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Unread 12-05-2006, 05:08 PM
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Cool Customizations

Alternate Window Files
The following is a list windows with alternate versions and descriptions for those alternates. To install an alternate, rename the default file to something else (probably best to use my naming conventions for consistency) then strip the extra text off the begining of the alternate's file name.

eq2ui_mainhud_mainchat.xml (default) chat window without scrollbar and optional input stealthing
_simple_eq2ui_mainhud_mainchat.xml simple chat window without input stealthing

Clock and Compass
eq2ui_mainhud_compass.xml (default) round compass
eq2ui_mainhud_clock.xml (default) clock with centered data to be used with round compass
_rectangle_eq2ui_mainhud_compass.xml rectangle compass with +/- loc indicators
_left_eq2ui_mainhud_clock.xml clock with left aligned data to be used with rectangle compass

Health & Power Bars (located in the images directory)
fetish_bars.dds (default metered style)
_simple_fetish_bars.dds a simple flat bar similar to the SOE default, split into 5 major segments
_ribbed_fetish_bars.dds flat bar with alternating dark/light bands every 2% split into 5 major segments

eq2ui_mainhud_knowledge.xml (default) 2x8 layout with 4x4 toggle button
_basic_eq2ui_mainhud_knowledge.xml the original format with background images
_left_eq2ui_mainhud_knowledge.xml 1x16 layout with icons on the left
_right_eq2ui_mainhud_knowledge.xml 1x16 layout with icons on the right

Quest Helper
eq2ui_journals_active.xml (default) QH window with quest slider, Recent Quests menu, Prev, Next, and reset buttons at top
_bottom_eq2ui_journals_active.xml QH window with quest slider, Recent Quests menu, Prev, Next, and reset buttons at bottom
_simple_eq2ui_journals_active.xml QH window without the slider and reset button

eq2ui_inventory_trade.xml (default) 75% scale 6 slot layout
_100_eq2ui_inventory_trade.xml 100% scale 6 slot layout

Last edited by Zonx : 06-13-2007 at 02:30 AM.
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Unread 06-13-2007, 02:58 AM
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Default Editing RaidAbilities Sets

Editing RaidAbilities

To chang an ability in a set

Open _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml in NotePad.

You'll see several blocks of code like the following...
<Page Name="Set1" Size="0,0">
	<Data Ability="Set1 RA1" Group="fasle" Name="RA1" Raid="false" Tell="false"/>
	<Data Ability="Set1 RA2" Group="fasle" Name="RA2" Raid="false" Tell="false"/>
	<Data Ability="Set1 RA3" Group="fasle" Name="RA3" Raid="false" Tell="false"/>
The page name value indicates which "set button" these abilities are attached to. The above example is named Set1 and attaches to Set1Btn.
DO NOT change the page name.

Each Data object has an Ability="value". Edit the value between the quotes to match the name of whatever ability you want in the set.

Similarly, each Data object includes a Group="fasle", Raid="fasle", and Tell="fasle" setting. These control weather the ability activation is announced in one or more of the associated chat channels. To enable any of the announcements, change the value from false to true. Currently the announcement is generic and can't be easily edited. It will prduce a message in roughly the following form..
/raidsay Activating {RaidAbility} on {TargetName}
Due to a limitation in SOE script, chat commands often don't appear the first time they are executed. To ensure each announcement is actually sent at least once, each announcment is attempted twice. This does mean in many cases you'll see both attempts (double annoucements).

The "default" set can be edited in the same way. The only thing special about the default set is that it will automatically load the first time you log in and open the raid window every play session.

To change a "set button" label

Open _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml in NotePad.

About 38 lines down you'll see code for the default button...
<Button LocalText="Default" Location="4,76" MaximumSize="16384,32" MinimumSize="32,20" Name="DefaultBtn" OnPress="
" ScrollExtent="142,20" Size="142,20" Style="/Fetish.ButtonStyles.text_button">Default</Button>
In the above example, the button reads Default. Edit both of the following bits to whatever you want displayed on the button
The following example is edited to display My Button...
<Button LocalText="My Button" Location="4,76" MaximumSize="16384,32" MinimumSize="32,20" Name="DefaultBtn" OnPress="
" ScrollExtent="142,20" Size="142,20" Style="/Fetish.ButtonStyles.text_button">My Button</Button>
You may edit all 7 of the button labels.
DO NOT change the button name vlaues.

To change announcement text
Note: customized announcement text will apply to every annoucement of that type. All /raidsay announcements will use the same text, only the ability and target name will change.

Open _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml in NotePad.

