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Unread 03-15-2006, 12:02 AM
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Drumstix42 Drumstix42 is offline
A Griffon
Join Date: Oct 2004
Server: Antonia Bayle
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1: Fully Integrated UI scaling. If you've played WoW, you probably know what I mean. Basically, a global setting (or possibly individual) in which you can scale a window in whole to a percentage. This would be HUGE help in saving screen space without having to play in larger resolutions. Also with UIs that are more specific to certain screen ratios. This could pretty much solve a lot of problems in my opinion.

2: I'd like to see something similar to UI Add-Ons. Also a WoW feature. Where-as you can enable/disable different modifications for each invidiual character, instead of having to have a different UI folder, with different UI files for each character.

3: Easy-editable INI support! I'm not sure why the config files are... how they are. In EQ1, you were able to edit your UI configuration, and options through easy-accessible INI files. This made it very easy to edit and copy configurations outside of the game. This also includes things such as friends lists, ignore lists, ect!

4: Customizable bind keys for more actions. For example, binding a key to inspect someone, or binding a key to bring up he trade window with someone. Just simple things such as these. With the way EQ2 is, the only kind of scription you can do with within the XML UI files. I don't really expect a fully integrated scription LUA language like WoW, but some more customization would be awesome.

5: Single bag window. Option to show all bags in one, single window. I personally find it easier to sort things when they're all together, rather then split into 6 different bags. Sure, you use a slim border mod, and place them next to each other, but they're not easily moved around the screen.

6: A preview item button! I've always been wearing of buy items from the broker if it's a main armor piece, especially chest slots. If I'm a caster, and buying a new robe, I'd like to know ahead of time if it's hot pink or, purple with green polkadots Some kind of "item preview" feature would be definately awesome to have!

7: Ability to link items by left clicking/shift clicking icon in examine window. Just a feature I got used to from EQ1.

8: Looking For Group window with notes!!! I'm am really suprised this one isn't a feature in EQ2 yet! The EQ1 LFG window was great for letting others know that your LFG, and what exactly you're looking for.

9: Option to shorten chat text. For example:
"Longestnameposs says out of character,'Hi'".
I'd love to see a shorted option of something along the lines of: "Longestnameposs:OCC,'Hi'"

10: Custom macro keys with text options, rather than just the very few selection of icons currently available. This was a great feature in EQ1. Very handy with all the macros like "/g Incoming %t !"

11: Dynamic data for ammount of NPC Kills/Deaths, and as well as Kills/Deaths for PvP servers.

12: Some sort of in-game personaly DPS per fight, or group DPS, or some kind of window that you could bring up, to sho how much damage you did during the course of your last fight. Just anything related to DPS really. It's nice to see the true stats, rather than use a log parser Wishful thinking, but I thought I'd at least throw it out there.

13: Increase the pulse of Queue'd abilities on the hotbars. It seems to a lot more dull that it was at release, but either way, I think it should be a lot more noticable. Don't want to be casting and spells by accident once in a while.

I hope at least some of these get passed along. Thanks for taking the time to read them. Cheers.
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Last edited by Drumstix42 : 03-15-2006 at 08:02 PM.
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