11-12-2005, 05:56 PM
Saryn chained me to a UI
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Permafrost
Posts: 107
Draco'Kyn UI Support Thread (Current Version = 1.18.1, released 21 DEC 05)
Draco'Kyn UI Installation
Draco'Kyn UI Installation - Full Release (1.18.1 - December 21st, 2005)
------------------------------- - Live Update 18 Compatible!!
- Consolidated many of the add-on's to prevent multiple downloads for first time users (Most notably, Silverfox's Quest Journal reskinning add-on)
- Added Geniva's "SlimProfit" Maintained Spells window
- Completely replaced the loadscreens to eliminate the "stretched" graphics from the previous version
- Made cosmetic changes to the Knowledge book
** The current discussion thread for this UI can be found at the link below - it's located in the Release area of the Interface Forums on the EQ2Interface.com site. **
Draco'Kyn UI Support Requests & Notes
** The support forums for the EQ2Map mod can be found on the EQ2Interface.com site as well. **
------------------------------- - NOTE: Changed the numbering system I use for releases. For example, this is release 1.18.1 - First digit (1) indicates major release version. 2nd digits (18) indicate last LU the UI was tested to be compatible with. Last number (1) is the number of times it's been patched since the last live update.
- 21 December 2005 - Updated UI to be LU 18 compatible
- 18 December 2005 - Added the option to have a target bar without the orbs
- 03 December 2005 - Updated UI to be LU 17 compatible
Installation notes
Often, installing a new UI, or upgrading an existing UI will cause certain windows to move around a bit, and sometimes "disappear". Also, remember that F10 cycles through the HUD modes, and if inadvertantly bumped, can cause your UI to disappear. Following is a list of some of the common "hotkeys" used to make windows visible / invisible.
Clock Window = <ALT> C
Compass Window = <ALT> N
Group Window = <ALT> G
Raid Window = <ALT> R
Guild Window = U
Hotkey Window = <ALT> H
Maintained Spells Window = <ALT> M
Options Menu = <ALT> O
Player Window = <ALT> U
Effects Window = <ALT> E
Quest Journal = J
Quest Helper Window = <ALT> J
Target Window = <ALT> T
If all else fails, I've included 3 "default" character .ini files that can be used to reset the default locations. Please note, using these may cause the loss of any custom chat channels, so I recommend them as a last resort. They are contained within the INI folder of the install instructions, with a README.txt file for installation.
Install UI And any additional Options Before you install the EQ2Map. Once the UI is installed, make sure you run the EQ2Map installer PRIOR to running EQ2 for the first time, or you'll have a ton of UI errors!!!
Right Click Dracokyn.zip, and extract the files someplace easy to find. Popular places include the desktop, or directly into your ...\EverQuest II\UI directory. Next, we'll move the files you extracted to the proper locations.
Make sure to place the eq2.ini file into your EQ2 directory. (This controls the UI that loads upon startup)
Under the UI Folder of your EverQuest II directory, copy the Dracokyn folder you unzipped.
EQ2Map Installation
After you've copied the folder and eq2.ini file to the proper locations, simply run the EQ2MAP-Updater-1.0.6-Setup.exe file, which is located inside the Dracokyn folder. Make sure the first time you run the Map Auto-Updater that you click the "options" button, and that the UI folder and Everquest II game directories are selected properly. Taco's done a great job with it, and it should auto-update. If you have any problems with EQ2Map, visit the link below.
EQ2Map Troubleshooting & Installation.
UI Options
1) To change the "fill" color of the Arcane Orb casting window or enable the default casting bar:- Go to your UI\Dracokyn\images\Arcane folder
- Rename Orb-purp.dds to Orb-red.dds (this way, you can switch it back later), as well as Orb-purp-2.dds to Orb-red-2.dds
- Orb colors to choose from are blue, green, grey, purple, or red. (Orb-XXX.dds) The default is set to red.
- Rename the colored orbs (both Orb-XXXX.dds and Orb-XXXX-2.dds) of your choice to Orb-purp.dds MAKE SURE TO RENAME BOTH THE STANDARD AND -2 files.... otherwise, only one side of your target bar orbs will change color.
