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Welcome to gm9.eq2interface.com!

Here you can find all relevant information on ProfitUI Reborn and my other mods. Please take a look at the pages listed to the left under Menu and Content. Besides browsing through the information available there, you can also ask further questions in the support forums, submit a bug report or request a new feature or a change to an existing feature, and make a donation to support further development.

Enjoy your stay!

Note: ProfitUI Reborn is discontinued but has been "reborn" once more by several community members. The ProfitUI Updater is now always serving the latest version of ProfitUI.

My work is done!
By: gm9 - 04-09-2009 09:09 PM
The moment has come for me to retire from active EQ2 UI modding and to put ProfitUI Reborn to rest.

I originally took up modding to improve my game experience and in the process hopefully yours, too. However, I have not been playing the game for so long now that I feel it is time to step back and let others take over. ProfitUI has been kept alive by this great community before and I am sure that it will happen again. And of course there are many other great mods available here, maybe this is an opportunity to check them out.

Big thanks once more to Kaldran for programming, hosting and supporting the ProfitUI updater. I'll leave the decision what to do with it in the future to him. Many thanks also to everybody who contributed to ProfitUI over the years. It was a good experience to be running the ProfitUI Reborn project since March 2006, I very much enjoyed it, but my work is done now. I'm looking forward to see it be reborn once more by others!

I'll be around.

ProfitUI Reborn 5.0.1 released
By: gm9 - 04-06-2009 05:59 AM
ProfitUI Reborn v5.0.1

Changelog 5.0 - 5.0.1 (6 April 2009)

Player window
  • Player window: Threat bars should be more visible now. Also secondary threat should show up as a percentage number (no bar) if you are tanking.

Raid window
  • Raid window effect icons hopefully show up correctly now
  • Small margin added at the top between raid window contents and frame when titlebars are not shown
  • Fixed a sizing issue with the raid window in titlebar mode

Group window
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the voice chat icons from being visible after the GU51 change to the group window (both variants)

  • Razieh's AutoAttackBar v3.2 fixing a couple of bugs and with a new function accessed via the window settings:
    • "Frame only" will display only one bar for same delay dual wields
    • "None" will display two bars for same delay dual wields
  • ControlCenter now has a checkbox to toggle the auto attack bar on/off temporarily.

Chat window
  • Chat window, tabs on bottom variant no longer sets you AFK upon login

  • Updated default UI settings yet again to work around an issue on some servers with the background mouse over opacity value being being set at 0 by default

ProfitUI Reborn 5.0 released
By: gm9 - 03-31-2009 04:58 PM
ProfitUI Reborn v5.0

Only use if your server has been updated to GU51. Also I cheated and reuploaded some fixes under the same version number a little while after the original 5.0 upload, so if in doubt just grab it again.

Changelog 4.8.2 - 5.0 (31 March 2009)

