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Unread 12-03-2006, 10:53 AM
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A Green Troll
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Join Date: Dec 2004
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Default Nightfall Update History

Version 11.9 Notes

Version 11.9 is a minor update to 11.0. SOE DoV update.
  • Map: Support for ROIs included.

Version 11.8 Notes

Version 11.8 is a minor update to 11.0. SOE LU58 & FreeBlood update.
  • ClickCures: Corrected a bug that prevented group and raid cures from casting.
  • Persona: Corrected a bug that prevented the right side privacy options from being clicked.

Version 11.7 Notes

Version 11.7 is a minor update to 11.0. SOE LU58 & FreeBlood update.
  • BuffImmunity: Expanded to 6 slots. Targets should now retain their slots. Added a button next to each slot that tags the slot as available to be filled with your next Immunity target. If that target already occupies a later slot, that slot will be cleared and made available. Note: Currently running timers can't be safely cleared, instead a "Resetting" label will show over the timer until it completes, at which point it becomes available to be filled by a new target.
  • ClickCures: Updated to use the new /cureplayer command. Should prevent pots from being consumed if no detriment exists. Added menus for personal cure settings which can be set to "spell and pot, pot only, spell only" for each cure type.
  • Experience: Normal mode now shows the original Fetish Start button with performance and volume settings.
  • GroupOptions: Added now standard auto-loot options.
  • ImpliedTarget: Added casting bar.
  • Knowledge: Added research page.
  • Loot: Removed custom auto-loot code now that this is standard from SOE.
  • Marketplace: Updated and moved to global.
  • NCS2: Added Freeblood.
  • Options: Added "Advanced" button.
  • Persona: Added Mount and Currency pages. Added "Summon Mount" button to Equipent page. Removed custom auto-loot options.
  • RaceChange: Added Freeblood.
  • Target: Added casting bar.
  • Trade: Expanded to 12 slots.
  • Welcome: Skinned as much as SOE alows. Added code to auto-hide on first login.
  • Images: Skinned a few default image files to support the unmodable Welcome screen. Should also make default windows you might load in the future a bit more Fetish-like.

Version 11.6 Notes

Version 11.6 is a minor update to 11.0. SOE LU57 update.
  • FetishLauncher: This custom window launch bar replaces the launch buttons SOE added to the XP window. Its compact, completely hideable, resizes like a hotbar, and includes buttons for all the Custom Fetish windows. Access it from the "L" button added to the XP window.
  • Persona: Merged Inventory. Inventory Shrink and BagStrip removed. Collapse mode still available from the titlebar, auto-switches to the inventory tab and collapses down to the bottom 2 icon rows. Equipment and Appearance slots are now accessable at the same time. AutoInventory and Double-Click equipping items that could go to either target obey the pre-existing toggle button. Bonus! You can now drag items between Equipment and appearance slots!
  • Map: Updated to include latest from SOE. I have not tested if its safe to allow the Map updater to overwrite MainHUD.Map, but I think it should be safe.
  • Experience: Added an "L" button to the titlebar to open FetishLauncher, otherwise the window's appearance and behavior is unchanged. Note: SOE hard-coded auto-stretch when the XP window touches the top or bottom of the screen. This will be automagically disabled in the next week, until then move the window a few pixels away from screen edge if you don't want full width.
  • GroupMembers: Removed the button pages disabled by SOE.
  • WindowSettings: Reimplemented slider textboxes disabled by SOE.
  • Cosmetic: Reskined a buncha of stuff changed by SOE, including Breath, Casting, PvPImmunity.
  • Maintained: Added SOE version numbers to reflect their rev that matches my existing functionality, i.e no real change in functionality on my end, but without the version number the client would complain.

Note: There are several "less than ideal" cosmetics I intend to change in a future update, but I wanted to get this update out sooner rather than later.

Version 11.4 Notes

Version 11.4 is a minor update to 11.0. Halas update.
  • ClickAbilities: Defaults updated to T9 spells.
  • GuildBank: Scrollbar should now show when the window is to short to sow all rows.
  • Journal: Storylines updated for Halas release.
  • TravelMap: Added and skined.
  • NewCharacterScene2: Updated for Halas.

Version 11.3 Notes

Version 11.3 is a minor update to 11.0. T9 update.
  • ClickCures: Updated to include T9 pots.
  • EditMacro: Increased scroll button speed. Fixed "equip item" dropdown alignment.
  • EQ2Maps: Updated to address SOE changes to group and raid member location icons.
  • Guild: Fixed Guild Hall location.
  • InfoCenter: Added T9 harvest info.
  • Inspect Player: Fixed the Mitigation score.
  • Inventory: Added T9 rare harvest info to the help tooltip.
  • Market: Level sliders now go to 90.
  • Market Favorites: Added T9 harvest info to the left dropdown.
  • Popup Select: Increased scroll button speed.

Version 11.2 Notes

Version 11.2 is a minor update to 11.0. This update addresses SOE changes for the Sentinel's of Fate early release.

I wanted to get something out ASAP but please be aware this update has not been tested on live servers.

Version 11.1 Notes

Version 11.1 is a minor update to 11.0. This update corrects a bug known to cause serious performance problems on some systems. Additionally several windows have been updated and in some cases had their file names changed to protect the innocent.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.
  • Custom Windows: All custom includes have been relocated to the eq2ui_custom.xml file. In many cases, file names were changed to better reflect their new location. Script references to custom windows from standard windows where also updated.
  • ClickCures: Completely overhauled the system to provide a single configuration point for abilities and associated announcements. The new ClickCures window can be accessed via FetishCentral. It allows in-game on-the-fly configuration of announcements to Group, Raid, Tell and a custom channel for each cure type. Setings apply globally to the Player, Group, and Raid windows. Default settings can be edited out-of-game via Notepad.
  • FetishCentral: Overhauled to include all custom windows, appear and behave much like the start menu.
    Note: Modders that re-purpose FetishNightfall should be aware this window's positioning code is dependent on the corresponding button added to eq2ui_startbutton.xml. You might also want to see how I implemented screen edge detection
  • StartButton: Now includes a button for direct access to FetishCentral.
    Note: Modders that re-purpose FetishNightfall should be aware positioning code within FetishCentral is dependent on this button.
  • StartMenu: All Custom buttons except FetishCentral moved to FetishCentral.
  • Maintained: Color shifting feature removed due to excessive performance impact.
  • Refresh: Color shifting feature removed due to excessive performance impact. Added a close button.
  • Bank: Added toggle buttons for Bags, Boxes, Bags & Boxes.
  • Guild: The window should now be dragable via the titlebar. Join Dates and zone names in the member list should better accommodate non-English clients. Tooltips were also added in the event clipping still occurs.
  • HTML Bookmarks: Added some additional links.
  • Locator: Updated dropdown window list.
  • Merchant: Component requirements shifted to the right to allow for easier reading of item names when the window is set to minimum width. Note: alrhough I did test the display with some vendors, it is possible that longer coin cost listings may be obscured. If this is a problem, feel free to rollback this window to a prior version.
  • Persona, Personabar, InspectPlayer, Inventory: Removed obsolete Attack rating and corrected some other minor issues.
  • Layouts: Removed outdated layouts. Added new XML layouts for 1600x1200, 1680x1050, and 1920x1200. Standard install will place copies in both the "Layouts" sub-directory and in the "Everquest II" directory for easier loading via /load_uisettings.

