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Unread 12-20-2005, 06:47 PM
Wulfgyr Wulfgyr is offline
Saryn chained me to a UI
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Permafrost
Posts: 107

Hey all, checking back in.... so, without further ado, here goes:

Xigthias - that's where I usually have my quest helper window... other than that, I can't think of a reason why there should be "dead space" up there. I'll have a peek though, mebbe something snuck in that I didn't notice.

Morpheus - glad I could help out, and I'll certainly take your idea's about the target / implied target window to heart. There would be a lot of pieces to move around, but I've got a pretty good idea of how to make it work. Check the note at the bottom of this post though... it may take me a little bit to make it happen.

Alkanos - that's a known issue. The quest journal is actually Valdacil's mod, I just reskinned it. HOWEVER... a little birdie whispered in my ear about the Silverfox version of the Valdacil mod, which does away with tabs for each heritage quest, and makes them buttons on the left hand side. I plan on reskinning that window, as well as the broker / market window soon.

Sablerose - sorry for the long time for a reply, it was on my list of "things to do", and kept slipping my mind. I should have a new version of the load screens in with the next big update. The Geniva version, while nice, apparently "stretched" the images a bit. I also play in 1280x1024, and noticed this while working on another project (see note below for more info). However, it may also be an issue with the UI overlay settings, so I'll look that over as well, just in case.

  • Live Update # 18 went live today. I'm working on the updates immediately after I post this, nothing tremendously different looks to have changed, so it should be up shortly.
  • As I've mentioned before, in addition to the new baby, the holidays, and all the other familial responsibilties, I've been hard at work on another project with some great folks. That project has reached the 2nd beta, and we're hoping to push it live before this weekend. So, most of my efforts will be in that direction, and any support issues immediately after it's released.
  • Despite everything else that's going on, I will definately still be supporting the Draco'Kyn UI. It's now been downloaded close to 2000 times, so I like to think I'm doing something right!! Major issues I'll address right away (Live Updates, and such), and please continue to give your feedback. Without all the great comments from the folks here, the UI would have gotten "stagnant", and "boring". Thanks to each and every one of you... while I "support" this UI, you are the ones that truly make it great. I'm looking forward to further improving upon it in the New Year. Happy Holidays to all of you!!!
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