Group window:
  • New unified group window: The separate horizontal group window variants have been removed
  • The windowsettings modes for the group window have been changed as follows:
    • The old "frame" mode, i.e. the background images behind the power/health bars are now controlled via the background opacity sliders
    • The old "titlebar" mode, i.e. the class/level text overlay, is now controlled via the frame opacity sliders.
    • The new "frame only" mode sets the window to vertical mode
    • The new "none" mode sets the window to horizontal mode
    • (You may need to toggle the modes back on forth once or twice the first time)
    • The black backdrop now can be configured temporarily via a slider in the control center or permanently in the file _ProfitUI_Settings_GroupWindow.txt.
  • The disband/kick buttons are now disabled while you have aggro, that way you can't accidentally disband group in the heat of a fight.
  • The invisible /follow and /assist buttons now light up on mouse over as on the player window.
  • Compact version now also has the option to show the background graphic behind the health/power bars as the default sized version.
  • Voice chat icons added
New AutoAttackBar window:
  • Added razieh's auto attack bar to the distribution, many thanks to him for offering to have it added to ProfitUI.
  • If you previously had used his standalone version I suggest you remove that one or you will have two auto attack bars.
  • Edit _ProfitUI_Settings_AutoAttackBar.txt to configure whether the auto attack bar should be shown automatically or not. It is enabled by default.
  • Added a button to the Control Center to show the AutoAttackBar. Note that there is no button to deactivate it again until you relog because I'm lazy...
Target/Implied Target windows:
  • Threat level indicator added between target health and power bars including a percentage readout to the right
  • Secondary threat information added for tanks. Secondary threat readout is on the left side, and a secondary threat bar will overlay your own threat bar. This bar does not change color and always remains yellow.
  • The additions above should make the new default UI's threat window redundant, you can turn it off via the command /togglethreatwindow.
  • Target and implied target windows now try to distinguish between the type of target and allows you to inspect players or search for mobs on the web. As always, this functionality may not work on non-English servers. Thank SOE for that.
    You can configure the websites to be searched in _ProfitUI_StandardSearches.txt.
  • The con_version buttons in the target windows now all use the same button style.
Player window:
  • Threat level indicators added between target and implied target health and power bars
  • Power percentage readouts added.
Raid window:
  • Raid window updated for GU51 compatibility.
  • With GU51 you should see the cure icons light up as in the group window. In addition to the existing icon you can also toggle off the cure icons via the right click menu (basic/advanced mode).
  • Fixed the cure elemental button on the raid window.
Persona window:
  • Redesigned window to be more compact
  • Persona window now shows taunt amound mod and taunt crit chance
  • As requested the damage reduction percentage numbers are now also displayed in addition to the absolute numbers. According to the poster who requested it it may even be a separate, unrelated stat provided by the mythical weapons. To fit this all into the window there is now a second stats tab
  • Options page now has a scrollbar that shows up if the vertical size is too small
  • Some translation tag updates. In addition, all labels on the stats pages now have tooltips identical to the label to aid on localized installations where the translation sometimes is too long to fit the window.
Community window:
  • Friends list now has buttons to send a group invite, a raid invite, or a /tell to the selected friend. To make this work sorting of the friends list is no longer possible.
  • As always, this functionality will not work for players with non-US-ASCII characters in their names, i.e. on most international servers, because SOE does not fix their broken UI scripting engine.
Maintained window:
  • The right slim variant now correctly places the amount remaining numbers
  • The icon only variants of the maintained window were somewhat messed up, had never noticed that. Fixed.
Market window:
  • Market window now has buttons to do a /who on or send a /tell to the seller of an item based on a request from "zerat_ca". The /tell can be configured in _ProfitUI_Settings_MarketWindow.txt. I'm not sure how useful this will eventually be, but it was somewhat of a challenge to get this working, so it was fun.
Tradeskill window:
  • New tradeskill window:
    • The window has lost some fat and is now vertically resizable
    • Normal/expanded state can now be made permanent via the window settings
    • A button has been added to reset the recipe search (I'd add one to reset the filters as well but I can't)
    • Stop button moved to the left of the recipe button to avoid accidentally hitting them when clicking reaction arts
    • Recipe button no longer shows when in expanded mode
    • Item creation pane now has larger icons which only show when it makes sense and are properly placed when you resize the window.
    • Focus should be taken away from the search input box when you start crafting. However you still need to click the reaction art icons once to have them receive keyboard input, it appears I cannot get around that.
    • Most of the window should now properly translate on localized installations
    • If the window looks messed up toggle the window settings back and forth once
    • Create button no longer gets hidden during crafting but rather disabled. Since this will probably not fix the old bug with the button getting lost during commission crafting (although there is a slight chance that it does) I added a button to the upper right corner which forces that button enabled again. Do not use in other circumstances.
    • Background can again be hidden via the background opacity slider. This now hides also the frame and titlebar.
  • Old tradeskill window added as a variant.
Inventory window:
  • Weapon appearance slots added
  • The window no longer moves right when expanding the appearance slots (in expanded mode).
Quest journal:
  • Fixed an issue with the quest helper toggle checkbox in the quest journal
  • Collection "Add" button enlarged to accomodate longer translated text on localized clients
  • The "add" button moving around and sometimes being hidden is a game issue that SOE needs to fix
Socials window:
  • Added some missing emotes, moved some around and fixed some bugs
  • Macro tab is now the default tab
Loot window:
  • Fixed NBG just press enter functionality
  • The just press enter functionality for the Greed button on the loot window can be toggled by changing the option NBGGreedIsDefaultButton in _ProfitUI_Settings_LootOptions.txt
AutoAttackCalc window:
  • You do not need to manually input the Spell Cast and Recovery stats anymore.
  • The window now auto-detects your client language and now outputs the correct calculation result on German and French installations. Also the existing display issues on localized installations are automatically taken care of and should no longer be an issue.
  • Fixed number placement after GU51
Market window:
  • The window no longer changes the vertical size when switching to or from the single pane mode.
  • "Uncommon" move to the bottom of the tier dropdown to avoid the need to change the favorites.
Zoning window:
  • Zoning window can now show the "Did you know..." tips by default via a configurable option in _ProfitUI_Settings_Zoning.txt.
Subclass detection:
  • Performance of subclass detection routine was significantly increased (other changed windows are related to this)
  • Subclass detection should now also work on Russian servers. I found the Russian class names in a Russian version of ProfitUI. Apparently they didn't feel like sharing but I took the info anyway. Hopefully that helps someone - the incompatibility of UI scripting with cyrillic characters in player names (or elsewhere) remains.
ProfitUI Control Center:
  • Control Center now has an option to show all bank bags while not at the bank (long time users will remember this option from a while ago). Will only work if you previously toggled your bank bags visible at least once while at a bank during the same play session with that char. And you can't use the bags, only see what's in them.
Quick Macro Buttons:
  • Enchanter macro button change: the heart/shard request was moved to button 5 and button 3 now holds AA deaggro Touch of Empathy
Click to Search:
  • Fixed google search links, they did not add "eq2" to the search term correctly.
  • Change to eq2ui_custom.xml that will allow me to never edit that file again
  • Added GU51 to GU history in InfoCenter
  • Fixed missing numbers on sound control window after GU51
  • Updated default UI settings for all resolutions