Version 11.0 Notes

Version 11.0 is a major update to 10.0. This update is primarily a maintenance update for SOE changes. A few commonly used windows MUST be updated to function and several new windows where added.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.
Note: the raidabilities file has changed to better support international clients and ClickAbilities in the Player and Group windows. You will need to re-enter any customizations. The RaidAbilitiesEditor Plugin v1.1 is compatible and included.

  • SOE Changes: All new windows added and skinned. Existing windows that changed have been updated.
  • Examine: LootDB links should not take you directly to the item description.
  • Maintained: The "R" toggle button in the Maintained window should now properly toggle the Refresh window visibility. Additionally, ability names will now color shift Yellow, Orange, Red, as the ability is nearing expiration.
  • RaidAbilities Editor: Version 1.1 included.
  • Refresh: The custom "Refresh" window accessible through FetishCentral or via the "R" toggle button in the Maintained window should now be working as intended. You may add up to 6 ability names to the filler settings window to filter the list while in-game. Alternately you may load any of the presets (customizable out-of-game). Additionally, ability names will now color shift Yellow, Orange, Red, as the ability is nearing expiration.
  • Target & Implied Target: Should now show a star when targeting an NPC worth AA that you have not receive AA for.

Version 10.9 Notes

Version 10.9 is a minor update to 10.0. This update adds a several new features and addresses some spell macro issues caused by recent SOE changes.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.
Note: the raidabilities file has changed to better support international clients and ClickAbilities in the Player and Group windows. You will need to manually re-enter any customizations. The RaidAbilitiesEditor Plugin v1 is not compatible.

Introducing FetishCentral:
This new window can be opened from the EQ2StartMenu and provides access to several other custom windows.

Introducing DruidRings and Spires:
These two windows can be accessed from FetishCentral. Together they provide a complete selection of buttons to activate any Circle, Portal or Transloc. Should be compatable with any language client. (Based on mods by Pooka)

Introducing Buff Immunty Timers:
These two windows can be accessed from FetishCentral. Displays buff immunity progress bars for a single spell cast on up to 5 targets. English client users can edit the spell name and immunity duration in-game or change the default "Jester's Cap" by editing the file in Notepad. Sorry but this mod probably wont work for non-English clients since it depends on script to compare buff names. (Based on mod by EQAditu)

Introducing ClickAbilities:
RaidAbilities have been extended into the Player and Group windows. In the lower right corner of the Player window, you'll now find an expander button. This toggles the ClickAbilities bar for both the Player and Group windows. Once expanded, you'll see 3 buttons under each player area. These buttons use the same abilities available in the raid window. The settings panel has been centralized. It can be accessed from the "S" button in the Raid window, the "S" button in the lower left corner of the Player ClickAbilites bar, or from FetishCentral.

All presets are now International friendly, but international users will need to make a small edit to _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml
In Notepad search for
replace with
International users will also need to provide the proper spell number for any custom abilities.
  • SOE Changes: Included and skinned Research window. Updated Voicebar and Book.
  • Broker: Updated the favorites and guide. Add T8 Harvests.
  • MainChat: Chat input should no longer jiggle when the titlebar is enabled.
  • Persona: Updated the window access bar.
  • Player: Incorporated cure pots and AFK tweaks by Dethdlr.
  • Refresh & RefreshFilters: Moved to Custom.

Version 10.8 Notes

Version 10.8 is a minor update to 10.0. This update addresses a few bugs and adds a several new features.

Due to EQ2Map's current state of flux, I strongly recommend...
setting the copy of eq2ui_mainhud_map2.xml installed by this update to READ-ONLY prior to running the updater. Likewise for all "Skinable..." files found under UI/FetishNightfall/eq2map2. Allowing the EQ2Map updater to overwrite these files could result in a broken map, or worse.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.

Introducing Fetish Plugins!
In your FetishNightfall directory you will find a new Plugins directory. This update includes the first of what I hope will be several utilities that will simplify customizing your Fetish UI. If you have experience programming Windows EXEs and have an idea for a plugin, feel free to PM me with the details.

The new RaidAbilitiesEditor Plugin was developed by Dethdlr to simplify editing your RaidAbility sets. No more need to poor over nerdy XML in Notepad, just launch this editor from the Plugins directory... it will automagically read in your current settings, present a simple interface for making changes, and allow you to save those settings.
Note: These changes will not be available in-game until you fully relog.
  • SOE Changes: Included and skinned Welcome and Marketplace windows. Also made them resizeable.
  • Broker: Max level adjusted to 80. Min/Max Level Sliders, Text and Spinners now properly update eachother.
  • ExamineItem: Added ClickBrowse buttons for EQ2Links, LootDB and Xanadu.
  • ExamineSpellEffect: Added ClickBrowse buttons for Google, Allakhazam's and EQ2i.
    Note: Color formatting on Examined Maintained Spells preclude scripting searches.
  • GroupMembers: Class icons should now update automagically.
  • GuildCreation: Fixed a bug that prevented entering a Guild Name.
  • HotkeyOptions: Includes the new assignment menu.
  • Housing: Fixed a minor alignment bug with one of the scrollbars.
  • Journal: Rearranged the collection elements to conserve space and fix the level truncation bug with "Ready for turn in" collection.
  • Loadskin: Fixed a minor alignment bug with the description box.
  • Maintained: Mode can again be perma-set via titlebar.
  • Map2: Updated the _Skinnable_POI_Icons.xml to iclude new quests indicators.
    Note: If you don't set this file to READ-ONLY, the EQ2Maps updater will remove the custom "Shiny" icons included with Fetish.
  • Persona: Fixed a minor alignment bug with housing text.
  • Raid: Now 4-way. You may independently dis/enable RaidAbilities via the titlebar and Basic/Advanced modes.
    Known Bug: Occasionally this window will fail to save its correct size. In most cases simply clicking the border will snap it to the proper size.
  • Target/Implied Target: Hover now presents 3 buttons to search for your target on Google, Allakhazam's and EQ2i.
  • Threat: Updated to include implied target data. Reskined with integrated Autoattack timer bars.

Version 10.7 Notes

Version 10.7 is a minor update to 10.0. This update addresses SOE LU51 changes and adds a few new features.