At the very bottom of the file you'll find 3 buttons, one for each announcement type. The following is an example of the Raid button
<Button Location="-10,-10" Name="Raid" OnActivate="
raidsay=(&apos;Activating &apos;)##(Parent.RA)##(&apos; on &apos;)##(Parent.Parent.RATar)
raidsay=(&apos;Activating &apos;)##(Parent.RA)##(&apos; on &apos;)##(Parent.Parent.RATar)
" ScrollExtent="1,1" Size="1,1"></Button>
This may look complex but its easy to understand if we break it into its various parts.
raidsay= This bit sets the channel the announcement will go to. Note there's no need for a leeding slash.

(&apos;Activating &apos This bit contains a plain text portion of the announcement wrapped by parens and apostrophies. You can replace Activating with whatever text you want at the begining of the announcement. Note a space is needed to keep the plain text from butting up against the next bit.

## this bit glues the next bit onto the end of the previous bit. Its known as a concatination operator.

(Parent.RA) this bit contains a variable with the name of the ability we're activating.

## more glue

(&apos; on &apos another bit of plain text. You can replace on with whatever you want. Note the leading and trailing spaces needed to keep this text from butting up against the surrounding variables.

## even more glue

(Parent.Parent.RATar) this bit contains a variable with the name of the person the ability is targeting.

You can glue more bits on as you like, just be sure to use the ## between each bit and be mindfull of the need for spaces to seperate plain text from variables. The following example produces the following message.
raidsay {TargetName} needs help so I'm activating {RaidAbility} in his general direction. Hope {TargetName} lives long enough.
raidsay=(Parent.Parent.RATar)#(&apos; needs help so I'm activating &apos;)##(Parent.RA)##(&apos; in his general direction. Hope &apos;)##(Parent.Parent.RATar)##(&apos; lives long enough&apos;)
Note: you should always repeat the announcement to ensure it executes at least once. Due to SOE script limitations, the first attempt often doesn't execute.

Last edited by Zonx : 08-02-2007 at 01:54 AM.
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Unread 06-13-2007, 03:03 AM
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Default Editing Default Volumes Settings

Editing Default Volume Settings

Open eq2ui_mainhud_startbutton.xml in NotePad.

At the end of the very first line of code you should find the following...
VolCombat="8" VolMaster="8" VolMusic="10"
These values may be set to any integer from 0-20. 0 is mute, 20 is max volume.
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Unread 06-13-2007, 03:29 AM
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Default Editing Market Favs

Editing Market Favs

There is a seperate file for each of the 3 Market Favs menus.
_Fetish_market_favorites1.xml controls the left menu
_Fetish_market_favorites2.xml controls the center menu
_Fetish_market_favorites3.xml controls the right menu

Open any of these with NotePad.

You'll see several instances of something like the following code...
<Data Class="0" ComboItemType="0" Command=" " ItemName="Indium" ItemType="0" MaxLvl="100" MaxSkill="6" MinLvl="0" MinSkill="0" Name="Indium" SellerName=" " Slot="0" Special="0" text="Indium" Tier="0"/>
Most of the atribute="value" pairs corispond to a similarly named setting in the market window. MaxLvl for example is a number value that gets placed into the "Maximum Level" box of the Market window.

In several cases the expected value is a menu reference number. For instance the ItemType atribute expects a reference number for the menu selection. Reference number details can be found in the MarketFavs.txt file. SOE has changed the menus several times in the past. When this happens, I'll issue a new MarketFavs.txt file with updated reference numbers. You'll need to tweak your customized menus to use the revised numbers.

Price range setting is a bit more complex, requiring several lines of script to be added as the Command value. The default _Fetish_market_fav... files contain examples that should help. See MarketFavs.txt for more info.
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Unread 06-13-2007, 03:41 AM
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Default Customizing Personabar

Customizing Personabar

To set the default size to 2 blocks across (1 thin strip)

Open _Fetish_mainhud_personabar.xml in Notepad

The second and third line of code should read...
Change both instances of Size1 to Size2

To set Personabar to open at login

While in-game, press Alt+C (this should display Personabar)
Now manually drag-and-drop the bar from its current location to another location. Now Drag-and-drop it where you want it to stay. Wait at least 1 minute before camping. You should actually camp to force a save. /exit may prevent the change from being saved.

I know it sounds odd, but for technical reasons, EQ2 will not save the window as open unless its manually manipulated.

To remove Personabar completely

Delete _Fetish_mainhud_personabar.xml from your Fetish directory.
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Unread 06-13-2007, 03:56 AM
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Default Customizing Inventory

Customizing Inventory

Shrink by default

Open eq2ui_inventory_inventory.xml in NotePad.

