Thread: Fetish Skinning
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Unread 02-13-2008, 11:25 AM
FloridaFringe FloridaFringe is offline
A Griffon
Join Date: Sep 2005
Server: Lucan DLere
Posts: 459
Default Fetish Skinning

I'm not sure if this has been discussed before or not as I couldn't find anything specific on it, so if it has please just direct me in the right direction if at all possible.

What I was wondering was what I would need to do in order to take a basic default window and make it look like the FetishClassic theme?

I'm not worried about added features and all of that but rather over time there are several windows that I've had to revert back to the default due to game updates. I would love to take these windows and have them match my overall theme again if it's something that I could quickly do with a few line changes via Notepad++.

I already have FetishClassic installed so actual graphic changes shouldn't be need, as far as I know, but if that's the case then so-be-it I suppose.

At any rate, any assistance would be highly appreciated.

Thank you kindly.
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