Due to EQ2Map's current state of flux, I strongly recommend...
setting the copy of eq2ui_mainhud_map2.xml installed by this update to READ-ONLY prior to running the updater. Likewise for all "Skinable..." files found under UI/FetishNightfall/eq2map2. Allowing the EQ2Map updater to overwrite these files could result in a broken map, or worse.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.
  • SOE Changes: New windows and features from SOE implemented and skinned.
  • Hotkeys: Enable the titlebar on any Hotbar to display recast timers in seconds.
  • Maintained: Added an "M" button for swapping between simple and advanced modes. Added "R" button to toggle the new "Refresh" window open/closed. Replaced the duration timer in advanced mode with Amount Remaining (Wards and Triggers).
  • Persona: Added an option for "Autogreed". Check this option to automatically select "Greed" or "Loot All" any time a loot window appears. Note You must still confirm looting No-Trade items and you can't select both Autogreed and Autodecline. Why is this option cool? Say you multi-box and want all the trash loot filling the bags of your bots. Set loot to "NBG All". All bots set to Autogreed. Main toon hits "Need" for anything they want, everything else declined automatically goes to a bot
  • Refresh: This new window replicates the maintained window with the added ability to filter the buffs shown. Up to 6 spells to be shown may be set in-game via the settings popup. 7 Preset buttons are included for quick-loading sets defined out-of-game via Notepad. "_Fetish_mainhud_refreshfilers.xml" uses the same syntax as Raidabilities. Notes on editing can be found under the Customizations thread stickied on this forum.

    Note: This window was pushed out prior to implementing all intended features. Hopefully a future releases will include the ability to click a running de/buff to automatically refresh it on the original target.
  • Raid: Right-click and select "Advanced Mode" to enable debuff icons for all players in raid. ClickCures enabled for these icons.
  • Misc: Several minor tweaks and features delayed by the ever sliding LU51 release have been incorporated into this update.

Version 10.5 Notes

Version 10.5 is a minor update to 10.0. This update addresses SOE LU50 aka TSO changes.

Due to EQ2Map's current state of flux, I strongly recommend...
setting the copy of eq2ui_mainhud_map2.xml installed by this update to READ-ONLY prior to running the updater. Allowing the EQ2Map updater to overwrite this file could result in a broken map, or worse, and the Updater's option to "Ask before replacing main map" is not working for the new map.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.
  • SOE Changes: New windows and features from SOE implemented and skinned, including all TSO related windows and features.
  • Map2: Skinned and implemented EQ2Maps version. Tweaked various icons for usability.
  • Login: Updated with new graphics.
  • Container: Skinned the guild havest container window. Also set it to be resizable, stack and quantity buttons always visible.
  • PlayerHousing: The History list should now display properly.

Version 10.2 Notes

Version 10.2 is a minor update to 10.0. This update addresses SOE LU49 & Beta changes.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.
  • SOE Changes: New windows and features from SOE implemented and skinned, including all guild hall related windows and features.

Version 10.1 Notes

Version 10.1 is a minor update to 10.0. This update addresses SOE LU48 changes and addresses a few minor bugs.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.
  • SOE Changes: New windows and features from SOE implemented and skinned, including all guild points related windows and features.
  • FetishSyles: Authors that reskin Nightfall should note the addition of a Horizontal scrollbar style and a new fetish_widgets3.dds file.
  • Zoning: Zoning will now force the Map to close. This should dramaticly reduce wrong map/POI issues resulting from code being removed from EQ2Maps.
  • Guild Browser: Now includes the new filter options.
  • Locator: Some new windows have been added to the Locator menu.
  • Bugs: Loot button should now scale correctly. NPC Chat bubbles should show correctly.

Version 10.0 Notes

Version 10.0 is a major update to 9.0. This update addresses SOE LU47 changes and adds a few new features.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.
  • SOE Changes: New windows and features from SOE implemented and skinned, including all voice related windows and features.
  • Group: Modified ClickCures to work more reliably with specific cures and to show tooltips properly.
  • InfoCenter: Updated with tons of ROK info (Credit to Drums).
  • Loot: The Need and Greed buttons have swapped possitions to match a similar change in the default UI.
  • Map: Map menus have been updated to include new custom maps.
  • Opened Mail: Now includes a Forward button, which quotes the text of the original meassage and retains the original subject (Credit to Seagoat). The Reply button now does the same while using the sender as the new recipient.
  • Sokokar: Destination select window should now accomodate all options on smaller screens.
  • Trade: Now displays the name of the person you are trading with. The Accept button now activates on ENTER and ESC cancels the trade.

Version 9.9 Notes

Version 9.9 is a minor update to 9.0. This update addresses SOE LU45 changes.
  • ClickCures: ClickCures in the Player and Group windows now use a single button for Arcane, Trauma, Elemental, and Nox. The macro for this button attempts to cast Cure, Cure Arcane, Cure Elemental and Cure Spells (in that order). You will likely see a few "ability no longer available" chat messages but the cure available to your class should fire. I think this covers all forms of single target cures now in game. I suspect I'll need to make adjustments for chanter Cure Elemental to work properly but wanted to get something out asap. Please post to the support forum if any specific cures were missed or if a cure isn't working.

Version 9.8 Notes

Be sure to backup your customized raidabilities as this update will change code found at the bottom of that file.

Version 9.8 is a minor update to 9.0. This update adds new features not found in the default UI.
  • InstaClick: The Persona Options page now includes a special checkbox for "InstaClick". Check this box to flag all ClickCure and RaidAbilities to cast immediately by canceling any qued or currently casting abilities.
  • Player Highlighting: Player, Group and Raid windows have been modified to highlight any player who's name matches your target's name. Note: This highlighting can not distinguish between Pets/Objects who's name matches a player name.
  • Player: Debuff icons (and ClickCures) are larger and appear at the bottom similar to the group window. Note: The icons were set to overlay the power numbers to conserve space. Fixed the Curse Icon bug
  • Guild: The guild member list now includes an "Invite to Group" button next to each member name.
  • Personabar: Now includes a menu for displaying Melee, Spell, and Weapon stats, similar to the Persona window. Virtually all stats can now be viewed from Personabar
  • Inventory: Rares tooltip updated with T8 info.
  • Infocenter: Updated to the latests version.

Version 9.7 Notes

Version 9.7 is a minor update to 9.0. This update addresses LU44 changes.
  • SOE Changes: New Persona and Curse features implemented.
  • Loot: Default and minimum window size is now much smaller.

Version 9.6b Notes

Somehow the G15 include for eq2ui_mainhud.xml was ommited from the 9.6 release. If you've already updated to 9.6 and don't care about G15 keyboard support at this time, there's no need to apply this tweak.

Version 9.6 Notes

Version 9.6 is a minor update to 9.0. This update addresses LU41-43 changes.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.

