Hi, everyone. The EQ2 patch today fubarred chat boxes for DrumsUI users and many DarqUI users. Rather than appearing at the bottom of the chat box, anything one types is super-imposed on chat existing already in the chat box, about midway up. Needless to say, this will be annoying as hades during raid tonight.
My questions:
(1) Can anyone suggest a fix simpler than uninstalling DrumsUI and breaking up forever, and using DarqUI instead? I have two hours before raids tonight.
(2) If I decide to divorce DrumsUI after all these years (*sniffle*), how big a pain is this going to be? Would appreciate answers from those who made that leap, as everyone else I know is using DarqUI, tbh.
One fix is to delete eq2ui_mainhud_mainchat.xml from the DrumsUI folder and use default. It's ugly but it works. Otherwise I look fwd to answers on either of the above questions. Thanks.
Thanks in advance,
Eliana, Anashti Sul Origins server
P.S. The chat box also does not work on Varsoon TLE so it's not merely the server. It's the UI.