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DBurgdorf 03-09-2007 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Sinbad
Please put version numbers on your mod filenames when you submit them.

I'm afraid I'm not quite following you.

The main Info Center XML file, eq2ui_journals_infocenter.xml, has always had a comment line at the top which includes the last modification date. I don't see any real value, though, in putting such "last modified" comments in every single file in the download. And in any event, such comments wouldn't prevent the "Do you want to overwrite?" queries; only changing the file names would do that, which (obviously) would be exceedingly impractical. And besides, whether you keep a backup copy of the old version or not, you *do* want to overwrite the files in your UI directory with the new files.

So.... I'm afraid I don't really understand what exactly it is that you're asking me to do.

-- Darryl (Milquetowst)

Othesus 03-09-2007 07:57 AM

I think he probably means the zip file like:


so that it would be obvious which version you have from the download.

DBurgdorf 03-09-2007 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Othesus
I think he probably means the zip file....

Oh, um, I guess that makes sense. ;)

To be honest, I'd never given the name of the zip file any real thought. I create one "on the fly" when it's time to upload, upload it, then delete it again. I don't save copies of the zip myself, and it never occurred to me that anyone else might.

I'll try to remember to include the date next time I upload an update.

-- Darryl

Seagoat 03-09-2007 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Sinbad
On a totally different note from what most of the recent posters have been discussing, I would like to ask you to PLEASE start putting some type of version number on your files when you submit them.

It would be handy, yes...in the meantime, I've been manually adding the version date to the filename when I save it locally. That way, I have a better idea of which archive contains which files and can compare it pretty easily with the changelog.

Sinbad 03-11-2007 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by LCAngela
It would be handy, yes...in the meantime, I've been manually adding the version date to the filename when I save it locally. That way, I have a better idea of which archive contains which files and can compare it pretty easily with the changelog.

Yes. That's what I've been doing, too. I just got tired of doing it when I am used to other mod authors doing it for me, so I thought I would ask Darryl if he would mind doing like other authors in respect to this one thing.

Sorry if I bugged you, Darryl, but I thought it was a small thing to ask.

DBurgdorf 03-11-2007 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sinbad
Sorry if I bugged you, Darryl....

You didn't bug me at all; I just didn't get your point at first. As I said, I'd never given the name of the zip file any real thought. I don't save multiple copies of mods myself, and don't even keep the current zips of the mods I use, so it hadn't occurred to me that anyone else would. *Shrug*

Anyway, you'll note that the new Info Center upload includes the date in its zip file name. :)

-- Darryl

Mayve 03-12-2007 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by DBurgdorf
I'm sorry if I sound like an unsympathetic ass, but the truth is, the walk-thrus involved more work than anything else in the Info Center, and when all was said and done, even I found myself accessing walk-thrus from Web sites more often than walk-thrus from the Info Center, even before the in-game browser was added.

Not at all, and I can totally understand that. :)


Originally Posted by DBurgdorf
...I'll release in the next couple of days as an optional "add-on" the full set of walk-thrus that were previously in the Info Center, with the files renamed for use in the "Notes" section.

That would be awesome, I've used those a lot, specifically the claymore one. It's perfectly laid out with all the quests in order, no picking through a related quests list, and has proven extremely helpfull in my own progession through that along with those of guildies. Eventually it will help with progressing my alts. :p

Keep up the good work.

Brorim 03-13-2007 01:37 AM

Walkthroughs back in the center please
Your work deserves alot of credit and it's a shame it wont be why im writing to you this time .. It's the walkthroughs could we please get them back inside the info center.
The infocenter is the singlemost usefull tool together with eq2map and this latest change took it down a notch :confused:



DBurgdorf 03-14-2007 08:37 PM

OK, I've decided to bow to the inevitable.

With the next release -- which I'll hopefully get out this weekend -- I'll put the quest walk-thrus back, as submenus off of the "Quests" tab.


I stand by what I've said regarding the relative worth (and work for me) of walk-thrus in the Info Center vs. the readily-available walk-thrus on Allakhazam's site and EQ2i.com. So while I'm putting the existing walk-thrus back, I will not be updating or adding to the Info Center's walk-thru collection.

Hopefully, this will keep everyone reasonably happy. ;)

-- Darryl (Milquetowst)

dragowulf 03-14-2007 11:03 PM

Nice, you've already done enough for us. Can't ask for more.