- If you want the default style casting bar to come up, rename the eq2ui_mainhud_casting.xml file in the dracokyn folder to eq2ui_mainhud_casting-OFF.xml
- If you want to disable the orbs on the sides of the target window, rename eq2ui_mainhud_target.xml to eq2ui_mainhud_target-CAST.xml, and then rename eq2ui_mainhud_target-NOCAST.xml to eq2ui_mainhud_target.xml
2) If you want to change the target consider system: - While in game, type /con_version 0 for Detailed consider system, and /con_version 1 for the Simple consider system (from within the game)
3) If you want the UI while zoning:- Rename eq2ui_hud_zoning-OFF.xml to eq2ui_hud_zoning.xml (**NOTE** Buggy with resolutions over 1024 x 768 at the moment - images appear off-centered while zoning)
4) If you want scroll arrows on your hotkey bar:- Go to your UI\Dracokyn folder, and rename eq2ui_mainhud_hotkey.xml to eq2ui_mainhud_hotkey-NOSCROLL.xml
- Rename eq2ui_mainhud_hotkey-BANKS.xml to eq2ui_mainhud_hotkey.xml
5) To disable the quest journal modification:[list=1][*]In the UI\Dracokyn folder, reþame eq2ui_journals_quest.xml to eq2ui_journals_quest-OFF.xml
6) If you want the older version Playeâ window (with tøe %'s over the bars):- In the UI\Dracokyn folder, rename eq2ui_mainhud_player.xml to eq2ui_mainhud_player-NEW.xml
- Rename eq2ui_mainhud_player-OLD.xml to eq2ui_ýainhud_player.xml
7¹ To remove the orbs from the Target / Implied Target bar:[list=1][*]In the UI\Dracokyn folder, rename eq2ui_mainhud_target.xml to eq2ui_mainhud_target-ORBS.xml[*] Rename eq2ui_mainhud_target-NO-ORBS.xml to eq2ui_mainhud_target.xml
* T. King, for his wonderful artwork, especially the Arcane Orb, used so heavily here.
* Beastnic, for his Celtic chat window borders.
* Kuvasie for creating the original Arcane Orb player and group windows (circa EQ1).
* Zonx and DBurgdorf for inspiring me to rip apart their compass and cloók windows, and put 'em back together
* Valdacil, for his great work on the quest journal, that xSilverfox further improved upon
* Drumstix, for creating a working version of the "UI while zoning mod", that I * further bastarized.
* The entire EQ2Interface community, for the support and encouragemõnt
* Fenix, for compiling the first version of this UI
Last edited by Wulfgyr : 12-22-2005 at 11:52 AM.
Reason: Inserted notes
11-13-2005, 11:11 AM
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Nov 2005
Server: Runnyeye
Posts: 2
By Far the best piece of work I have seen yet on EQ2. No complaints works great!
The only issue I have and it is not with the UI itself, is repositioning the letterbox. I have read the threads here and have tried several of the options suggested but none work quite like I want.
I know the /viewport command does not exist in EQ2 as it did in EQ but maybe there is somethign similiar? If there were that would solve all my problems and I would be in UI Heaven!
A big big THANK YOU for all your hard work!
11-13-2005, 01:37 PM
A Griffawn
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 72
Nice Work
I really like the art work that you have put in this UI.
I tried this UI, liked it, but in the end had to go back to Fetish Nightfall due to lack of a few things. This UI relies heavily on default windows by SoE. The lack of a store find it button is now a days just unacceptable for those of us who do a lot of selling.
I also didn't like that if I wanted to add in a piece or two of other peoples mods, it makes EQ2 crash using this UI.
I like your idea and theme here, but have to stay with something that is both 100% up to playability standards and is as well visually appealing.
11-13-2005, 02:38 PM
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Oct 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 4
Got the clock...Thanks!
Outstanding UI!
11-13-2005, 06:28 PM
A Brown Bear
Join Date: Sep 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 10
Knowledge Book
Well I redownloaded the complete and even put it on a few others comps.
Still dont have a next or pervious tab for the skill book. Is there a keyboard command to do this instead of using a mouse?
11-14-2005, 10:13 AM
A Griffawn
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 72
[quote=Wulfgyr]Ok, not sure where you had this happen.... as far as I know, it should be compatible with most other mods, as long as it's not a complete interface. The times I've asked if people were using other mods, was to see if I'd have to get a copy of that piece as well, to ensure there were no conflicts.
I tried putting in a Journal mod and a recipe mod. The recipe mod said to add some lines to the eq2ui_mainhud.xml file, which I know how to do as I have done it with my Fetish Nightfall. But your UI does not have this file, so I think that is why it crashed on me with that mod. I took it out though and the UI continued to crash EQ2 with the Journal mod in.