ProfitUI Reborn 4.8.2 released
By: gm9 - 12-21-2008 08:04 AM
ProfitUI Reborn v4.8.2

Just fixing two bugs introduced with that latest release:

Changelog 4.8.1 - 4.8.2 (21 December 2008)
  • Persona window skills/factions tabs fixed again. using UIbuilder for yesterday's change. Here's the handwritten version.
  • Close button in quest journal window now also works with the window at the smallest size.

ProfitUI Reborn 4.8.1 released
By: gm9 - 12-19-2008 07:35 PM
ProfitUI Reborn v4.8.1

Monthly update to what's been available on the ProfitUI updater for a while.

Changelog 4.8 - 4.8.1 (19 December 2008)

Effects windows
  • The effects windows can now display up to 45 instead of previously 30 effects. The ProfitUI windows were updated according, either resize them or just use your mouse's scroll wheel to see the additional icons once your window has filled up.

Quest journal
  • Collections can now sorted according to various options, the quest journal window was updated accordingly.
  • In addition, a whole bunch of other outstanding fixes and changes to layout and code of the quest journal window were made.

Raid window
  • Default raid window now also has cure curse buttons.

  • Click-to-cure: You can now configure a custom macro to be executed in addition to the cure when you press a click-to-cure button. Please refer to the section on Configuring Cure Macros in the FAQ for the details and an example.

Market window
  • Market window no longer changes the vertical size when switching to or from the single pane mode.
  • "Uncommon" moved to the bottom of the tier dropdown to avoid the need to change the favorites.

  • You don't need to manually input the Spell Cast and Recovery stats anymore.
  • This window now auto-detects your client language and now outputs the correct calculation result on German and French installations. Also the existing display issues on localized installations are automatically taken care of and should no longer be an issue.

