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Unread 04-25-2007, 11:48 AM
gm9 gm9 is offline
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Originally Posted by Savahn View Post
I downloaded and installed Profit UI 3.2 and now can not chat period. Even if I open a new chat window there is no where to type in a command or chat text. I have tried everything I can thing of and can not fix the issue. Please help.
As I pointed out in the release notes, I switched the settings around. The new default settings, which you get if you first install, will now have the chat entry enabled. The old settings were the inverse.

The reason this was done was because SOE changed it so the game no longer asks with new characters which interface settings you want to load. With my new default settings you can now immediately type /load_uisettings and load them. However, I have not yet updated the provided default uisettings files, they still use the old setup.

Currently you will have to manually right-click the window, go to window settings and set "frame and titlebar" to "none".

That's also covered in the FAQ here:
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If it does not work, you likely installed it incorrectly. Always try a clean install before reporting bugs.
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