See I like to have Heritage Quest info available to me with in the game, so I don't have to alt-tab out to access say Ogamings database. This I find is handy for helping fellow players out when they have questions about a given quest and need help. The other nice thing to have is Tier harvest info. I know a lot of people probably just memorize the stuff, but I don't. Call me lazy.
At first glance when I loaded into game with your UI I thought, where the heck is my XP bar? LOL I then noticed it was on the orb you made. Nice work btw.
I know that with your continued efforts, this UI will shine.
Please don't let me deter you from continuing to work on this UI. I think there can never be enough UI's out there, as everyone likes different things and game setups.
Take care and safe adventures to you and yours.
Level 50 Mystic
Tyrants of Rage Guild
Faydark Server
11-14-2005, 10:29 AM
Saryn chained me to a UI
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Permafrost
Posts: 107
Ah, and a fellow mystic, too!
True, my UI doesn't use a mainhud file, I try to minimize the files I use for modding, so it doesn't break (or at least not drastically, lol) after patches.
Try this - copy the mainhud.xml file from your default directory into whatever you're using as a custom folder, and then apply the recipe and journal mods.
That way, EQ2 won't overwrite the mainhud.xml file in the default directory when it patches itself, it'll just use the one in the custom UI folder. If that doesn't work, just shoot me a PM with what recipe and journal mods you're usin', and I'll take a peek at 'em.
11-14-2005, 10:50 AM
A Griffawn
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 72
Wow, your quick to respond! LOL
That was an amazingly quick response.
Ok, will try your idea. Not sure what that is gonna do to the UI, but what the heck. Worth a shot.
The quest journal I was using is this one, but I was using the one skinned for Fetish I think, but is same mod basically. -- > http://www.eq2interface.com/download...fo.php?id=3860
The recipe mod was this one --> http://www.eq2interface.com/download...fo.php?id=4058
I was using it prior to this newest release he just did.
Not sure why the Journal mod would break your UI. Maybe you can figure that one out. LOL.
I am also a Level 36 Tailor btw. So the Tradeskill mod is indeed a handy thing to have, though there is a thing or two I dont like about it, but one can't have everything. Hehe.
My server is down for another hour or so, but will try your UI with your idea of putting in the file(s) and see if that works when the server is back up.
11-13-2005, 07:01 PM
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Nov 2005
Server: Runnyeye
Posts: 2
Originally Posted by Wulfgyr
Actually, this is one of the things you can do from in-game. Go to your start button, Options Menu, then the Display Tab.
2nd Item down is Widescreen Letterbox, where you can adjust the thickness of the border (or remove it entirely), and toggle the gold border along it's edge on and off.
You are indeed correct, there's no /viewport command, and no equivalent as of yet. :\
Hope that helps out!!
I apologize for not being more clear. Yes I am aware of the letterbox toggle in the options menu... What I want is to adjust the viewable area to my specifications...
I.E. - full screen except on bottom without loosing any viewable area... when you resize using the letterbox option you loose viewable area... /sigh.
You did answer my question tho.. NO equivalent of the /viewport command...
Thanks again for being on top of things... fabulous work!
11-14-2005, 09:57 AM
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Oct 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 3
Great looking and functional UI, I am having one problem though. The start button never showed up in the default install. Using the in game command alt ` didn't bring the start button up either. I have tried to install a custom start button but no matter what I do the start button will not appear for me. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
11-14-2005, 10:10 AM
Saryn chained me to a UI
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Permafrost
Posts: 107
One other quick note - Drunador, were you talking about store, merchant, or broker windows in your post?
I'm thinking about re-skinning the Fetish MarketXchange window, something similar to Valdacil's version of it, perhaps.
11-19-2005, 11:53 AM
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Feb 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 3
UI never stays the same each time I log in
Absolutely brilliant UI. Love it! However, after spending time setting up the windows and positions, etc, when I log back in to EQ2, the windows have re-arranged or missing or changed. I have to spend another 10mins or so re-arranging them again. I have to re-load the default Draco and start over. How can I keep things the way I set them?? Thanks.
11-20-2005, 11:41 AM
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Oct 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 4
I'm working on keeping the real boss happy..you know...my wife!! <heh> She has just started using this UI as well, but she has a hard time seeing the center line on the XP bar. Is there a way to make this bigger? (either just the bar or even the whole thing) ...or maybe remove the percent text and only have it show up with a mouseover?
