. The third could be removed and the compass, clock, and eq2 button moved under them. Or, more likely, the hotbars then swapped with the active quest window. Either way, quest window then made a bit taller.
Dead space needs some severe trimming! The amount of border on some of these windows is insane. Casting bar and effects windows particularly could use the cut.
I couldn't get an implied target window up, but ideally it'd be under the target window.
Connection stat thingamabob was left open in error - but I do think that's a decent place for it.
No clue whatsoever where the minimap would plug in on this.
Rothgar repeatedly mentioned having the casting bar included in the HUD. I've got it there (though it needs trimming to fit in its intended place), but honestly, I think it shouldn't be included, simply because it's a window that is rarely up and only for short durations.