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Unread 12-18-2005, 03:26 PM
Morpheusdead Morpheusdead is offline
A Dervish Cutthroat
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Posts: 38

Originally Posted by Wulfgyr
Just uploaded an add-on for those that wanted the orbs removed from the target window. You can find it here
TY so much. I had allready altered the window myself in this way but will go with yours instead, you are the author after all 8).

Also I had another interesting idea. As the window is right now you have the player in the center position and the target above with two lines above that name and info, then the implied target below the player with only one line of text the name. So here is my idea. How about putting the player at the bottom with one line just name then target above that in middle position with two lines name and info for con lv, assigning these items a bottom pack location to keep them relative to the bottom of the window. Now make the window just barely large enough for these two items(player and target). Then place the implied target at the very top with 2 lines name and info for con lv and give this an onshow parameter to resize parent window large enough to show all three.

This will make the whole window resize its self based on whethor you are in a group and have a implied target or not and what ever in being hit either the target or implied target will always be the top most bar. and the window will have no wasted space if you only have a target and no implied then it will only be large enough for that.

Don't know if I explained that well enough but anyway that was my idea.
And it is from the viewpoint of setting the target window close to the bottom of the screen if i placed it at the top of the screen I would prob prefer it the opposite : with player upmost then target below then implied target very bottom.

Anway TY for this modification,

“It is a curious thing, that God learned Greek when he wished to turn author--and even more curious that he did not learn it better.” (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche)
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