Search for the first occurance of...
" PackLocation="
Replace with...
 Shrink.Checked=true Shrink.Activated=true" OnHide="Shrink.Checked=false Shrink.Activated=false" PackLocation="
Collapse by default

Search for the first occurance of...
" PackLocation="
Replace with...
 Collapse.Checked=true Collapse.Activated=true" OnHide="Collapse.Checked=false Collapse.Activated=false" PackLocation="
Shrink & Collapse by default

Search for the first occurance of...
" PackLocation="
Replace with...
 Shrink.Checked=true Shrink.Activated=true Collapse.Checked=true Collapse.Activated=true" OnHide="Shrink.Checked=false Shrink.Activated=false Collapse.Checked=false Collapse.Activated=false" PackLocation="
Stats by default
Search for the first occurance of...
" PackLocation="
Replace with...
 EquipmentPage.Stats.visible=true" PackLocation="
Stats + any size setting
Insert the following code befor any of the above replacements...
Note: With all of these replacements its important to retain leading spaces, quotes and keep everything on 1 line.
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Unread 06-13-2007, 03:58 AM
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Default Customizing BagStrip

Customizing BagStrip

See Customizing Inventory.
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Unread 08-02-2007, 02:00 AM
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Default Autodecline Loot as Default

Autodecline Loot as Default

Open eq2ui_mainhud_persona.xml in NotePad.

Near the start of the first line of code you should find the following...
Change the value from false to true.

Note: The checkbox will still show as unchecked and will require you to first check it, then uncheck it to disable Autodecline while in-game.
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Unread 12-17-2008, 08:54 PM
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Default Custom Window Background

Custom Window Background

If you want the same background graphic for all windows, simply modify Everquest II/UI/FetishNightfall/Images/fetish_background.dds

The following tweaks allow you to replace the background of most windows with a custom background while still using the standard Fetish background for specific windows.

Make a copy of fetish_background.dds named guild_background.dds.

Modify guild_background.dds to whatever you want for your guild background.

Open _FetishStyles.xml in NotePad.

Starting on line 1181, you'll find the following code
        <RectangleStyle Center="fetish_bg_center" CenterShrinkH="true" CenterShrinkV="true" EastStretch="false" Name="fetish_bg" NorthStretch="false" SouthStretch="false" TitleStretch="false" WestStretch="false" />
        <ImageStyle Filter="true" Name="fetish_bg_center">
            <ImageFrame Name="image" Source="images/fetish_background.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />
Replace with the following code...
        <RectangleStyle Center="fetish_bg_center" CenterShrinkH="true" CenterShrinkV="true" EastStretch="false" Name="no_guild_bg" NorthStretch="false" SouthStretch="false" TitleStretch="false" WestStretch="false" />
        <ImageStyle Filter="true" Name="fetish_bg_center">
            <ImageFrame Name="image" Source="images/fetish_background.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />
        <RectangleStyle Center="guild_bg_center" CenterShrinkH="true" CenterShrinkV="true" EastStretch="false" Name="fetish_bg" NorthStretch="false" SouthStretch="false" TitleStretch="false" WestStretch="false" />
        <ImageStyle Filter="true" Name="guild_bg_center">
            <ImageFrame Name="image" Source="images/guild_background.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />
That replaces the standard Fetish background with your custom background. To reapply the standard Fetish background to the Chat window...

Open eq2ui_mainhud_mainchat.xml in NotePad.
and replace with
The same search and replace can be done on any window you want to reapply the standard background.

To guard against overwriting these customizations, make backups of the modified files and use Windows property settings to set them to "Read Only".
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Unread 05-23-2009, 04:29 PM
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Default Background

Is there a way to make the pics full screen but in the background?

(The best of both worlds)

(The ones when you zone.)
Mr. Wrench
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Unread 03-14-2010, 12:11 PM
niun01 niun01 is offline
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Is there way to change the necro buttons on the raid and group quick cast bars to Conjuror versions of those same spells?
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Unread 03-14-2010, 01:12 PM
Tinypackages Tinypackages is offline
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Default Harvest Depot

WOW thank you for all that helpful information! I do have a question if anyone can PLEASE help me with. I use a custom UI (duh) one of this and one of that. No problems with any of it EXCEPT for the damn Harvesting Depot! The window is all BLACK. I know at one time I had the same problem with the Chat Box but got that fixed not that I remember how I did it!

Anyway I am pulling out all of my gnome hair trying to solve the problem with the Harvest Depot it is the only "box" that comes up all black!

Thank you so much for any help.

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Unread 03-14-2010, 02:54 PM
lordebon lordebon is offline
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Originally Posted by Tinypackages View Post
WOW thank you for all that helpful information! I do have a question if anyone can PLEASE help me with. I use a custom UI (duh) one of this and one of that. No problems with any of it EXCEPT for the damn Harvesting Depot! The window is all BLACK. I know at one time I had the same problem with the Chat Box but got that fixed not that I remember how I did it!