Note: At the time of this release, it appearse to be safe to allowing the patcher to replace MainHud.Map.
  • SOE Changes: New windows and features from SOE implemented and skinned, including Pet Options, Connections, House Manaquine and Loot Confirmation.
  • Loot: When loot options are set to NBG, ENTER automaticly selects the "Greed" option. The Auto-decline feature has been updated to work with the various decline buttons.
  • Guild Bank: Tab scroll buttons have been added for better access to tabs with long names. The "Withdrawals Prohibited" bug is fixed.
  • Market: The new FX search box was added.
  • Journal: The new "Hide Completed" checkbox was added. The Google title search area is now limited to the first inch or two of the title to reduce the chance of accidental clicks.
  • Raidabilities: Fetish stock abilities have been updated to T8 spells.

Version 9.5 Notes

Version 9.5 is a minor update to 9.0. This update addresses LU40 (ROK) changes.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.

Note: See Install instructions regarding EQ2Maps patcher. At the time of this release, allowing the patcher to replace MainHud.Map will disable map window resizing.
  • ROK: All ROK changes implemented and skinned.
  • GroupMembers: Now includes class icons. Note: in some cases you must mouseover the window to load the proper icons.
  • InspectPlayer: Now shows appearance slots.
  • Maintained: Now includes "Amount Remaining" number at icon bottom. Time counter moved to icon top. Enabeling the window's titlebar now shows additional info right of the icon (Spell Name, Target, Time Remaining)
  • Map: New maps added to menus. Reworked plugins due to new scale and zoom features. Worked with SOE to implement zooming for EQ2Maps POIs.
    Note: there are known issues with World and City map labels. This is an EQ2Maps issue the team will be fixing soon. Likewise, the stock EQ2Map should allow resizing soon.
  • Persona: Includes casting haste and reuse info.
  • StartMenu: Custom menu items have been moved to the bottom for technical reasons.

Version 9.2 Notes

Version 9.2 is a minor update to 9.0. This update addresses LU39 changes.

Be sure to backup any customized files before updating. Commonly customized files include raidabilities, bookmarks and market favs.
  • Detrimental Spell Effects: Added and reskinned.
  • Guild Bank Settings: Added and reskinned.
  • Group: Improved ClickCures do not change targets. Works even when window is resized.
  • Player: Improved ClickCures do not change targets. Tooltips added to debuff icons for easier identification.
  • Maintained: Enable the titlebar for always visible spell names, target and duration. Icon timer moved to the top. Amount Remaining added at the bottom of the icon but the Dynamic Data from SOE is not currently working.
  • Raid: Window made a bit narrower. Added class specific spells to the presets. Note: Spells with apostrophies don't work.
  • Start Button: Should now save volume settings. Hardcoded volume settings load when sliders are first shown.

Version 9.1 Notes

Version 9.1 is a minor update to 9.0. This update addresses LU38 changes.
  • Inventory: Added Appearance slots. Tweaked the Paperdoll.
  • LON: Skined the main window and its movable. Initial popup unchanged.
  • Dressingroom: Clear and Reset buttons work.
  • Proffesion Selector: Fixed a bug that caused an erounious popup.

Version 9.0 Notes

Version 9.0 is a minor update to 8.0. This update addresses LU36-37 changes. Note the cumulative changes from all incrmental updates since 8.0 are significant. If you haven't done a clean install since 8.0, now would be a good time.
  • Load Skin: The /loadui window should now work as intended.
  • ClickBrowse: All ClickBrowse links to EQ2i have been updated with their new URL.
  • Dressingroom: Customized to be resizable for maximum viewing pleasure.
  • Autodecline Loot: A custom "Auto-decline Loot" checkbox has been added to Persona/Options. This allows you to automatically decline loot for a character while lotto is enabled for the group/raid. Multi-boxers rejoice! This option defaults to unchecked each session. To change the default to checked, see the Customizations thread.
  • Raidabilities: enhanced to support attaching a generic tell, gsay and/or raidsay to each ability. To configure these and other raidability options, see the Customizations thread.
  • 1920x1200: Added a preconfigured settings file for 1920x1200 screens (its in the Layouts directory).

Version 8.8 Notes

Version 8.8 is a minor update to 8.0. This update addresses LU35 changes.
  • LU35: All LU 35 changes made, new windows reskinned and streamlined.
  • Raid: Introducing RaidAbilities! The raid window now includes 3 buttons next to each member of the raid. Each of these 3 buttons allows casting an ability on the associated raider without changing targets. In addition, if you enable the window’s Titlebar, a new settings button allows access to multiple ability sets and in-game editing. Up to 7 sets (that’s 21 abilities) can be easily preconfigured out-of-game by editing _Fetish_mainhud_raidabilities.xml with Notepad. RaidAbilities allows in-game editing to accommodate those oddball scenarios, but changes will not be saved.

    Credit: EQAditu for working out the cueing issues and releasing his version before anyone else. Though the idea for my version was entirely independent, I did use portions of his code in my final release..
  • ClickBrowse: All ClickBrowse buttons now open the browser and retrieve the link with a single click. Also added an EQ2Players link to the Persona window’s Player Name..
  • Login/NewCharacterScene: The right side button text should now display correctly. City of Neriak should now be available when creating a new character of the appropriate race..

Version 8.7 Notes

Version 8.7 is a minor update to 8.0. This update addresses LU33-34 changes.
  • Bag Options: Added bag label and "Don't Sell" options from LU34.
  • Edit Macro: Reskinned.
  • Effects: Icon allignment set to top,right.
  • Examine Item: Added browser searching for Allakazam's, EQ2i and Google.
  • Experience, Guild, Inventory, Persona: Updated XP numbers to work with SOE revisions that resolve the rounding issue.
  • HUD, Options: Added support for Save Custom Options. Note: Include and file name changed to correct SOE bug.
  • Journal: Updated for LU34 quest sharing. Added browser searching for Allakazam's and EQ2i.
  • Quest Helper: Added browser searching for Allakazam's and EQ2i.
  • Reward Pack: Accept/Recieve now activates on ENTER. Cancel activates on ESC.

Version 8.5 Notes

Version 8.5 is a minor update to 8.0. This update addresses LU31-32 changes.
  • Acheivement Merchant: Reskinned.
  • Bag: Added configuration options and window sizing.
  • Browser: Reskinned. Ported bookmarks from old browser to new.
  • Help: Added browser support.
  • Hotkey: Frames fix applied.
  • Inspect Player: Now with ClickBrowse! Click any player name to search them on EQ2Players.
  • Journal: Now with ClickBrowse! Click any quest or collection title to Google search it.
  • Market: Added lvl column.
  • Persona: Added Browser button, removed ClickStrike.
  • Pet: Added Ranged and Melee buttons.
  • Quest Helper: Now with ClickBrowse! Click any quest title to Google search it.
  • Raid: Should be slightly better behaved.
  • StartMenu: Added Browser button, removed ClickStrike.