Persona window
  • Persona window now displays the house address in addition to the house zone, therefore the respective field in the persona window was enlarged a bit.

  • Better EQ2MAP waypoint/tracking crosses with a black outline to increase visibility. The color of the previously white waypoint cross was change to a color which hopefully provides good visibility in all of the colorful new maps.
  • Nightvision function has been given a boost. If you want you can configure the values in _ProfitUI_MiscSettings.txt in the Nightvision page. Still with blocky trees of course, I know you'd miss them otherwise.
  • Added option to _ProfitUI_MiscSettings.txt to toggle the just press enter functionality for the Greed button on the loot window. NBGGreedIsDefaultButton=true|false
  • POIfinder is no longer included in eq2ui_custom.xml. If for whatever reason you still use the old EQ2MAP with POIfinder you'll need to add the include manually.
  • The clock window now auto-detects the client language and adjusts the placement of the numerical automatically according to this. Therefore the Frame & Titlebar mode (which currently is broken due to an SOE bug) has been removed.

ProfitUI Reborn 4.8 released
By: gm9 - 11-18-2008 09:45 AM
ProfitUI Reborn v4.8

GU50 ready.

Changelog 4.7.3 - 4.8 (18 November 2008)

Persona window
  • Persona window updated to include all new stats added with the release of the TSO expansion. Unfortunately that meant making the persona window longer, but I wanted to keep all stats on one page. Damage Reductions stats show the absolute value, not the percentage, although that would be available as well. If you want to see both I'll have to add a new page just for those, it's too much to fit onto a single page. Note that you can resize the persona window even longer in game, which results in the stats being grouped, making them easier to read.

Player window
  • The old bug with the player window showing both melee and ranged auto-attack indicators at the same time has been fixed

Quick Macro Buttons
  • Swashbucklers now have the spell Sleight of Hand on the fourth macro button.
  • All Fighters now have a fifth macro button for the "Intercept" ability (which, other than "Intercede" on button1 does not put 100% but only 75% of the damage on the caster).
  • Fixed a bug in the default first macro for Assassins that prevented it from always using the level appropriate spell. Thanks to Chrislau for the report and the fix.

Vertical Letterbox
  • You can now enable a vertical letterbox (emulating eq1's /viewport command) by editing the file _ProfitUI_MiscSettings.txt with a text editor and there the settings in the section "LetterboxOptions". Check the FAQ for details.

Auto Attack Calculator
  • The ControlCenter now has a button to show a window that you can use to calculate how CAs you can use during one auto attack. This is a little project that is pretty much built to specifications suggested by Jida and which is discussed here. Work in progress, some more automation might be added.

Chat window
  • Both chat window variants no longer cuts off the first line of text. Note that there was a bug on Beta which will probably go live which breaks the Frame & Titlebar setting. You need to set it to "None" if you are not able to chat:

Death window
  • Death window has been shrunken a bit further but is now horizontally resizable.

Market window
  • The market window tier dropdown now allows you to search for "Uncommon" items. This was missing for the longest time since the Default UI does not support searching for Uncommon items and therefore I never noticed. Thanks to ibnithl for pointing it out, he was in deep trouble finding enough uncommon Halloween candy in order to make spiderman-ish cloaks! ;-).
    Note that while this dropdown entry will not be translated on non-English servers, it should still work.
  • Fixed German language market window favorites for ammunition, thanks to PanEx for the good bug report including the solution.
  • Fixed market window search for Alkali loams which I broke in the last version

  • Updated ProfitUI Video settings "Raid", "Performance", "Quality" regarding the shadow types (Quality now shows some shadows, the former two still don't). Since the videosettings have not been changed in years other feedback on other things that should be changed to go with the systems people have today is welcome.
  • The Sokokar/Guildhall Teleporter window is now movable. Note that I shamelessly ripped the idea from Narzoo who just released a standalone mod for this. I did not even know this window was not movable.
  • InfoCenter game update history updated (seems like GU50 info is not yet posted though)
  • Subclass detection now checks all German translations twice, once without a space at the end and once with it, since I can't go check every couple of weeks which subclass names they have currently messed up. I have given up all hope that SOE will ever employ translators with a clue...
  • Cosmetic change to the browser window to give dragowulf a hand with his skins.

