Thread: Profit and GU58
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Unread 10-14-2010, 07:33 PM
TalTal TalTal is offline
A Griffon
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Originally Posted by Mystara0001 View Post
Hiyas Profit Magicians,

Prior to GU 58 I had modified my _ProfitUI_Curest.txt file so that I could use the Conjuror AA tree Cure Elemental in the Group/Raid/Self Target windows and all was good.

After the update (and to ensure I was using a clean install to prevent problems) I removed all my ignored files and updated the aforementioned text file.

I then modified it to once again include the AA cure. However now it doesn't recognize it at all. If I cure myself, it uses a potion. If I cure a group member it doesn't do anything.

I've checked and double checked the spell ID to ensure it's correct.
<Data Name="Conjuror" TraumaCure="NONE" ArcaneCure="3530975588" NoxiousCure="NONE" ElementalCure="1625329191" CurseCure="NONE"/>
Any help/info on this would be great.
Not 100% sure this is causing your issue but it could be.

/useabilityonplayer has a bug at the moment that they are working on.

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