Version 8.2 Notes

Version 8.2 is a minor update to 8.0. This update addresses LU30 changes.
  • LU30: Added and reskinned new Hotkey Options and Contest windows.
  • Hotkey Options: added QuickSize buttons.
    Note: there is a known issue with SOE's code that is forcing a minimum height on hotkey bars. I've implemented a workaround to remove their minimum size but it gets reset on each login. To remove the minimum size, click the hotbar you want to adjust to bring it to the front. Now right-click and choose Hotkey options. Press "Apply" to close the window. Now drag and release any edge of the hotbar.
  • Community: Tweaked the lists to work with LU30.
  • Market: Now includes your current coin in the Buy area.

Version 8.1 Notes

Version 8.1 is a minor non-critical update to 8.0. This speed bump adjusts a handful of commonly used graphical elements found in _FetishStyle.xml to optimize performance.

Fetish Classic 8.1 incorporates all changes made to Nightfall since 6.5.

Version 8.0 Notes

Version 8.0 is a major update to 7.5. Several key files have been changed, including eq2ui_mainhud.xml. The ZIP contains the full set of files. If you have NOT added on to your Fetish UI, I STRONGLY recomend deleting your custom UI directory, extracting the entire 8.0 ZIP to your Everquest II directory, then running the EQ2Maps updater. If prompted to replace files when extracting the ZIP, choose "Yes to All".

Note: It is now safe to allow the EQ2Maps Updater to replace MainHUD.Map, though it probably wont ask.

If you have added other mods over your Fetish set, you will probably want to compare your file list to your prior Fetish ZIP to determine which files you changed. Back those files up to another directory. Install the latest Fetish, then copy your backups in.

InfoCenter update notes and support are provided by THE ORIGINAL MOD. Do not replace Socials or Displaysettings files.

FetishStyles.xml from version 7.5 or later is required. Themes older than 7.5 should be updated to a 7.5+ version (when available). Untill then some items may not display properly. A very minor change was made to _FetishStyles.xml 8.0 and should not cause issues if missing.
  • Setup: Simplified the setup procedure by including an eq2.ini file preconfigured to the included FetishNightfall directory.
  • Alt Files: All alternate windows have been reworked for EOF.
  • Newcharacterscene: Reskinned.
  • Bags: 66% scale bags are now standard. Alternate files for 75% and 100% are included. Obsolete bag styles have been removed.
  • ClickCures: Removed “Greater Restoration” from the command list.
  • ClickStrike: New custom button bar for Master attacks. This window can be shown with the following chat command /show_window MainHUD.ClickStrike (Caps Matter). You’ll find a corresponding MasterXXX.txt file for each button loose in your root UI directory. Each file contains a list of all commands to be triggered, edit as you wish. The following is a sample macro you can assign to a hotkey that opens the window, triggers the Smite button, then closes the window.
    /show_window MainHUD.ClickStrike
    /show_window MainHUD.ClickStrike.Smite
    /hide_window MainHUD.ClickStrike
    If you want the window to stay open, remove the last line.
  • Hotkeys: Bank changers now obey Window Option Frame settings. Obsolete alt files removed.
  • InspectPlayer: Debugged the Health and power displays.
  • Instructions: Added a scrollbar to accommodate the really long Slayer list.
  • Inventory: Adjusted the Paperdoll to accommodate high-flying Fey. The window should be easier to move when expanded.
  • Journal: Fixed some minor text clipping issues.
  • Locator: Greatly enhanced this previously hidden utility. Open this window with the following chat command /show_window Inventory.Locator (Caps Matter). A dropdown menu lists most windows in the UI. Select anyone to see its numerical screen location and size. Use the “New Loc”, “New Size” fields and corresponding buttons to reconfigure the window. Great for locating windows saved off screen or resizing ones saved in a collapsed state. If you’re familiar with UI scripting, you can also apply scripts directly to the selected window while in-game. Note: In the case of cloned windows (Bags, hotkeys, etc) Locator operates on the last opened or clicked clone.
  • MainChat: Stealthing elements now obey Window Option Frame settings in both versions.
  • Map & Minimap: Updated menus to include all currently available EQ2Maps. Set both windows to ignore ESC.
  • Persona: Added buttons to the “Details” tab for several of the custom windows.
  • Quest Helper: Debugged the timer. The previously hidden “Recent Quests” menu is now available. An alternate file with the extra controls at top is included. Extra controls in both versions now obey Window Options Frame settings. A simple version with no extras is also included.
  • Start Button: On popular demand, I’ve added Kosmo’s NightVision and volume controls. Initial volume settings can be customized by opening eq2ui_mainhud_startbutton.xml in Notepad. VolMaster, VolMusic and VolCombat can be found in the first page object. Each accepts a value of 0 - 20 which must not include a decimal. For reference, each increment set here equals 0.5 in-game.
  • Start Menu: Added buttons for most of the custom windows.
  • Tracking: Stealthing elements now obey Window Option Frame settings.
Version 7.5 Notes
  • LU28 & 29 (EOF): Changes made.
  • Reskined: all new windows except newcharacterscene, which will be done in the next release.
  • Arena Match: Tweaked to resolve the crash bug (untested).
  • Infocenter: Updated with the latest changes from DBurgdorf.
  • Inventory: “Use” buttons added for new slots.
  • Map & Minimap: Updated menus to include all currently available EQ2Maps. VAM plugin extensively debugged to correct wrong POI issues. Only 1 minor bug remains but is corrected by a simple reset or map close/open.
  • Market: Updated MarketFavs for yet another round of menu changes from SOE. See MarketFavs.txt for new slot numbering.
  • Persona: Corrected stats scaling issues.

Version 7.0 Notes
  • LU26 & 27: Changes made.
  • Arena Match: Tweaked to resolve the crash bug (untested).
  • Arena Score: Deleted. This file should be removed from your Fetish directory. Users have reported it to cause crashes.
  • Guild: Changed anchor points within the Recruiting tab.
  • Infocenter: Updated with the latest changes from DBurgdorf.
  • Inventory: “Use” buttons updated for renumbered slots. New Paperdoll added. Now includes “Face/Body” toggle button for Paperdoll close-ups.
  • Map & Minimap: Updated menus to include all currently available EQ2Maps.
  • Market: Updated MarketFavs for yet another round of menu changes from SOE. Removed WORTs and reorganized each menu to cover 2 teirs each. See MarketFavs.txt for new slot numbering. Also added a tooltip to the Seller field of the search area so you can always see the full text of the seller’s name and location.
  • Mail & Opened Mail: Added the new “SPAM” button. Set minimum window sizes.
  • Persona: Reorganized. Added Regen, AA, and Crit stats.
  • Quest Helper: Adjusted the timer textbox so the time fits (unteasted).
  • Raid: Tweaked to hopefully make drag and drop a bit more functional (unteasted).
  • Tracking: Removed the non-functional “Who” button.

