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Unread 04-26-2005, 10:11 AM
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Default EQ2 - Time to Cash In My Chips

Well Guys,

Unfortunately I have a short attention span, and I've gotten extremely bored with the game already. Nothing at all wrong with the game, I love it. I'm just bored. It feels very repetitive at the moment, and has for some time now. I felt this way just before entering Thundering Steeps, but getting to where I could run around there, seemed to help the boredom, until I got bored there. I though getting access to Zek and The Enchanted Lands would help, but it hasn't. The scenery is beautiful, but the underlying game play just doesn't feel any different below the surface. The faces change, but the mobs stay the same, so to speak. To date, the game I have liked best, and played the most was Starcraft. So, I am going to start looking in the direction of other games similar to that. I've gotten as much, or perhaps more enjoyment from working on the mods for EQ2 as I have in the game! In a way I hate to leave, but, I'm not having fun, and that is the main reason you play a game right? If I'm not playing, I'm sure you understand my motivation to develop mods for the game go away also.
I may change my mind, I can be fickle at times, but the game just feels like too much work to be fun. They are trying to make things easier for the casual player, which is nice, but it's still just not where it needs to be for me. I want to find a game that I can spend more time playing, instead of it taking a hour of my play time to find a group, to only have 10 minutes left to play. In my case this is probably going to mean not playing a MMOG.

The really sad issue, is that I feel the game as a whole, is really being hurt by the drive to make it more casual gamer friendly. I never played EQ1, but I know much of what hardcore gamers loved about that game, is now gone in EQ2. Gamers like me, that can't devote that kind of time to a game, can simply go find another game, there are tons of them out there, and more every day. Where do the hardcore gamers go though? It's not like there is really any alternative game to go to, and now EQ2 isn't even going to provide them the challenge that EQ1 did. On top of that Station Exchange is a slap in the face to that hardcore gamer base, that stuck around for 5+ years in EQ1. I understand that it's a smart business move, and I think SOE is going to grab a huge piece of that market share of the virtual goods market. Knowing how corporations work in America I can honestly say that I don't believe the game developers had any say in that decision.

Anyway, this letter was way longer than I wanted it to be.

So, anyway that being said, I don't see myself continuing with any UI projects. As far as support for them or any changes, I would feel comfortable sharing my login information with Laffs, or Ger is you guys want it.



EDIT: I hate to leave things unfinished so I still plan to finish up a couple of things if I can.
Qeynos Ranger (Retired)
Lucan D'Lere

Last edited by Kosmos : 04-26-2005 at 04:55 PM.
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Unread 04-26-2005, 11:01 AM
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This is a sad day for the EQ2 interface community and those who play on your server Kosmos. You WILL be MISSED as your mods are of great inspiration and help to others and personally to me.

I hope to see you around the forum here or possibly in the next game you choose to play. Good luck to you and may the best of everything come your way.

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Unread 04-26-2005, 11:10 AM
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Dang sorry hear this

But you are right in many respects, personaly I played and still do play eq1 for coming up 3 years now.... Anyway I will not mumble on and get to the point lol

Yes your right if its not fun anymore then there is no point, And a good time to move on... I hope you find another game to enjoy soon.

It has been a real pleasure working with you on a few projects etc, Also Its nice to hear that you feel you can place your trust in me (and Ger), That realy does mean one hell of a lot to me /bow, Thanks

Its sad to see you move on, But all things must come to pass eventualy, Drop me an email sometime to let me know how your getting on bud GL to you
Laffs UI Mods
I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look to good either !
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Unread 04-26-2005, 06:46 PM
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I was going to wait until the next update hit Test to give them one last chance, but what the heck.

Same here.

Game's been boring for a month. I've played 3 characters up to level 25-ish and there was simply nothing I felt like doing after I finished their armor quests. Like Kosmos said, it's all the same enemies with new bodies. Add to that, I play in the middle of the night and could never find a group with ANY of my characters. The other night owls on Nektulos seem to have vanished. I got bored with soloing with no clear short-term objectives, and nothing new and interesting to do or see, so I rolled up a few alts. After two characters growing up in each city, that got old too. Got to the point where modding was more fun than playing. Maybe it always was for me.

Last straw was when they broke the recenter camera key in third-person with Update 6. /bug'd it on Test and posted on forums. Went live anyway. I was annoyed in the game by the camera about 60 times an hour (yes, I used it once a minute on average). Thread started. Blackguard said they'd fix it in 7. 7 comes around and it's not, instead they post that it was fixed in first-person, when it was never broken in the first place. Test feedback post and /bug. Again, it goes live. Another thread is started, and Moorgard comes in and says it's not a bug. A-choo! Sorry, but I'm allergic to bull****. I'll take my $15 a month and buy two Dragonlance/Forgotten Realms books (which I'll finish in 5 days at most) and get more entertainment out of it. Book authors don't come to your house and make turning the page harder.

