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Unread 03-26-2006, 09:26 AM
gm9 gm9 is offline
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Default ProfitUI 2.2 released

Thanks everybody for the feedback and the good suggestions!

I just uploaded ProfitUI 2.2 and I think I have addressed most suggestions and concerns.

For the hotbars I took Droiyan7's excellent idea. As far as I am concerned, the hotbars will stay like this now. Please use the old (v1.8d) or default UI hotbar versions if you don't like looks or behaviour. Or any other hotbar mod, they should all work.

Only the chat window "no tabs" problem isn't really solved, only relocated to where I hope nobody stumbles upon it for the time being.

Nightlith, I could find nothing wrong with the level limits in the broker window. Also, I have never changed anything of that behaviour. Maybe a problem on SOE's end when you tested it.

This is definitely my last post for some weeks, so have fun and take care all.