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Unread 02-25-2011, 04:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Liandra View Post
Zonx, when you do that is there any chance you can look at making the pet clicktocure detriment icons a little bigger. At the moment they are so small it is easy to miss them.

Also how do i modify the click to cure list on the pet window to add the Conjy spell Heal Servant VIII? Conjies get a "dispel any hostile effects" on their normal pet heal so that would be the one i would want to cast to cure any detriments.
The pet ClickCures use the stock SOE command. Until they add the desired spell to the list, you'd need to add additional script to try that specfic spell. If it only ever applies to your pet, I'd just use a hotkey... otherwise try the following...
useabilityonplayer g0 spellNameOrID pet
something like that... to each of the onPress scripts for each detriment. They for sure added the pet parameter to the cureplayer command, not sure if its been added to useabilityonplayer.

If that doesn't work, you'll need to work out how to build the command using the pet name or with a target toggle. Gets tricky with ppl naming pets the same as their toon.

Far as larger icons... its doable, just didn't want to fluff the window more than needed for what frankly seams like a marginal feature. As a necro, I can use my cure arcane to cure myself or the pet of arcane or nox. Generally not gonna waste it on the pet, and have no way to cure the other 3 detriments.

Didn't realize Conjs got a pet clear all, and I'm not really seeing healer/chanter pets taking priority over a player, or tanking for that matter.

I'll play with it a bit and gather feedback to see how useful it really is. Was considering implementing it as a separate window you could open from the pet window, or maybe as a titlebar expander below the command buttons.
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