Add in the fact that they just busted a bunch of the DynamicData tags and never enabled the Groupmember ones... yeah, not getting much satisfaction out of UI modding anymore either. I can't even bring myself to finish up and release the rest of the MookUI windows.

Thus ends the relationship between me and EQ2. There's 2 last PC games I'm waiting for (Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, and Boundless Adventures), but I think I'm switching back to consoles for good now.

So, what's that mean for me here? Well, on May 3rd when my account runs out, I'll be setting all my mods to allow patch/addon submissions, and release the tradeskill reactions window whether I get the Woodworking skills or not.

I'll still hang around doing my moderator duties (until Dolby gets sick of my bound-to-be-increasingly grumpy attitude and unmods me) and giving advice (hurray, I'm a consultant!), but no more mods, updates to my mods, fix testing, or helpful discoveries out of me.

Anyway, enough out of me. Dynasty Warriors 5 and the last half of Chaos and Amber are calling again. Sorry to hijack your thread, Kosmos.

See you all on the other side, wherever that may be.

If it ain't broke, it needs more features!

Last edited by Deathbane27 : 04-26-2005 at 06:48 PM.
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Unread 04-26-2005, 06:59 PM
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Sorry to hear that you guys are leaving Everquest II. It doesn’t make sense for you to play something your not having fun with. You guys have been great community members and have improved many peoples quality of game play with your interface work.

For me I'm still having a lot of fun exploring EQ2 as a lvl 38 (almost 39) paladin. I did feel a major slump around lvl 25 - 30 but my friends and guild members got me through it.

If its groups your having trouble finding maybe if you feel the urge to play again in the future you should try a more populated server. The server I play on is fairly active and never had a major problem finding a group.

Last edited by Dolby : 04-26-2005 at 07:14 PM.
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Unread 04-26-2005, 07:25 PM
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Omg two hard hits in one day

Real sorry to see you go as well, And yups I do understand your frustration on on all accounts of this also....

For me its 50/50 love the modding / the game and both seem to give the same emotions at times lol..... All my guildies and friends have gotton 10 lvls plus on me since I been messing with this stuff, But what the hell I always been a loner anyways lol

Well I hope you find what your looking for and GL to you also bud....
Laffs UI Mods
I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look to good either !
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Unread 04-26-2005, 07:55 PM
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**talks like the FSR Rat Merch in the Crossroads**

"No, no no nos nos! Yous donts play da game, Iz donts want to talks to yous! "

JK, This is too bad. Funny thing (not really) I hit a slump at 25 myself, so I made a few alts and got bored. So I switched servers and started all over. Blackburrow is the unofficial modders server. Heh. MrBobble needs ta visit this site and lookit all these unhappy people! Not like anything would get done anyway *grumbles*

Too bad to see you leave, glad though that you will be somewhat active on teh boards though.
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Unread 04-26-2005, 08:16 PM
Noubourne Noubourne is offline
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Man did I ever take a hit around 25 after AQs. Happened on my Templar, which I quit playing, and on my Necro I started to die out quick after 23.

I'm really glad I pushed through till 30 though. Once I hit EL and Zek and all the solo/small groupage opened up to me, and the hundreds of new quests, new zones, new mobs, and I FINALLY got a set of almost pure necro spells, the game really turned around for me.

Sorry to see both of you go, but to be honest, I've heard more than a few people complain about the mid 20s in this game, and I tend to agree. Something is lacking in carrying you through to the new areas, and honestly I don't know what it is. Perhaps Nek is too big for running around in, and needs some air transport? That would make levelling through the errand quests in there a bit more tolerable.

Anyway, sorry to see both of you go. Good luck to ya.
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Unread 04-26-2005, 08:26 PM
decadre decadre is offline
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I used to hate the 20s in the original EQ as well. Anyway Good luck to you all wherever you end up at.

I know one of you mentioned that you are going back to consoles, but I've been tooling around some in The Matrix Online. It's not as bad as all of the bad hype it was getting here and there. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Oh yeah, thanks for all of the awesome mods and interface work you all have done.
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Unread 04-26-2005, 09:02 PM
Maelsturm Maelsturm is offline
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Good luck to both of you and manyh thaks for the wonderful work you have done for the EQ2 community. I unfortunately have to agree with you, the game has gotten boring. I have a 31 Templar, 27 Monk and 20 Bezerker and it is the same ole stuff everyday. I however have taken to playing the likes of Silent Hunter 3 and Empire Earth 2 as a break from EQ2. Won't totally dump the game but will drastically reduce my play time and mix it with other games. SoE needs to do something fast. Alot of the changes they made since release were not for the good imho.

Anyway you both will be missed, I wish you the best of luck in everything you do and may you be safe and live long.

