Support message
All - I recently contemplated returning to Norrath. Unfortunately, it appears as though one of my accounts was compromised sometime after I left. While Daybreak staff was able to recover one, they aren't able to recover the other (apparently when a miscreant changes the associated email, it overwrites the original email used to register/create the account). And I guess there aren't ingame GMs left that can verify Wulfgyr & Erytheal paid the upkeep on Mystbolts house in 2005-2006.
So, if you see Wulfgyr or Erytheal (or probably Wulfgyrw & Erythealw after the server merges) running around on Skyfire, tell them I said thanks.... or better yet, so long, and thanks for all the fish.
So no- I won't be updating the UI. As I previously mentioned though, any author that wants to can feel free - just please credit Thomus for his wonderful artwork.
Wulfgyr Draco'Kyn
Mystbolt Draco'Kyn