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Unread 11-13-2009, 10:20 AM
gm9 gm9 is offline
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Originally Posted by Bassianus View Post
I understand you take pride in you'r work and rightly so
I have not written the updater nor am I maintaining it (that's jnils' project), just to clarify that. But since I know it's source code just take it as a fact please that the EQ2MAP updater is without a doubt not the cause for this.

Originally Posted by Bassianus View Post
Now that said, if you are willing to put forward some advice as to how to solve this issue or what may be creating this problem then I am more than happy to listen to and follow any advice you wish to give but if you should choose to remain silent on this issue then that to is you'r right but it's not going to make the matter go away or the world stop spinning.
I don't use Vista or 7 so I have no experience with this. From googling the game folder/explorer I did understand that Windows itself is adding games there either by auto-detecting them or by the game's installer calling a Windows API function pointing it to a game definition resource which Windows reads to add the game. In both cases it is down to Windows itself to detect whether the game is already added or not.

Games are being stored in the registry at this location:
So that is where I would start to find out what's going wrong, in particular which name/path it is storing for the game executable (because that is what it would be comparing I reckon).

I also saw this: maybe it helps. (PS: or the link Landiin posted, probably the same type of app)
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If it does not work, you likely installed it incorrectly. Always try a clean install before reporting bugs.

Last edited by gm9 : 11-13-2009 at 10:23 AM.
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