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lordebon 08-25-2012 04:36 PM

Fetish v12 Bugs
Please do not post install problems or feature requests in this thread. They will be deleted without reply.

If you notice a bug and wish to report it, please do the following...

1) Check the "Known Bugs" list in this thread to see if your bug is listed. If it is, then no additional report of it is needed unless additional information is specifically requested.

2) If the bug is not already listed, then verify you are in fact running the latest version by preforming a "fresh install" of the most current version. During a "fresh install" you do not copy the downloaded files into an existing directory but instead extract it into an empty folder without merging in any previous files.

3) If the bug persists after completing step 2, then look for an existing report of the same bug. If one exists with no other verification, feel free to post verifying the bug. If more than a few people have reported the same bug, please don't post it again.

lordebon 08-25-2012 04:36 PM

Known Bugs
  • None currently listed

jokerwrecked 09-18-2012 11:47 AM

fetish bug
I've installed the ui. I no longer have a personal health and power bar. It has completely disappeared. Also, whenever i get an achievement( like orc hunter) the window it pops up in won't close unless you log out and log back in

lordebon 09-18-2012 03:13 PM

The achievement window behavior is controlled by the game; I've had it bug out in the past where it'll get stuck, but I do not know of any way to reproduce it consistently or prevent it. You can try renaming your eq2ui_journals.xml file and see if that changes it, as that is the file with that window contained in it.

The player window should be there like any other. You either have it not shown for whatever reason or it's stuck off screen. In the first case you can check easily enough by using the hotkey for the player window (alt P I want to say, but not sure off the top of my head); you may need to turn on hiding mainhud windows in the options window.

In the second case, you can check by renaming your characters uisettings file in your EQ2 directory and see if the window shows up then. If it shows up then, then the window was most likely hidden off screen. Rename your uisettings file back (deleting the one the game created in the meantime), then go to fetish central > locator in game, select the player window and move it to 0,0 or 100,100.

jokerwrecked 09-19-2012 08:12 AM

bug fix
Thanks a bunch. It was hidden. Working fine now!!

kenjmason 09-19-2012 07:52 PM

Loot Window Disappeared
After the last game update, it seems like the window that pops when looting no longer appears. I tried to use the locator to set the Loot window to position 100,100 (based on the other post) but with no luck. Any ideas?

Penebo 09-20-2012 08:01 AM

When i want to do the dungeon maker thingis there is no choose/button for play as self ..only play as avatar :( is there somethink what i can do to get it ?

lordebon 09-20-2012 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by kenjmason (Post 101127)
After the last game update, it seems like the window that pops when looting no longer appears. I tried to use the locator to set the Loot window to position 100,100 (based on the other post) but with no luck. Any ideas?

That window can appear multiple times (e.g., if someone else is looting things and you haven't rolled on each yet) so the locator may not work for that. You can try editing your character's uisettings file in your EQ2 directory to change the location; search it for "Loot_clone" and then edit base_location="xxx,yyy" to "100,100." If you have multiple Loot_clone entries (eg Loot_clone_0, Loot_clone_1) you may need to edit it for all of them. That should move the window back to 100,100 and make it visible.

If this becomes a persistent problem or multiple folks report it I'll try adding the force-move code that's used in the examine windows to that window as well. I want to avoid adding it unless necessary since more code running can mean a slower UI / slower game.


Originally Posted by Penebo (Post 101132)
When i want to do the dungeon maker thingis there is no choose/button for play as self ..only play as avatar :( is there somethink what i can do to get it ?

Are you using a clean install of the most recent core version? That window is automatically pulled from the default in a proper clean install; the actual file is not included which is why clean installs are the only recommended install method. Check for any files starting with eq2ui_playerhousing in your Fetish install; a correct install of Fetish Core will not have those files and you can delete them all.

Penebo 09-20-2012 04:45 PM

i think i have do a clean install but atm im not more sure .. i just copy`d the files from fetish core in my UI folder ..

otif 10-29-2012 07:03 PM

Since installing this my maps don't work right, i have done a fresh install of the game, installed fetish 12.2 and then reinstalled eq2 maps. In places like the guild hall i see myself as the arrow but everything else is black. In places like withering lands, the map is there but none of the markers, caves, or points of interest are showing. Help?

jnils 10-29-2012 11:16 PM

Did you use the auto updater for maps ?

lordebon 10-30-2012 08:59 AM

Make sure you're using the EQ2MAP auto updater and that it is pointing to the same place you installed Fetish. By the sound of it, it's not updating the correct location.

Drigg 10-30-2012 07:10 PM

SOEmote Window
Maybe i missed it but in my Fetish UI.. the SOEmote window is just a back window with an inner smaller grey window.

