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Unread 02-03-2011, 12:42 PM
zabom zabom is offline
A Berserk Golem
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 55
Default Can a UI mod write to a text file?

Hello, I have never decided to put the effort into learning the UI mod language, as I have always been very satisfied with the mods others have done. Now, however, I may have reason to create my own mod and before I go to the effort I would like to know if what I want to do is even possible.

I have written a data base app that tracks my guilds DKP. The next step in this app is to have it collect attendance data for any given raid. My original idea was to have it go through the eq2 logs file, but after some work I determined the resource requirement for doing this was higher then I like. So this is my idea.

I want to mod my guild window with two buttons by each name in the "members online now" list. These buttons would have an "Invite to raid" and an "invite to group" function. That part I am sure can be done. The next part is where my question comes in. I want the mod to then log the names of those I have invited and the time to a separate text file that my DKP app can use. So, my question is, can a mod be given the ability to write to a text file?
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