Thank you


Lexi357 03-15-2007 07:45 AM

:nana: THANK YOU DB!! :nana:

I really dislike the browser Soe put in and I miss the info center.
Im glad, at least for some of it anyway, that your going to put it back in.

Brorim 03-16-2007 01:24 PM

Thank you
You're the man :)

Thats really really good of you
5 Bananas

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:



DBurgdorf 03-18-2007 12:05 AM

Walk-thrus are back.

-- Darryl (Milquetowst)

Brorim 03-20-2007 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by DBurgdorf
Walk-thrus are back.

-- Darryl (Milquetowst)

stuff above the sword of destiny up to and including
heritage quests doesnt work for me ..

is it just me ?



DBurgdorf 03-20-2007 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Brorim
stuff above the sword of destiny up to and including
heritage quests doesnt work for me.

I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean. What, exactly, isn't working? Are buttons not doing anything, and if so, *which* buttons? (Some of them, including the Sword of Destiny button, are "grayed out" and inactive by design, since there aren't any walk-thrus for them to lead to.)

-- Darryl

Brorim 03-21-2007 12:28 AM

It DOES work

Originally Posted by DBurgdorf
I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean. What, exactly, isn't working? Are buttons not doing anything, and if so, *which* buttons? (Some of them, including the Sword of Destiny button, are "grayed out" and inactive by design, since there aren't any walk-thrus for them to lead to.)

-- Darryl

OHHHH i just figured it out .

It's like only a little bit of the button is active . Like in the lowest left
part of the button ..

It does work i'm so sorry . the button is just wierd :)



DBurgdorf 03-21-2007 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Brorim
It's like only a little bit of the button is active . Like in the lowest left part of the button ..

That's certainly not how it's *supposed* to work....

Are you using the Info Center in conjunction with any full set (or other mod) that alters button styles?

Is anyone else out there having a similar problem?

-- Darryl

mdpeacher 03-24-2007 10:51 AM

Thank you for maintaining this mod. Has to be the best out there. Much appreciated. :nana:

Sacraed 04-03-2007 05:18 AM

Every time I access this mode I am ever so grateful to its creator. So before I go on about anything else I want to say thanks to Darryl for the hard work and excellent product.

Just when you think there's isn't anything else that could be put into this mode, Neccessity has once again created a Need.

I created a Provisioner (correct term should be Provisionary accord to Webster but who the hell is he anyway?) Having reached L20 I needed to seek out Advanced versions of L20+ but no matter what city in which I searched the broker the return results didn't spit out ANY Advanced Volumes for a Provisioner. Because Provisioners don't use rares I thought that maybe their recipe book system didn't include Advanced Volumes and I STILL don't know what the story is. Seeing as in 2 years I've NEVER seen or possesed an Advanced Volume for a Provisioner I'm going to assume there just isn't any.

And then it dawned on me that the only reason I knew WHERE and HOW to acquire Advanced Volumes was that I had already learned it by crafting to L30 with my Jeweler.

Anyways, a blurb in the notes section on where and how to find Advanced Volumes would be great. My wife is about to begin crafting and I know she's gonna drive me nuts for just this very information.


DBurgdorf 04-03-2007 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Sacraed
I created a Provisioner....

(Please see my response already posted in the separate thread you created for this same question. -- Darryl)

Lexi357 04-03-2007 09:32 AM

Hello there!
Not to encourage folks posting the same questions in different threads, but I read Sacreds and at first, I thought he was going to ask what I have just been thinking but then he derailed so I will ask... Not about the advanced books but rather about the higher level crafting books 50+, 60+ I know different crafters have different locations to purchase them, as in the case of my tailor she could, if her faction were high enough, buy them in Maj Dul.
Someone in the guild asked just the other day where he might find the crafting books for his Alch. It might be a good thing to post where THESE books can be found ( I think he finally located the ones he needed in Whisperwind)

As I have said before, the browser that SoE has given us is ok but I seem to be having a lot of trouble with it, locking me up and even causing me to crash to desktop a few times when trying to open it. It would be so nice for us (old timers) if you could keep some of the pertinent stuff within the info center.
I know it's hard work doing that, and I REALLY do appreciate your efforts in this, but maybe just a few things that don't really "change" so you wouldn't have to update them, like the info on housing and mounts and I even saw you had info I was curious about on the gods of Norath. stuff like that would be ever so appreciated and IMHO USED!

