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cottons 01-02-2007 03:09 PM

Ok the map of Butcherblock, well, imho, sucks. It is so incredibly small and yet there are so many items on it. Yes I know, we can take things off we don't want to see. But, I want to see them all. I want a bigger map. Surely it is possible to have a bigger map. Or at least a bigger image there and then determine where i am on my own. But these maps seem to get smaller all the time. GFay would be an awesome example of this, with a path a different color to the different areas and such.

I think EQ2Maps is awesome, and it should get better.

Thanks :-)

Allaenon 01-06-2007 09:00 PM

Vermin's Snye Map Popups
The LOC popups don't work in Vermin's Snye. The dots are on the map, but no info comes up when you hover over the points of interest. So far this is the only map where I've noticed this problem. Just wanted to let someone know.

FloridaFringe 01-07-2007 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Allaenon
The LOC popups don't work in Vermin's Snye. The dots are on the map, but no info comes up when you hover over the points of interest. So far this is the only map where I've noticed this problem. Just wanted to let someone know.

Known Issue: Link

lordebon 01-11-2007 04:40 PM

The website forms need to changed for clusters.

Specifically, we need:

The ability to suggest clusters
The ability to mark clusters as needing POIs split or added to them
The ability to comment on clusters in general (this is the most important one IMHO. Currently we can't leave comments or mark clusters as innacurate etc.)
When a POI is in a cluster, have it NOT show up somewhere else (example: 23125 cluster has POI 21093)
When a POI in a cluster is moved, it should automatically mark the cluster as needing checking so that POI can be removed from the cluster (same example)

EDIT: It would appear that the cluster is sometimes preventing them from being shown in other places.

IE, there are 3 wrong things in that cluster I mentioned above. 1 shows elsewhere but still lists in the cluster. the other 2 don't show elsewhere.

aztil 01-21-2007 02:23 AM

im having a problem with the map and i wont to know if it is me or are others having the same problem.

The map of down below is perfect but all the icons are wrong.

is it just me or what ?

sstair 01-21-2007 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by aztil
The map of down below is perfect but all the icons are wrong.

is it just me or what ?


Niteraven 01-28-2007 09:37 AM

getting an error upon zipping
Trying to install the maps from the updater into my profit ui folder. It starts to move the maps over and it gets almost completed and then it comes up the an error that says the zipped folder/file is corrupted and it stops transferring. Any ideas/suggestions will be greatly appreciated?

Elkay 03-01-2007 02:22 PM

Map Sizes...for the non-bionic-men players
I dont know about the rest of you but while the maps are an enormous help they're so small that some of the outside zones (heck, all of them not SOME!) are nothing more than pincushin graphics with multi-colored dots covering entire regions making it impossible to click a single specific one or even to roll over it.

Yes, I know you can filter the dots...what a huge PITA that is trying to figure out which one to click on or off....is that NPC you're looking for an NPC or a mob? Is he a POI or a Quest update? Usually you have to click them all off then cycle thru the filters one at a time - it gets to where I dont even bother at times.

Anyway - solution? Make the maps larger. Twice their current size? 50% larger? 20% would help? Just a thought - my suggestion is to allow the window to be scalable or it's size adjusted.

slackmessiah 08-25-2007 02:58 AM

Suggestion: Put Map on the map, or actual map name title
Any chance you could put the actual map name on the map or in the title?

Like instead of all the levels in Stormhold just saying "Stormhold", they could say, which level they were also? "Stormhold Level 2" or something nice like that.


bypeep 11-21-2007 10:42 AM

Different Color Icon for Shinies and Tomes
I would love to see a different colored icon to denote the collection type items on the map, specifically the tome pages and the shinies. This way you could scan the map for that particular item as opposed to looking through every single blue icon.

frostbite 11-22-2007 06:40 PM

Kunzar Jungle
Mob Name: Stoneneb
Level: 76^
Location: 303.73, -107.88, 477.43

gm9 11-22-2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by frostbite (Post 66834)
Kunzar Jungle
Mob Name: Stoneneb
Level: 76^
Location: 303.73, -107.88, 477.43

--> Submit a POI

Vertox 11-30-2007 08:25 PM

I would love an alpha list of poi's
It would be great to have an option on each map -to show an alpha list of all poi's - that you could then click on to highlight the one on the map.


Kertom 01-04-2008 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Vertox (Post 67290)
It would be great to have an option on each map -to show an alpha list of all poi's - that you could then click on to highlight the one on the map.



I think you can use "POI finder" for that. It's a kind of add-on you install after EQ2map.


ddaniel51 01-04-2008 06:28 PM

Auto Updater
How about an auto exit in Eq2map when it finishes updating like POI Finder?

jnils 01-05-2008 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by ddaniel51 (Post 68286)
How about an auto exit in Eq2map when it finishes updating like POI Finder?

