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Unread 05-13-2018, 03:28 AM
shurimano shurimano is offline
A Coastal Crab
Join Date: May 2018
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Posts: 1
Default New Daimond Fantasy PlayerWindow V2.5

Added some invisable Show/Hide buttons on all other stuff to window for customizing. Only one problem with the mod is that if you hide some stuff or all when you log back on next time it will all be reset to defualt, window will not save window settings. :

right now only the Sword is custom, staff will be done and uploaded later.

Thought it would be neat to make a new type of Playerwindow with the HP/Power Bars merged into the Casting Bar as one. The Blue water ball in the middle is the casting bar with txt above it.

Read me included. have resolutions for 1024x? and 1280x?

Let me know what you all think of this.

Tomorrow ill have a sumular one done but instead of a staff it will be a LOTR's Elvin Long sword like in the movie. the pick is not totaly done yet, ill be adding the elvin wrighting on it later but it will probly not be in the Window.

if you want to have a look at some of the other things open the .DDS file.

unpack the zip file directly to your main EverQuest2 folder and say yes to all.
But since your reading this you have already unpacked the folder.

In this Vertion you must follow #3 for the Type you want none are set to defualt
you will have to rename one of the files, there mark (Resolution,Type)

if you unpack the file then..
1- copy & past the eq2.ini file to your main EverQuest 2 folder.
2- open the UI folder and copy the daimond folder to your UI folder.
or copy the UI folder to your main EQ2 fold and say yes to all.
3- There is 2 resolutions the defualt is for 1280x? if you use 1024x? rename other file
eq2ui_mainhud_player(1024x).xml to read eq2ui_mainhud_player.xml
you will have to rename or delete the Defualt fole first.
4- Start game and play.
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