Version 6.6 Notes
  • LU25: Changes made.
  • Bagstrip: Updated to work with LU25. Drag-n-drop still causes a crash.
  • Group: Tweaked background size.
  • Infocenter: Updated with the latest changes from DBurgdorf.
  • InspectPlayer: Updated to work with LU24. Added food and drink slots.
  • Inventory: Updated to work with LU25. Harvest tooltip updated.
  • Market: My Class & Lvl button debugged. Pelt searches updated. Note: SOE has once again changed the slots menu, you may need to tweak cutom favs. MarketFavs.txt updated with new slot numbering.

Version 6.5 Notes
  • LU23 & 24: Changes made and new elements reskinned.
  • Market: New combined Market and Store window reskinned and highly customized. Titlebar on shows a split pane layout with Broker on the left, Store on the right. Titlebar off shows a single pane view with a toggle button in the upper left corner for switching between Broker and Store. Both layouts always display advanced search features. 3 Market Favorites menus added (customizable out of game). My Class & Level button add, now sets min level 14 lvls below your current adv lvl. Level Range button added, sets lvl range to +/- 7 lvls of your current Adv lvl. Min/Max lvl spinners and sliders added, allows click adjustments. Entire window stretches horizontally and vertically, in both layouts. Windowshade button collapses the window to just its titlebar.
    Note: SOE has changed most of the search dropdown menus, your custom favorites may need adjusting.
  • Choice: Tweaked to hopefully resolve some obscure sizing issues.
  • Effects: Scrolling removed.
  • Examine: ClickSearch feature enabled for the new Market window.
  • GameOptions: Implemented support for keyboard layouts.
  • Infocenter: Updated with the latest changes from DBurgdorf. Now safe to replace any files with those from DBurgdorf except Display Settings and Socials.
  • Journal: Added reward info to the group tab.
  • Map & Plugins: The long standing issue with incorrect maps showing due to the VAM plugin should now be corrected. After several months of waiting for a requested change to EQ2Maps, I finally gave up and wrote code to inject code into the Map code so the Map code will talk to my code. All currently available maps have been added to the menus. Fog checkbox now hide ANY fog layer (nice find Talyns). It should now be safe to run the EQ2Maps updater but DO NOT replace MainHUD.Map.
  • Maintained: Scrolling removed.
  • Persona: New hood/helm options.
  • Quest Helper: Added Previous and Next buttons with tooltips showing those quest titles and con.
  • Tracking: Filter added.
  • Zone Popup: Minimum width increased to accommodate longer zone names.

Version 6.4 Notes
  • LU21 & 22: Changes made and new elements reskinned.
  • Examine: PVP checkboxes added.
  • Group: Added current and max health numericals.
  • Infocenter: Updated with the latest changes from DBurgdorf. Also tweaked the Extreme View perf profile.
  • Inventory: added T7 rares to the tooltip.
  • Maintained: added timer numericals.
  • Persona: Fixed an alignment issue with the Personabar display button.
  • Skills: Free AA reassignment button added below main AA area. You may need to stretch the window to see the button.
  • Start: added 4 performance setting quick change buttons. These share the same profiles as those used in the Infocenter for Raid Performance, Extreme View, Good Performance, and Good Quality.
  • _FetishStyles: added new dropdown menu style with dark background and tall enough to accommodate icons.

Version 6.3 Notes
  • Experience: Tradeskill view now shows Achievement bar at the bottom. Corrected total points display.
  • Guild: Bank logs should now show properly when first viewed.
  • InfoCenter: Added “Extreme View” Graphics Option button. This configuration maximizes view distance of mobs, objects, and glowies while using minimal texture, animation and rendering details.
  • Market, Merchant, Store: tweaked item display area to minimize cropping.
  • Skills: Corrected total points display.

Version 6.2 Notes
  • LU20: Changes made and new elements reskinned.
  • Choice Popup: Removed “IsDefault” setting from the left button. Note: SOE is overriding this attempt to resolve the Guild MOTD edit window’s inability to accept line breaks without closing. In other words, ENTER still activates the Submit button even in the default UI.
  • Examine: removed obsolete data field.
  • Experience: Added Achievement bar with decimal value and points available/total. This bar will be in the middle with either Adv or TS bars on top. Achievement on top will show Adv in the middle. In all views, the window can be stretched/shrunk to show 1-3 bars. If stretched taller than default height, the top 2 bars will stick together and separate from the bottom bar.
  • Infocenter: Updated with the latest files from Dburgdorf. Bugged includes should be working properly now so custom Notes should appear in game. TXT file updates from Dburgdorf can be installed safely. Do not replace _eq2ui_journals_infocenter.xml and avoid replacing other XMLs inside the infocenter directory unless required.
  • Inventory: Use buttons now stealth. Auto Inventory area moved to the lower left corner and is available when window is collapsed. All of the black area from left window edge to the control buttons should accept item drops.
  • Language: Included.
  • MainChat: Corrected minor title positioning bug.
  • Map: VAM menus updated to include every map currently available through EQ2Maps. Latest POI files included.
  • MiniMap: Menus updated to include every available map. Smarter scripts now allow MiniMap to directly access Maps from the main window. No need for fetish_mapstyles.xml
  • Player: Detrimental effect icons should now display properly. Cure scripts adjusted accordingly.
  • Raid: Corrected minimum height to remove dead space at bottom.
  • Skills: Streamlined the new AA tab, added decimal value and points available/total to the XP bar. Tabs abbreviated to fit minimum window width.
  • Tradeskill: Fixed search label.

Version 6.0 Notes
  • LU19: Changes made except non-functional Achievement bar was not added to the XP window.
  • Map, Plugins & Fetish MiniMap: Updated for latest EQ2Map compatibility.
  • Store: Find It scripts updated for restructured Market window.
  • Market: Favorites and “My Class & Lvl” scripts updated for restructured Market window.
  • Examine: Title Search scripts updated for restructured Market window.
  • Group: added Click Cures feature. Single-click targets the group member and opens the Cures window. Double-click (or single-click if Cures is already open) also activates the associated Cure button.
  • Player: added impairment icons and Click Cures feature. Single-click targets your and opens the Cures window. Double-click (or single-click if Cures is already open) also activates the associated Cure button.
  • Cures: Added Custom button bar opened by clicking any impairment icon or typing /show_window MainHUD.Cures. Each button attempts to cast several spells known to cure the associated impairment, starting from the highest level cure and working back to lowest level. If you are capable of casting any of the associated cures, the highest lvl cure will cast. The list of associated spells and the order attempted can be easily edited by opening _Fetish_mainhud_cures.xml in Notepad.

Version 5.4 Notes
  • Map: Debugged shrink map plugin. Added Waypoints button and hide POI checkbox.
  • InfoCenter: Added and reskinned Milquetowst InfoCenter. Integrated help buttons for the following windows – Quest Journal, Tradeskills, Knowledge, Socials. Single-click the help button in these windows to open InfoCenter, Double-click to display the associated InfoCenter tab.