Thats all I wanted to say, Thanks for reading!

Lexi :)

DBurgdorf 04-03-2007 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Lexi357
Not about the advanced books but rather about the higher level crafting books 50+, 60+ I know different crafters have different locations to purchase them....

I thought all high-level advanced books were for sale in Maj'Dul, but since my highest-level crafter is my 54 provisioner, it's not something I'd given a lot of thought to. I can check into it, certainly.


As I have said before, the browser that SoE has given us is ok but I seem to be having a lot of trouble with it, locking me up and even causing me to crash to desktop a few times when trying to open it. It would be so nice for us (old timers) if you could keep some of the pertinent stuff within the info center.
I've had no trouble with it myself, and have heard only a few scattered reports of problems, so I'm not entirely convinced it's really the browser at fault. Regardless, though, I have no intention of getting rid of the in-game Info Center. The *only* information I had even considered removing from the mod in favor of the browser window was the quest walk-thrus, and those have been put back due to popular demand, though I don't intend to spend a great deal of time or effort adding to or updating the ones currently available.

-- Darryl

Lexi357 04-03-2007 01:15 PM


I thought all high-level advanced books were for sale in Maj'Dul, but since my highest-level crafter is my 54 provisioner, it's not something I'd given a lot of thought to. I can check into it, certainly.
Thank you very much, I know it seems to take forever getting ones faction up high enough in Maj Dul to even be able to purchase items. I think your right and they DO have them there, but Im sure the even higher level or the 50+ for those who don't have that expac are available elsewhere, Im just not sure on who has what but I most definately would appreciate it if you (or anyone for that matter!) could verify this.


I've had no trouble with it myself, and have heard only a few scattered reports of problems, so I'm not entirely convinced it's really the browser at fault. Regardless, though, I have no intention of getting rid of the in-game Info Center. The *only* information I had even considered removing from the mod in favor of the browser window was the quest walk-thrus, and those have been put back due to popular demand, though I don't intend to spend a great deal of time or effort adding to or updating the ones currently available.
I have had varying amounts of trouble from one character to another and from one machine to another ( I use 3 diff comps) from just being slow and hard to view it to totally crashing a toon to the desktop but I also agree that some of it may be operator error (or UIs) and not so much the browser... then again since I refuse to update to IE7 and I don't use mozilla natively it might be a clash there as well.

In any case I appreciate VERY Much you putting the original walk thrus back in and am glad to hear that "info center" isn't going anywhere.

I don't really think there is a need to update the standard quests, unless the needs for them change significantly.

Othesus 04-03-2007 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Sacraed
I created a Provisioner (correct term should be Provisionary accord to Webster but who the hell is he anyway?) Having reached L20 I needed to seek out Advanced versions of L20+ but no matter what city in which I searched the broker the return results didn't spit out ANY Advanced Volumes for a Provisioner. Because Provisioners don't use rares I thought that maybe their recipe book system didn't include Advanced Volumes and I STILL don't know what the story is. Seeing as in 2 years I've NEVER seen or possesed an Advanced Volume for a Provisioner I'm going to assume there just isn't any.

There is one provisioner recipe that comes from Unrest that may be considered sort of rare, but maybe not "Mastercrafted" like normal rare crafted items. After a quick search I found this thread:

So, I don't know the details but it sounds like the recipe itself is LORE, has 5 charges, makes 5 Halasian Icebrews from a pristine combine (for a total of 25 from one recipe) and requires Halasian whiskey harvested from the bar in Unrest. Each run through Unrest yields two whiskeys. I don't know the recipe book name but my guess is that it might be Bartending for Sadists. I haven't seen any of this in-game myself, but next time I'll try pasting those links in to have a look.

Othesus 04-03-2007 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Lexi357
Hello there!
Not to encourage folks posting the same questions in different threads, but I read Sacreds and at first, I thought he was going to ask what I have just been thinking but then he derailed so I will ask... Not about the advanced books but rather about the higher level crafting books 50+, 60+ I know different crafters have different locations to purchase them, as in the case of my tailor she could, if her faction were high enough, buy them in Maj Dul.
Someone in the guild asked just the other day where he might find the crafting books for his Alch. It might be a good thing to post where THESE books can be found ( I think he finally located the ones he needed in Whisperwind)

For most general crafting questions I usually look in the eq2 forums:

Or, go straight to EQ2 Traders Corner:
Naimi normally keeps her information pretty up to date.

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