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Unread 10-05-2009, 10:18 PM
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SaintPeter SaintPeter is offline
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Originally Posted by lordebon View Post
It usually happens when I start out with a relatively simple idea and take shortcuts... but then later want to add a more complex feature that requires me to not have taken those shortcuts and then I end up rewriting everything.
That is it exactly.

I've already done a major rewrite of my map data structures. The problem is my layers panels. The way I have them constructed they need to be updated by the auto-parse thread, which is separate from the main form thread. I had it working for a while, but when I was doing some rewrites I didn't test it as thoroughly as I ought to have, now it doesn't work for some cases of auto-parse. I realize I'm going to have to basically rewrite the whole class and I'm just not looking forward to it.

None the less, I shall attempt to carry on. I want to give a world class tool to support all you mappers.
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