Version 5.3 Notes
  • SOE LU18 changes made.
  • Map: Nearby quest NPC markers should now display.

Version 5.2 Notes
  • Claim: Resolved version bug introduced by SOE after LU16.
  • Death: Tweaked structure to match default to avoid reported crashes.
  • Guild: Should release focus from the members dropdown menu when changed.
  • Hotkeys: Now scalable. Removed older alternate scale files.
  • HouseItems: New window added and skinned.
  • HUDDisconnect: Added missing dialog buttons.
  • HUDSlider: new window to support scalable hotkeys added and skinned. Added numerical entry and 6 preset size buttons.
  • Inventory: Food and Drink “Use” buttons will no longer consume 2 doses. Note: You may need to click the use button twice when first using them in a session. Help tooltip updated to include T6 rares and extract items (Thx Rrys for posting the updated info).
  • LoginScene: Quick login tweaked to preserve last entered Password and Server if login fails.
  • Persona: Added faction numericals.
  • PlayerHouse: Added Placed Item count.
  • Skills: Restored category titles.
  • Targets: Inspection area increased to include all but Target Name, Active Buffs and Con System buttons.

Version 5.0 Notes
  • Character Select: Added “Set SOGA Appearance” button.
  • Claim: Resolved LU16 bugs.
  • Compass: fixed optional rectangle compass orientation.
  • Inventory: New slots added.
  • Knowledge: Simplified construction to eliminate lag. Removed size 2 button.
  • Loot: Resolved LU16 bugs.
  • Persona: Added new Options tab.
  • Store: Resolved listing bugs introduced with LU16.
  • Targets: Added effects bar. This required removing resizable window feature.
  • Window Settings: added “Click Through” checkbox.

Version 4.9 Notes
  • Community: fixed search window.
  • Compass: fixed orientation.
  • Personabar: Fixed close button. Does not open with inventory or clock hover.
  • Store: "Find It" should no longer restrict searches to your class and lvl.

Version 4.8 Notes
  • LU14 and 15 Changes made
  • Inventory: “Use” button removed from ammo slot.
  • Login: EverQuest2.exe login window now provides Character and Server boxes for direct character login. You may hardcode your Password and preferred server by opening eq2ui_loginscene.xml and replacing PASSWORD and SERVER. Warning: Hardcoded passwords could be read by anyone with access to your hard drive.
  • Market: "Any Class & Lvl" button changed to “My Class & Lvl”. Automatically selects your class from the class menu and sets the Max lvl to your current level.
  • Personabar: Opens by default.

Version 4.7 Notes
  • Alarm: Corrected SOE font bug so text will display.
  • Inventory: All equipment slots now include a “Use” button for quick activation of right-click effects. Window now ignores ESC (Use the “I” key to close the window).
  • Knowledge Sort: ENTER and ESC activate OK and CANCEL buttons respectively.
  • Map: Maj Dul, Sinking Sands, Pillars of Flame zones added to the “Other” menu.
  • MiniMap: Updated Menus.
  • Persona: Added Personabar toggle button.
  • Personabar: Its back! Now separate from the Person window. A tad more compact. 1 and 2 row modes. Alternate styles have been removed.
  • Targets: Simple con system now includes tier indicator arrows.
  • Trade: Extra 3 obsolete slots removed.

Version 4.6 Notes
  • Advancement Choice: added new Examine detail.
  • Arena Windows: All reskinned. ENTER and ESC activate OK and CANCEL buttons respectively.
  • Book: Reskinned.
  • Group Options: Added new options from LU13.
  • Guild Bank: Reskinned with reduced slot sizes.
  • Market: Added new Class menu, min and max level boxes, Any Class & Lvl button and updated Market Favorites scripts to support them.
  • Socials: added play buttons.
  • Store: Updated Quick Find scripts to work with revised Market window.
  • Updated many font settings to match LU13.

Version 4.5 Notes
  • LU13: New features from DoF implemented. Some new windows have not yet been skinned.
  • Maps: More updates to the map menus. Note DoF maps have not been added yet.
  • Personabar: Temporarily replaced by a reskinned version of the default Persona window. A stat strip will likely be added to a future release.

Version 4.4 Notes
  • Targets: Default windows size made 50% wider since the new resize bug can't be fixed without also disabeling the auto-hide on those windows.
  • Maps: Several popular zones have been added to the map menus. Should make it easier to correct those occational bugged map issues.
  • Zone Teleporter: default size made much wider to accommodate long zone names.
  • Raid window: Health bars are a tad taller. Group backgrounds now semi-transparent.
  • Layouts: Included character_server_setting.ini files for both 1600x1200 and 1280x1024. Note the second house vault bag position does not save. Pre-configured recipe filters also included.
  • Skills: color tweak incorporated.
  • Tweaked the default locations of several windows.
  • Missing Helper window bottom style included.

Version 4.3 Notes
  • SOE patch #11 Changes added.
  • LoadUI: reskined
  • Skininfo: corrected minor error that prevented skins from being listed in LoadUI window.

Version 4.2 Notes

Version 4.2 is a full replacement. If you've added other mods over your Fetish set, sort your custom UI directory and the ZIP by date and individually drag files from the ZIP that are newer than those in your directory. The ZIP should list subdirectoryies for images and eq2map files.

DO NOT install any patches numbered lower than 4.2. Most add-ons should still be ok but probably lack WindowShades. FetishStyles.xml from version 4.2 or later is required. Themes older than 4.2 should be updated to a 4.2 version when released. Untill then, you'll need to either turn off font smoothing in the Game Options window or manualy replace all fonts from your theme's _FetishStyles.xml with those found in the 4.2 version.

Note: 4.0 Themes do not contain the includes for Euro and Japan fonts added in 4.1. If you're in these markets, you'll need to edit the _FetishStyles.xml file for your theme to add the required font.
  • SOE patch #10hanges added.
  • Fonts: Some fonts sizes reduced to better match old sizes when set to smooth.
  • Japan: Font and Examine window tweaks to better fit Japan font.
  • Journal: New Collections tab reformated
  • HTML: Tweaked new buttons. Window now support HTML links!

Version 4.1 Notes
  • SOE patch #9 Changes added.
  • Fonts: Added Euro and Japan fonts that I hope will resolve the display bug for those version. Please confirm since I can't test this myself.
  • Bags: Tweaked bag files that should make them less prone to shifting.
  • Clock and Compass: Tweaked Clock and Compass files for long month names and clickable area.
  • Guild: resolved the scroll bug and made the Notify checkbox clickable.
  • Map: Added a “Set” button to the menu plugin that can be used to set any selected map as the default until you zone. Should allow correcting any in-game map bugs that come up.
  • Market: Added Favorites menus for tiers 3-5. Separate instructions file (MarketFavs.txt) for editing favorites included.
  • Quest Helper: Default now has slider and reset at top. Alternate _bottom_eq2ui_journals_active.xml with slider at bottom included.
  • Tradeskills: Reduced item title text on the create page.