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Unread 04-26-2005, 09:45 PM
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I can honestly say that none of my mods would have been possible without your contributions to the boards here!


As I said, I'll stick around and finish up a couple of projects that I'm halfway through, and who knows maybe still screw around with a thing here or there, but the game simply has no pull at all for me.
Qeynos Ranger (Retired)
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Unread 04-27-2005, 01:08 AM
Killarny Killarny is offline
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It's too bad we can't all create our own server and play there :P

I'd love to be able to play with most of you guys, but I don't think anyone except Quib is on Grobb
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Unread 04-27-2005, 01:41 AM
flemer flemer is offline
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Ack, I've taken so many nice pieces from UI's that you two have created, it's a damn shame to see you both quitting the game, but hey, you'll have a head start modding other games, so I can come along later and pinch your ideas.

Big thanks for all the time you've put into the interfaces, and by #### I totally share the frustration with the broken and not implimented dynamic data.
Pity of ====Runnyeye====
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Unread 04-27-2005, 01:57 AM
Djanee Djanee is offline
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Wow, it will be a great loss to the EQ2Interface community to lose you guys. I've ever so slowly been getting bolder in what I'll try and it's because of good coders like you guys putting out working examples that I could pick apart to try to understand. You will be missed.

In the end, it's a game and it has to be fun. If not it's time to find what makes you happy. I wish you safe journeys and fun times ahead. If our paths should cross in the future, at least be in new places with old friends.
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Unread 04-27-2005, 08:06 AM
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Gah! Man, I work a 14 hour day and look what happens while I'm gone. *grabs at Kosmos' and Deathbane27's ankles* Don't leave us…! Ah well, I guess in the end you really do need to do whatever makes you happy. I know I stayed in SWG too long and it became more like a job than a game. Hope y'all find something fun to keep you occupied and out of trouble.
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Unread 04-27-2005, 10:07 AM
diabolist diabolist is offline
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Default Ack....

Guess I really nead to learn to program now, instead of modifying others work. Lol, have fun where ever you end up, lets face it , fun is what its all about, in the first place.
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Unread 05-17-2005, 10:16 AM
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Default Women! and Virtual Property

Girlfirend: "So, you are not going to play Kosmos any more?"

Me: "Nah, I've already cancled the account, it expires at the end of the month"

Girlfriend: ".... sooo ... You won't be needing you're stuff any more?"

Me: "GASP! You want to strip Kosmos? After all he has done for you!"

Girlfriend: "Well, it's not like he is going to need all those bank boxes since he will be DEAD!!"

Me: " You HARPIE!! Shame on you!"

So you pretty much know it's over when your significant other strips your character down his clothes from the Ilse of Refuge and sells your gear the the stingy merchant.

So Kosmos has been logged off, nakid, alone and


No respect I tell yah! NO RESPECT!
Qeynos Ranger (Retired)
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Unread 05-17-2005, 10:28 AM
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At least she left you with something
Laffs UI Mods
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Unread 05-17-2005, 11:21 AM
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Hate to see you guys go. You should at least hang around until all the combat changes are in and until the first expansion! I have the feeling by what Im seeing that things are/will be getting better.
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Unread 05-17-2005, 11:40 AM
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Lol. Although I can't say I didn't see something like that coming.
If it ain't broke, it needs more features!
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Unread 05-20-2005, 05:06 AM
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Default Kosmos has been found!!

Whilst wandering around trying to follow a bugged waypoint... Low and behold ! ...here's Kosmos lurking about in some cell...

In his disorientated state he mumbled somthing about the cell door being hardcoded and all his atempts to remove the door from the code had failed so far....

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Laffs UI Mods
I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look to good either !
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Unread 05-20-2005, 08:09 AM
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OMG Where did you find that! That is funny as hell!

But it appears that my plauge is gone.
Qeynos Ranger (Retired)
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Unread 05-20-2005, 09:08 AM
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Lol.. I was in North Freeport lastnight looking for some quest npc and the waypoint seemed to lead through The Academy of Arcane Science and down, so I went downstairs, waypoint vanished, one guard down there and a figure in the distance in a cell, "Ah that must be the dude Im looking for" runs up to the cell "damn thats not the right one" , "Hold on!!, Hey look everyone I found Kosmos!" Lmao........ Of course the response I got was who the ...... is Kosmos? is he needed for a quest?, "Nvm guys just hold on whilst I get a SS of this"

Thought you would like it lol
Laffs UI Mods
I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look to good either !
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Unread 05-20-2005, 09:36 AM
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Since I was a qeynos ranger, I wonder if when the account expires it does that for a while? that's so dang funny!
Qeynos Ranger (Retired)
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Unread 05-20-2005, 12:07 PM
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/petition.Lucan_D`Lere> FREE KOSMOS!
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