Thread: Profit and GU58
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Unread 10-23-2010, 11:46 PM
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Maozem Maozem is offline
A Grizzled Badger
Join Date: May 2009
Server: Everfrost
Posts: 46
Default Note for Implied Target - Found a change not sure if intended or not.

First off - Thanks for all the hard work Tal - It is greatly appreciated.

Ok, so I use the target and implied to switch targets quite often. As of the last update I found that this little trick no longer worked so I went digging. (Thankfully I keep backups of old files lol) and here is what I found.

Button LocalTooltip="Select Player" Name="Assist" OnPress="assist Parent.Parent.Parent.Target.Name2.LocalText" Opacity="0.000" Size="172,48" Tooltip="Select Player"/>

This line appears to be ommitted from the new version of the implied target window. Not sure if it was intended or not but putting back in the following didn't hurt anything that I can tell and brings the old functionality back.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Page DynamicData="/GameData.ImpliedTarget.Window" DynamicDataFilter="0001" eq2usescomwndcontrols="true" Location="693,0" MaximumSize="172,160" MinimumSize="172,96" Name="ImpliedTarget" PackLocation="nfn,nfn" Size="172,160" UserMovable="true">
<IconBank BackgroundOpacity="1.000" Font="/TextStyles.Normal.NormalStyle" FrameColor="#B5935A" IconFramePadding="0" IconPadding="1" IconSize="15" IconStyle="/IconStyles.effect" Location="5,92" Name="Icons" PackSize="a,a" RenderOutlines="false" Size="163,50" TextColor="#FFFFFF" TextMargin="2,-1,2,-2" OnMove="Location=&apos;5,92&apos;"/>
<Page Location="0,21" Name="Common" Size="172,71">
<Button LocalTooltip="Select Player" Name="Assist" OnPress="assist Parent.Parent.Parent.Target.Name2.LocalText" Opacity="0.000" Size="172,48" Tooltip="Select Player"/><Page AbsorbsInput="false" Location="4,56" Name="SearchAutomation" OnHoverIn="SetNames.Press=true" Size="165,14">
<Button BackgroundOpacity="0.000" BackgroundColor="#FF0000" Location="
Just thought I would share for those that miss the function as it was.

P.S. sorry if wrong forum, it appeared to be the best fit for now.

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