Version 4.0 Notes
  • Bag Strip: Ignores ESC.
  • Clock: Reformatted. Clicking the data area now toggles between Date and Loc.
  • Compass: Round compass is now standard. Alternate files for the old rectangle compass with +/- symbols and left aligned clock included as optional files.
  • Guild: Events tab removed. Main tab reformatted to include all Event functions.
  • Knowledge: Completely overhauled. Compact layout defaults to a 2x8 format with a button that toggles to 4x4. Windowshade button included. Alternate 1x16 left and right aligned versions and original version included as optional files.
  • Maps: dropdown menus no longer hold focus. All EQ2MAP XMLs included to simplify install.
  • Market: window now stretches horizontally.
  • Quest Helper: Added a slider that allows quest switching without opening the Journal. Reset button restores the quest displayed prior to using the slider. Both hide on mouseout.
  • Target: Added con mode toggle button.
  • Trade: 75% scale 9 slot, non-hooked layout is now standard. 100% scale 9slot, hooked alternative version included.
  • Tradeskills: Recipes button now activates on ESC.
  • Zone Popup: Mouseless zoning! First zone choice is automatically selected, arrow keys scroll through the list, ENTER and ESC activate OK and CANCEL respectively.
  • Scripted Commands: Invite, Disband, Assist, Reverse Assist, and Auto-attack functions restored.
  • Several windows modified to set or drop focus of controls for movement/editing convenience.

Version 3.6 Notes
  • SOE patch #8 Changes added.
  • MainChat: Chat Input Stealthing can now be disabled by selecting Fame and Titlebar in Window Options. Use opacity controls to make the titlebar invisible if desired. The simple 3.4 version has also been included as an alternate style file named _simple_eq2ui_mainhud_mainchat.xml.
  • Experience: added vitality progress markers.
  • Guild: Updated with patch #8 changes. Reskinned for Fetish. Added guild XP percentage, which should now display a value matching the tooltip. Added window shade button.
  • Various minor tweaks to better support themes.

Version 3.5 Notes
  • MainChat: Scrollbar, Chat Input and Chat Channel button now hide on MouseOut. Chat Display area repositions on MouseIn to make room for Chat Input.
  • Questionair: Updated.
  • Merchant: “Don’t Sell” checkbox repositioned.
  • AdvancementChoice: Scrollbars now use FetishStyles.
  • Examine Recipe and Trade windows updated to resolve minor object blocking issues.
  • Pet: Removed old pet window file, new file is now standard.

Version 3.4 Notes
  • SOE patch #7 changes added in advance!
    Note: _SOEp7_eq2ui_mainhud_pet.xml is a version of the pet window that includes changed Guard Me and Guard Here commands. When patch #7 goes live, replace the pet window file with this one.
  • WindowShade: Most titlebars of commonly used windows now include a WindowShade button.
    Note: in some cases a portion of the window’s contents may appear in the titlebar area when minimized. I’ll eventually correct this, but it requires special coding for each object on each page. Also be aware, using WindowShades can result in windows being saved in their collapsed state. To avoid this, always expand windows before closing them, and try to wait 1 min before logging after expanding a window. If a window does get stuck in a collapsed state, use Window Settings to restore it to default settings..
  • Examine: Now includes Extended Quick Search! Item, Recipe and Spell names can now be clicked to perform a Quick Search if the Market window is normally enabled. Handy for price checking linked items and inventory while at a Broker. Corrected issues with Produces and Previously Created recipe sections..
  • Map: Corrected wrong map after zoning bug related to menus. Menus now stealth. EQ2MAP no longer creeps..
  • MiniMap: Menus now stealth..
  • Store: Find It button now automatically activates the Market Search button..
  • Player, Group, Targets: FetishSyles.xml has been updated to allow for alternate bar styles in these windows. In the images folder you’ll find fetish_bars.dds (default metered style), _simple_fetish_bars.dds (a simple flat bar similar to the SOE default, split into 5 major segments), and _ribbed_fetish_bars.dds (flat bar with alternating dark and light bands every 2% split into 5 major segments). To install an alternate, see “Alternate Styles”..
  • Bugged _1004H_inventory_bag.xml corrected..

Version 3.3 Notes
  • Examine: Added checkbox missed from SOE patch #6.
  • Inventory: Stats now have a shadowstyle.
  • Personabar: Corrected titlebar button display bug.
  • Bags: Drastically reduced initial size on all bags to hopefully help them stay put.
  • MiniMap: Reset mouse-over location now resets dropdowns.
  • Map: Added Dock button and window for positioning of cropped map. Updated window to more closely match EQ2MAP’s preferred setup. This should eliminate all display issues and the need to edit map window size entirely. The downside is that the Map window will now creep each time you log in if placed right or low of screen center. This is an issue with EQ2MAP currently being looked into.
  • Corrected several minor display/positioning bugs.

Version 3.2 Notes
  • SOE patch #6 4/6/05 changes made.
  • BagStrip: New BagStrip window added. Displays all bag slots, ammo and overflow for convenient viewing and opening. Window scales to 75% and collapses to show just ammo. Note: This window uses MainHUD.Inventory and is likely to be incompatible with most other "Mini-inventory" and "Ammo window" mods.
    WARNING: Attempting to drop items onto any of these slots will crash EQ2! Just don't do it.
  • Community: Text entry boxs cleared of random test text.
  • Guild: Added guild XP percentage.
  • Game Options: 126 color add-on is now standard.
  • Help: Search box cleared of random test text.
  • HTML: A previously hidden window, can now be displayed with the Journal Search button. Added Bookmarks dropdown. Bookmarks can be manually added out of game by editing _Fetish_HTML_bookmarks.xml. Some samples provided. Note: paths to local files must point directly to the file.
  • Inventory: Auto-inventory area now fully disables when inventory is collapsed. Added Bag Strip button.
  • Journal: Added Search button to display in-game HTML browser.
  • Map: GroupMember location icons are colored to match group window colors. Each is also labeled with the appropriate Fkey. ViewAnyMap (VAM) plugin debuts!
  • MiniMap: View Any Map (VAM) feature debuts! Use the dropdown menus on either map to atuomagically display any map on disk. Reset mouse-over area resized to center of window.
  • Personabar: Concentration removed for space reasons.
  • Store: resolved a bug issue that could arise when using the Find It button to open Market window for the first time in a session. This was likely the cause of erratic Market window behavior.
  • Trade: 9 trading slots!
  • Zoning: status no longer overlaps miniart .

Last edited by Zonx : 02-24-2011 at 05:28 AM.
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