This is an AWESOME UI! Thanks again
Fersnizzle on Lavastorm
11-20-2005, 09:01 PM
Saryn chained me to a UI
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Permafrost
Posts: 107
My apologies all, I've been extremely busy with another project and haven't kept up with the boards like I normally do. So without further ado, here goes:
Sollum - sounds like you have a corrupted character INI file. Try deleting the eq2_servername_charname.ini file in your EQ2 directory. You'll have to re-organize the windows again after doing that, but hopefully that fixes the issue. (It's a known bug, for some reason, some character INI files get corrupted from time to time. Sony still hasn't given us a reliable fix for it, as far as I know) If that doesn't fix the problem, let me know, and I'll e-mail you one of my character INI files to use.
Mikegoe - took a quick look at the window, and I should be able to move the percentage indicator's over to the end of the bars without too much trouble. I may look at refining the color's used as well, depending on how much time I have to work with it. (This other project is becoming much more involved that I anticipated, but I think you folks will be very pleased with the result)
Sic - putting my plans to reskin windows on hold until I finish the ongoing project - that's not to say I won't push one out while taking a break from the other job, though.
Callamity - no worries, I'll add that to the installation notes to make it a bit clearer for folks.
(thanks again for everyone's support - please, vote for the UI if you use it and like it, and of course, let me know if there's anything you'd like to see!)
11-27-2005, 10:30 AM
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Oct 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 4
I just wanted to say THANKS!!! for the updates. Moving the text on the XP bars makes seeing the incremental progress bar much easier.
Nice touch with the new orb patch as well.
Thanks again!
Fersnizzle on Lavastorm
11-27-2005, 12:14 PM
A Coastal Crab
Join Date: Nov 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 1
I have a question about the skill icons: Is it possible to reset them to the old size? I managed to change the border size back to normal, but the animations or rather pictures are still small...
Other then that this is an amazing UI and I'm glad you are keeping it up to date!
Thank you for your time,
12-21-2005, 10:34 PM
A Dervish Cutthroat
Join Date: Jun 2005
Server: Unrest
Posts: 38
Possible error in the Instructions or needing of clarification
Originally Posted by Wulfgyr
7) To remove the orbs from the Target / Implied Target bar:- In the UI\Dracokyn folder, rename eq2ui_mainhud_player.xml to eq2ui_mainhud_player-NEW.xml
- 2) Rename eq2ui_mainhud_player-OLD.xml to eq2ui_mainhud_player.xml
uh dont you mean eq2ui_mainhud_target.xml ??
“It is a curious thing, that God learned Greek when he wished to turn author--and even more curious that he did not learn it better.” (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)
12-21-2005, 10:36 PM
A Dervish Cutthroat
Join Date: Jun 2005
Server: Unrest
Posts: 38
Just curious when you skinned SilverFox's journal was it the first one that you had allready modded cause that was a little bugged still yet or was it after he allready fixed it and released his?
“It is a curious thing, that God learned Greek when he wished to turn author--and even more curious that he did not learn it better.” (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)
12-22-2005, 07:30 AM
Saryn chained me to a UI
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Permafrost
Posts: 107
Whups, good catch Morpheus, thanks!
And yep, the one that was available yesterday had the fixed version of the Silverfox journal. (Well, hopefully it was fixed! :P )
01-01-2006, 11:56 PM
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Jun 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 4
Could some plz help me out. My spell book will only show me the first and last page which isnt very handy for a caster heheheh
01-02-2006, 10:05 AM
Saryn chained me to a UI
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Permafrost
Posts: 107
Try the little double arrows halfway down each side for next / previous.
01-02-2006, 08:33 PM
A Brown Bear
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Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 14
01-02-2006, 08:55 PM
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Jun 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 4
*hangs her head in shame* Yes yes im retarted, i was thinking they were just the pretty designs hehe
01-11-2006, 01:12 PM
A Coastal Crab
Join Date: Dec 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 1
installing question r/t map
I would like to install this UI but I am concerned about your warning related to the EQ2Map. You said to install this UI BEFORE I install the EQ2Map. Well I installed the EQ2Map a week or so b4 I found this UI that I would like to install. How do I download this UI now that I already have the map installed? You said that I may have a "ton of UI errors!!!" if I didnt install first. Can you please advise me, I am not a geek so can you please break it down in english? Thanks
01-19-2006, 05:27 PM
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Nov 2005
Server: Nektulos
Posts: 5
shortening target bar
is there anyway you can make an additional option...to have the player target bars shorter? they are just wee bit too long for me and i love this UI!
thanks for the beautiful work
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