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Unread 08-18-2010, 12:31 PM
adaemus adaemus is offline
A Brown Bear
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Posts: 8
Default Quick fixes

Good Morning All,

I've made the following quick fixes to get back up and running for the most part. Note, these are by no means the correct and right fixes...just things that I did to get stuff back.

1. To get the Inventory Screen back (b/c it's now combined with the persona window):
In the EverQuest II\UI\FetishNightfall folder, find, 'eq2ui_mainhud_persona.xml' and change it to: 'eq2ui_mainhud_persona_backup.xml'.

Note: You can change the name to anything or delete it (not that I'd recommend that. The point is to use the default persona window and not the fetish one until it can be fixed.

2. Do the same thing for the Welcome Screen:
In the EverQuest II\UI\FetishNightfall folder, find, 'eq2ui_mainhud_welcome.xml' and change it to 'eq2ui_mainhud_welcome_backup.xml'.

3. To get the Maintained window working again follow these steps:
a. In the Everquest II\UI\FetishNightfall folder find, 'eq2ui_mainhud_maintained.xml'
b. Open this xml in notepad or some other text editor.
c. Do a search for 'GameData.Spells' (This will get you to the right part of the file to edit.)
d. Now, search for the '>' character. (This is just a quick way to get to the end of the current <Page block of data).
e. Right before the '>' character enter the following (minus the []) [Version="2.0"]
f. So the line should look like this now (give or take if you have different options set for it)

<Page DynamicData="/GameData.Spells.MaintainedWindow" DynamicDataFilter="0001" eq2usescomwndcontrols="true" Location="0,96" MaximumSize="1024,1024" MinimumSize="35,38" Name="Maintained" OnHoverIn=" Mode.visible=true RefreshBtn.visible=true " OnHoverOut=" Mode.visible=false RefreshBtn.visible=false " PackLocation="left,center" PackSize="a,f" RStyleDefault="/rectlist.chat_bubble_frame" ScrollExtent="35,500" Size="35,500" SizeBig="137,27" SizeSmall="27,27" Tooltip="Maintained Spells" UserMovable="true" UserResizable="true" UserScrollable="false" Version="2.0">

4. Since the EQ2 button is now affixed to the new experience bar it is missing in the Fetish UI. I found the experience.xml and renamed that to _backup like the files above but I didn't really like the new UI bar. Instead, I went back into the game and found the keymap for the "Game Menu" which is what the EQ2 button brings up and assigned it to 'Alt `'. This allows me to quickly bring up the menu of all of the game windows without having to stare at the new ugly experience bar.

This doesn't fix everything I'm sure but it got me back up and running for the way I was using the Fetish UI. Hope it helps.
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