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Unread 09-15-2007, 05:14 AM
gm9 gm9 is offline
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EQ2Interface Super Mod
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Hi Landiin,

gave it a quick rundown, haven't test all or anything in much detail yet (lucky you ).

That spell database is wicked!

Other comments/bugs in order of how I found them:
  • Looks just like for jnils on a box with W2K3R2, but already when first starting up for those UI's on your favorites. Just like jnils said, when first adding a new UI, it looks ok. And the panels cannot be resized.
  • make the window fit the eq2interface page, it is too small
  • if removing an UI from the list, you get a box with a type "permintly" and it tells you something about needing to remove the UI also from the favorites at First: That UI was not on my favorites to begin with, you should check that. Second: Don't make people remove UIs from their favorites only because they do not want to use them with your program. Just save an exclude list and ignore those on the list when updating favorites.
  • also include UIs not in .zip format or otherwise broken in that list. I don't want a reminder about eq2map updater not being in .zip format each time I start the program
  • Conflict checking: There should be a warning to the user if there is a conflict. Right now the program downloads and installs everything and tries to do some merging. However. the user never gets told that he is just overwriting a file from another mod.
  • some typos: "Legond" instead of "Legend", "inclose" instead of "enclose", "UseAbilitie" instead of "UseAbility", "additional command" instead of "additional commands", "fist" instead of "first"
  • typo on Raid C2C page: button must be named "Save Raid C2C"
  • Quick Char Switch does not appear to allow to add more than one char?
  • Bookmarks does not appear to allow to add more than one bookmark?
  • Usability: the separation of udpate and install buttons might be confusing. Maybe rename update to download, and/or ask the user whether the UI that was just updated/downloaded should be installed
  • All UI tabs should get a heading like the eq2map tab, i.e. "check the files you do not want updated"
  • "Add New UI" on the "Paths" tab is disabled, how do I add an alternate UI?
  • If you delete a UI from the disk several things can happen:
    - if there is more than one UI folder, it will properly select the first available one.
    - of there is only one available UI folder, it will set the UI Path to the one in eq2.ini, and the dropdown to the one available folder. Those may not be consistent, and it throws and error when you try to save.
  • Tabs cut the Interface names off, either make them auto-resize or show the full UI name in a tooltip
  • eq2.ini files in UIs (e.g. mine) are ignored and not installed, even though they are listed and checked in the file list.
  • installing ProfitUI into a folder not named ProfitUI breaks some things. Doing that with your program renames all files in the eq2 root folder beginning with ProfitUI* to [thefolderyouinstalledinto]*, breaking even more functionality!
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If it does not work, you likely installed it incorrectly. Always try a clean install before reporting bugs.