ProfitUI Market Window 4.8 released
By: gm9 - 11-18-2008 09:24 AM
ProfitUI Market Window v4.8

The market window standalone had fallen a little behind the version from the full package, here's an update with the files from the full ProfitUI:

Changes from last version (4.6):
  • Market window favorites now auto-detect the language of the EQ2 localization and load appropriate favorites for the dropdowns.
    German translation kindly provided by RegenCoE with fixes from PanEx.
    French translation kindly provided by Jaclac.
    If you want to see a japanese translation please submit one (however, since EQ2 UI scripting does not support non-US-ASCII characters you may want to /feedback a lot before sitting down to do that Japanese translation...).
  • The market window tier dropdown now allows you to search for "Uncommon" items. This was missing for the longest time since the Default UI does not support searching for Uncommon items and therefore I never noticed. Thanks to ibnithl for pointing it out, he was in deep trouble finding enough uncommon Halloween candy in order to make spiderman-ish cloaks! ;-).
    Note that while this dropdown entry will not be translated on non-English servers, it should still work.
  • Market window searches for Alkali Loams, Steel Clusters and Rough Opal no longer bring up Alkaline, Feysteel and Rough Opaline as well. Thanks dansherrill for pointing these out and suggesting the fix.
  • Fixed spelling of "Screewoggins' Surprise" in favorites
  • Fixed my class/lvl button for carpenters on German servers (SOE likes renaming classes, now it is called "Schreiner" - thanks to PanEx for letting me know about the problem and the fix)

ProfitUI Quickl Macro Button Configurator 1.4 released
By: gm9 - 11-17-2008 12:28 PM
ProfitUI Reborn Quick Macro Button Configurator v1.4

  • Dirge spell Chimes of Blades is now correctly named in the table (was "Chime of Blades")

ProfitUI Reborn 4.7.3 released
By: gm9 - 10-08-2008 04:55 AM
ProfitUI Reborn v4.7.3

Sorry am a bit late on this, the fixes for GU49 have been so long on the updater that I kinda forgot about the manual download that some of you still use. o:

Update: Two releases in one day, whoo..

Changelog 4.7.2 - 4.7.3 (8 October 2008)
  • Market window searches for Alkali Loams, Steel Clusters and Rough Opal no longer bring up Alkaline, Feysteel and Rough Opaline as well. Thanks dansherrill for pointing these out and suggesting the fix.
  • Fixed auto decline loot and playerhousing just press enter functionality, and no I won't tell you what the bug was

Changelog 4.7.1 - 4.7.2 (8 October 2008)

Delete the following files from your ProfitUI folder:
  • eq2ui_playerhousing.xml
  • eq2ui_inventory_loot.xml

Macro buttons
  • Warlocks now have a fifth macro button for heart/shard requests

Tradeskill window
  • Added checkbox to disable guild hall supply depot amenity

Persona window
  • Added checkbox to disable voice chat invitations to persona window

Market window
  • Fixed spelling of "Screewoggins' Surprise" in favorites
  • Fixed my class/lvl button for carpenters on German servers (SOE likes renaming classes, now it is called "Schreiner" - thanks to PanEx for letting me know about the problem and the fix)

Vertical compact group window
  • Macro button labels for group member 1 count correctly from 1 to 5 now

  • Fixed loot auto decline setting in _ProfitUI_MiscSettings.txt, setting this value should now work (nobody seems to ever have tried this since nobody reported that bug so far...)
  • Fixed subclass detection for Furies and Wardens on German servers (SOE broke it), thanks Cairbre for posting the fix.

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