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Category: Tradeskill windowZ TradeSkill with Tinkering and Transmute
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Name: Z TradeSkill with Tinkering and Transmute   Popular!
Date: 01-15-2008 09:44 AM
Size: 7.83 Kb
Version: LU41 V22
Rate Addon: 5 out of 5 with 21 votes  
Patch & Add-on List
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282.78 Kb
06-04-2006 02:01 PM
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Size: 93.42 Kb
Dimensions: 1091 x 442
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Size: 61.53 Kb
Dimensions: 663 x 468
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Size: 45.27 Kb
Dimensions: 625 x 466
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Size: 64.90 Kb
Dimensions: 779 x 466
Live Update (LU) 41 Compatible

Z TradeSkill Window
Finally!! Always On recipe book, allows for recipe browsing while you create an item. This is the Tradeskill window for crafters!

This mod adds these features to the stardard window and fixes...
New Recipe on/off checkbox, turns off recipes during creation and back on again when done! VERY POWERFUL USE WISELY
Re-design of size and new progress tick marks for production! Shows you where you need to be, to produce the next quality of item.
Converted for the new LU40 tradeskill window
added <ENTER> to repeat setup and <ESC> to stop

Added LU40 updates


If you wish to add this mod as part of an existing UI, extract the the .xml file to your custom UI folder.

If you haven't installed any UI mods yet, check out the following thread for instructions. http://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2
Archive List (Old Versions)
File Name
LU40 V21
7.73 Kb
11-21-2007 07:37 PM
LU40 V20
7.73 Kb
11-15-2007 10:33 PM
LU37 V19
26.92 Kb
08-24-2007 10:09 PM
LU37 V18
26.21 Kb
08-15-2007 10:16 AM
LU37 V17
26.12 Kb
08-13-2007 07:15 PM
LU35 V16
22.90 Kb
06-11-2007 03:33 PM
98.03 Kb
05-29-2007 09:16 AM
21.51 Kb
05-10-2007 09:25 AM
98.03 Kb
05-03-2007 06:49 PM
Version 12.0 LU
21.49 Kb
03-22-2007 10:02 PM
File Statistics
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5 out of 5 with 21 votes
Downloads: 71429
Views: 283422
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Unread 01-15-2015, 06:06 PM  
A Coastal Crab
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I like the look and layout of this much better than the other tradeskill UI's I see - I wish it worked! Here's to hoping some smart person will make another similar one.
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Unread 03-09-2011, 11:32 AM  
A Dervish Cutthroat
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Originally posted by Seagoat
I've toyed around with the idea of doing my mod with this kind of layout and functionality, and the DoV breakage is one more reason to get to it. No ETA, since real life takes precedence, but it's something I do want to do eventually.
Oh please do!

I miss this mod so much, it has been so helpful.
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Unread 02-24-2011, 01:13 PM  
A Griffon
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Originally posted by autumnal00
A now broken Masterpiece; Going to miss this very much.
I've toyed around with the idea of doing my mod with this kind of layout and functionality, and the DoV breakage is one more reason to get to it. No ETA, since real life takes precedence, but it's something I do want to do eventually.
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Unread 02-24-2011, 11:22 AM  
A Brown Bear

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A now broken Masterpiece; Going to miss this very much.

Last edited by autumnal00 : 02-24-2011 at 11:27 AM.
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Unread 08-13-2009, 07:59 PM  
A Griffon
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Great Mod

I love this mod it works well with my Profit ui. the only thing I don't like about it is the small fonts and icons used. I would love to see an update or alternate version of this with normal sized icons and text. If there is someone out there that could show me how to mod this back to the normal text and icons too that would be great! Matt you have done a wonderful job on this!
ohh, also a writ timer would be great to incorperate too.

Last edited by Jamesc146 : 08-13-2009 at 08:00 PM.
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Unread 03-25-2009, 05:43 PM  
A Coastal Crab

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Awesome MOD

Awesome MOD one thing i would like to see added to it would be a timer for rush orders

will use always, regardless!!
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Unread 12-15-2008, 09:35 AM  
A Coastal Crab

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installing it

still can't find a way to install it.
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Unread 09-15-2008, 04:22 AM  
A Coastal Crab

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Broken Link

Your link to explain Installation "If you haven't installed any UI mods" is quite Broken! So alas I will continue my search for a Tradeskill mod else where....
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Unread 07-29-2008, 06:19 PM  
A Brown Bear
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Re: the <Enter> key


For instance: I make wolf totems for residual income, typically 64 at a time. So I start the first batch and use my numpad to do the skills. At the end I'd like to hit enter twice and continue on, however...it seems to change focus and instead of activating the skills my char starts turning. I have to use the mouse to "refocus" the skill window in order to use the numpad again.