It has a auto launch , same thing :)

Lindar 03-20-2008 04:47 PM

Appologies beforehand if this has been suggested before...

Would it be possible to add a small button next to the coordinate field that pasted what was in your clipboard and hit enter for the waypoint. Either that or could someone tell me an easier way than to move the cursor after the current loc and backspace to the beginning to paste the loc. Something thats bugged me forever but would save quite a bit of frustration over time(FoT) lol

another cool thing would be to be able to to be able to click on coordinates in group chat and have it mark the waypoint, I understand if that would be far to complicated for the efforts though.

lordebon 03-20-2008 10:29 PM

This thread was originally for suggestions for the website.

But lemme comment...

If you type /waypoint and then hit paste and enter it'll make a waypoint, instead of messing around with the box in the map (which takes much much longer).

As for the in-game bit... yeah it would be nice but it'd probably have to format it like the items (ie something like \/a-loc blah blah like items do) which would likely be nothing so simple, at least such is my guess.

Amblin 04-10-2008 03:44 PM

Add POI button revisited...
First of all, I would like to comment on some of the attitudes of some of the users that did not contribute to the development. Although I do not develop for EQ2Maps, I do develop software and nothing iritates me more than when people complain to developers and "flame" them despite using their product for free or at low cost. When I read your comments (esspecially those that claim anything is easy that have no idea what they are talking about), I hear a mixture of Urkel and the Nannie.

Second, the real reason that I am posting here. I have used the map for a while and although I definitely like the maps and the interface, I have often wondered about the "Add POI" button or a similar emote style translator (like the map creator.) I don't agree that the argument that ShadowProwler420 is valid:

Originally Posted by ShadowProwler420 (Post 41683)
As interesting as this sounds, I foresee one problem with it. That being multiple PoIs for something at one general location. Example: 20 people record/submit a PoI for X mob/npc, and each set of coordinates is off by 1 or 2 (whether if it's the N/S loc, the E/W, loc, or the height variable or a combination of).

If that were the case this site would be more discriminative in who it lets enter POIs. Just kidding, folks, I know that you worked hard to enter those locations. I think that more people adding them would really help out and also allow you to create more uniform entries. For example, a bunch of the lower level quests have only some of the POIs marked and reported in totally different formats, so they look odd. However, if there was an emote instruction that were say:

: markbegin
: marklocation <Location Name>
[: markquest <Quest Name> optional, but would be useful for uniform display]
: markdescription <Location Description>
: markzone <Zone>
: markend

Also you could use a similar emote system for removal:
: markremove <UID>

Also, to prevent misuse, you could always only give the tool to your best POI'ers. Making it more cumbersome really hurts the new players since only a handful of good POIers have added the early quests and mobs.

I'll await my "flaming" or hate mail, but thanks for reading it all to give it a chance.

gm9 04-10-2008 04:05 PM

Since we got the new ingame web browser an add POI button is doable entirely as an UI mod, you could pop up a window with the /loc already entered and let the user select the type from a dropdown and add the description, then post it to eq2interface at the push of a button. Much easier than what you proposed. :)

I don't think we would need any misuse prevention in addition to what's currently there.

Keirgarth 04-13-2008 09:06 AM

Comment about EQ2Maps
First off, let me say that I love what you all have accomplished with this add on to EQ2. Without it, I would be spending way more time trying to dig through walkthroughs on the net etc trying to complete quests. Keep up the great work.

Now for the reason I wanted to comment. I have only been using the add on for about 2 weeks as I am a fairly new player to EQ2. What happens is I see the "Fog of War" completely cover a region that I have already cleared after I get updates with the auto-updater.

What I would like to see added is a radial button that would allow the user to remove the "Fog of War" if he so wished.

gm9 04-13-2008 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Keirgarth (Post 71845)
What I would like to see added is a radial button that would allow the user to remove the "Fog of War" if he so wished.

Here you go: http://www.eq2interface.com/download...ap-plugin.html

kevinscheidt 04-24-2008 07:21 AM

POI Submitter
A Poi Submitter would be nice. If it were possible that a link on the map would take you to the website in a fashion such as:

opening the browser to take you to the location to quickly submit a new POI.

Keirgarth 05-22-2008 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by gm9 (Post 71848)

Sorry it took so long to respond, but thank you for the link, I will install it tonight so that I don't have to go through that frustration anymore.

Keep up the good work, :)

willowisp 06-06-2008 03:01 PM

good job !
I had to re install this app for my new VISTA machine.LOL i was terrified it wouldn't work....very good job guys ,this program is great and it works better than bigtime corp programs work.I had ZERO probs whatsoever.

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