Anyway I am pulling out all of my gnome hair trying to solve the problem with the Harvest Depot it is the only "box" that comes up all black!

Thank you so much for any help.

Open your eq2ui_inventory.xml file. Make sure it has this line in it:

If it doesn't, add that line before the </Page> at the end. If it does, see if you have a eq2ui_inventory_container.xml file in your UI folder. If you do but it's coming up black, rename it something else and use the default version.
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Unread 03-14-2010, 06:52 PM
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Default lordebon You saved my life!

OMG ty.. I may be tiny but here is a BIG

You fixed it! That line (<include>eq2ui_inventory_container.xml</include>) was NOT in the eq2ui_inventory.xml file just as you said and POOF

I am as happy as the dancing (gnome style of course)

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Unread 03-14-2010, 06:54 PM
lordebon lordebon is offline
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Originally Posted by Tinypackages View Post
I am as happy as the dancing (gnome style of course)

Glad I could help
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Unread 03-24-2010, 02:02 PM
videomaji videomaji is offline
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Default you know it !

his UI lets ya ROCK OUT with your C*** OUT!

awsome ui guy
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Unread 03-25-2010, 10:57 PM
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Can we sticky this please awsome advise and help here ^ Thank you
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Unread 03-26-2010, 12:46 AM
lordebon lordebon is offline
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Originally Posted by Jamesc146 View Post
Can we sticky this please awsome advise and help here ^ Thank you
This thread is already a sticky
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Unread 04-12-2010, 07:54 PM
danizen danizen is offline
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Default Quest Helper Window Font Size

how would 1 go about adjusting the questhelper window font/text size with Fetish Nightfall v11.3 ?

Last edited by danizen : 04-12-2010 at 07:57 PM.
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Unread 08-09-2010, 10:30 AM
Tivari Tivari is offline
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Default Refresh/buff immunity customization

I downloaded the latest fetish when i saw there was a buff immunity timer and whatnot. Trick is, I'm not a healer, I'm a Troubador. I want the buff timer for Jester's Cap which I spam across the raid, and was hoping it keep track of the immunities on peeps, since Jcap will not allow another Jcap on the same target for 2 minutes after a wears off (total of 2:30 for rebuff on 1 target). I see after running the UI thats its preset to various healers. Any way to make it work for Troubies and track Jester's Caps?
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Unread 08-09-2010, 07:15 PM
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Sounds like you're confusing a few things.

The buff immunity timer window is accessed via the FetishCentral menu. It is set to Jester's Cap by default and produces immunity progress bars for up to 5 people currently with immunity. Once you have a rotation rolling, you can even recast from this window when immunity expires on a person.

Note: Letting immunity expire on more than 1 person before recasting can result in a person getting dropped from the immunity window, requiring you to cast on them via other means.

The Buffimmunity window is completely separate from ClickAbilities, which is used for casting across Raid and Group via buttons in the raid and group windows. Enabling the titlebar in these windows should reveal a small "S" button. Click that to bring up the "On-the-fly" settings window.

The sets you find in that window can be permanently changed out-of-game via the exe found in UI/FetishNightfall/Plugins
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Unread 08-30-2010, 10:33 AM
Zatris Zatris is offline
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Default Guildbank UI window

First let me say nice looking UI, great functionality. i am having an issue with the guild bank ui window. the window itself has not shrunk much but the icon/placeholder/slots have shrunk disproportionately and hard to see. The mouse pointer is bigger then these ! Note that the tradeskill window ability icons have the same issue of being too small in proportion to the windows size, ( I swapped the stop and recipes button already for easier access to it)

Can you help me edit this? I would be one thing if they stretched to fit the window but they dont. I use 1280x1024 display, not everyone owns a widescreen monitor.
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Unread 09-07-2010, 08:14 PM
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If the icons are too small for your taste, I recommend just deleting eq2ui_mainhud_guild_bank.xml from your FetishNightfall directory. This will result in the default Guild Bank window being loaded, with its larger icons.

Other than size and spacing, there's not much difference between the Fetish version and the default. If the difference in style bothers you, you could copy the default file into the FetishNightfall directory, open it and a copy of the standard Fetish version side-by-side in Notepad, and replace all Color and Style values in the default copy with those found the Fetish version.
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Unread 09-16-2010, 04:50 PM
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thanks for the help Zonx.
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Unread 09-29-2011, 05:08 PM
I420bdawg I420bdawg is offline
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Default Fetish Nightfall (No Purple)

Hi is there any easy way to make it so that we can change the Purple colors to something else? Not that the purple isn't nice. I'm just not a huge fan of that color!
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