Am I missing something? [/b]
Yes!! There is a focus problem, its been that way for a while now and I have not been able to resolve it. yet. I will be around the country for the next couple of weeeks too so I will not have much time to resolve this issue. Sorry for the delay.

Frog Soup
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Unread 07-27-2008, 06:59 AM  
A Coastal Crab

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the <Enter> key

I've had this mod for quite a while now and I love it.

I've just recently really gotten into tradeskilling and one thing that I notice is how you loose focus if you use enter to repeat the recipe.

For instance: I make wolf totems for residual income, typically 64 at a time. So I start the first batch and use my numpad to do the skills. At the end I'd like to hit enter twice and continue on, however...it seems to change focus and instead of activating the skills my char starts turning. I have to use the mouse to "refocus" the skill window in order to use the numpad again.

Am I missing something?
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Unread 07-14-2008, 11:11 AM  
A Griffon
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definately THE best tradeskill mod out there... for some reason the recipes are disappearing when crafting now though... very odd... maybe i screwed something up in my ui setup.

edit: all fixed. i was stupid :P

Last edited by anfrey : 07-14-2008 at 01:17 PM.
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Unread 07-06-2008, 04:14 PM  
A Young Mystail Rat

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Exclamation HELP!!!

Update today blew up this mod.

I wish I knew how to fix it ... but I am no good with that stuff. Are you planning on updating? I hope so. This was the only TS mod I found that had the always on recipe book, which I found SO helpful on thouse RUSH Writs.

So please, if you are still doing mods, please update this one!

Pierga, Oasis
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Unread 04-28-2008, 12:54 PM  
A Brown Bear

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Z TradeSkill with Tinkering and Transmute

Happy !! I think everything is great Just still a little too big. I see alot of wasted space. Like in the crafting window. There is a big waste in the frame (box) where the "tools" are. If that could be adjustable or made small it that would be great or even adjust the whole crafting window or allow the user to adjust it making it even smaller. I run EQ in 1280 by 1024

Thank you again for this tradeskill window. Just hoping you can make it more adjustable or smaller or get rid of dead space. When I do craft I use the Show Crafting Mode ONLY.

I will see how to post this to you personally. Not too good at the format here on eq2interface.

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Unread 04-13-2008, 07:12 AM  
A Dervish Cutthroat
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Great mod, I love this thing!!!

The esc to cancel is perfect, and not having the enter key activate stop is wonderful, I lost a number of items (using a different mod) due to hitting enter to chat with people and it stopped my combines.

The only thing I would say could use changing is moving the event icons to the top of the window, replacing the item icon preferably.

The event icons in the book icon place is too far below the focus of vision, which is the progress/durability bars, if the events showed up nearer to the focus of vision then it would give you all the information you need without having to glance down a bit to see exactly which reaction is appearing. Right now you can see that there is something but can't tell which one unless you shift your gaze down a bit to see it in detail, having it up higher would allow you to see it without having to shift focus to it.

Thank you for a great mod!!!
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Unread 02-26-2008, 11:52 AM  
A Brown Bear
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Unhappy Re: I really want to like this...

Originally posted by iesmeh
I've used previous versions of this just fine, but now it's a bit awkward to use. Seems no matter how I fiddle with it, the in-progress crafting area of the window refuses to be resized properly. It results in the crafting reactions be arranged in a sideways L pattern, when I want them to be in a nice, neat line. 123456. Instead, I always get


A grab bar between the recipe list and the other half would be ideal, I think.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I know!! Its so furstrating! I am going to fix this when I have a sec. BTW all the folks that asked for the mouseless crafting, please know, i cant figure out what the DEVs did but its a real pain to fix and I have spent a good amount of time trying to remedy the problems.

More to follow... Frog Soup
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