An Updating coming to fix it or can someone mention which files to delete so the default one shows through till there is a patch for it ?


lordebon 10-30-2012 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Drigg (Post 101307)
Maybe i missed it but in my Fetish UI.. the SOEmote window is just a back window with an inner smaller grey window.

An Updating coming to fix it or can someone mention which files to delete so the default one shows through till there is a patch for it ?


If you're using a proper fresh install of Fetish Core the SOEmote window should be there. It sounds like you installed over an older version, which would include some outdated windows that are no longer needed that would cause that issue. Try a fresh install of Fetish, making sure you don't copy into an existing directory. Full install instructions are available here.

Penebo 10-31-2012 06:01 PM

Is there a update for the krono thingi at charackter window ?

lordebon 10-31-2012 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Penebo (Post 101310)
Is there a update for the krono thingi at charackter window ?

Short answer: No update is required, if you're using a properly installed version of Fetish Core you should already see the Krono interface.

Long answer: Fetish Core does not individually skin that window but instead uses it's custom styles to make the default window automatically share the color/theme of the UI set. This means whenever SOE changes the window, it's changed for Fetish Core users as well automatically.

If you're not seeing it, make sure you're not using an old Fetish character window in your install. If the layout of the character window is not the same as the default UI then you're using an old version and should delete eq2ui_mainhud_persona.xml from your Fetish install.

meadbh 11-09-2012 11:20 AM

Fresh Install on new computer - bugs I have found and have had to resort to default windows:

Character Window
SC Marketplace
AA Achievement Merchant
Housing Leaderboards
House Pop (to enter and exit)
Mercenary Window

Should I delete and re-do a fresh install?

lordebon 11-09-2012 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by meadbh (Post 101373)
Fresh Install on new computer - bugs I have found and have had to resort to default windows:

Character Window
SC Marketplace
AA Achievement Merchant
Housing Leaderboards
House Pop (to enter and exit)
Mercenary Window

Should I delete and re-do a fresh install?

Most of the windows you've listed aren't even included file-wise in the FetishCore install (they're automatic reskins of the default versions). It sounds like you're using the old and out of date 11.9 release and not the Fetish Core 12.2 download.

meadbh 11-10-2012 07:41 AM

I will do a fresh reinstall of the core and see if that fixes it.

Thanks :)

meadbh 11-10-2012 08:00 AM

Yep that fixed it, thank you -- I got ahead of myself and installed too much prior.

zikeep 11-11-2012 05:07 PM

Ah... I can't see what I'm typing in chat, at all. Help, please?

lordebon 11-11-2012 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by zikeep (Post 101415)
Ah... I can't see what I'm typing in chat, at all. Help, please?

From the FAQ.


Originally Posted by Zonx (Post 49286)
Q: How can I set my chat window so the text entry box doesn't overlay the chat history?

A: Use Window Settings and turn ON the titlebar for any chat window you plan to type in. You can hide the titlebar (and scrollbar) using the opacity slider. I recommend leaving the Mouseover slider to 50%+ as this will make the scrollbar and tabs visible when manipulating the window.

LizardKin 11-14-2012 01:50 AM

I have discovered an issue when attempting to use click-to-cure since I installed the Chains of Eternity update to Fetish Core. When I attempt to click-to-cure, the game tells me I do not have the item in inventory, as if it is trying to use a potion instead of my cure spell. This is rather problematic for my healers and paladin, for whom I would prefer to use their inherent cure first, and not potions. Is there some setting that was changed in this most recent Fetish update that I am missing? If this has been addressed already in this forum, I apologize, and thank you for continuing to maintain this User Interface.

awayuki 11-14-2012 09:49 AM

achievement bug
achievement skill doesnt show anything :(

lordebon 11-14-2012 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by LizardKin (Post 101479)
I have discovered an issue when attempting to use click-to-cure since I installed the Chains of Eternity update to Fetish Core. When I attempt to click-to-cure, the game tells me I do not have the item in inventory, as if it is trying to use a potion instead of my cure spell. This is rather problematic for my healers and paladin, for whom I would prefer to use their inherent cure first, and not potions. Is there some setting that was changed in this most recent Fetish update that I am missing? If this has been addressed already in this forum, I apologize, and thank you for continuing to maintain this User Interface.

Fetish Core 12.2 made the T10 potions used by default on the personal click to cure due to a bug in the way the /cureplayer ability worked (it wouldn't use T10 potions at all).

Going by the patch notes, it looks like they may have fixed this bug so this version may no longer be needed. I'll remove it for 12.3.1; in the meantime if you look in the "optional variants" folder in your Fetish install you'll find a player window that uses the old /cureplayer functionality that will work with spell cures first.


Originally Posted by awayuki (Post 101485)
achievement skill doesnt show anything :(

Do a proper clean install, you have an old achievement window file.

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