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Unread 01-31-2005, 08:13 PM
Quib Quib is offline
A Griffon
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 720

Here's a basic run-down of how it works:

I stretched the object "row Item Name" to 368, and gave it a Margin of "54,0,153,0" so that it appears just as it always has.

"row Item Name"s OnHoverIn passes it's "LocalText" value to an object I created to save variables. It's named "lblSelectedNameAndPrice_" (the underline is part of the name). The "row Item Name"s LocalText is saved on "lblSelectedNameAndPrice_"s LocalTooltip property. This OnHoverIn also sends "lblSelectedNameAndPrice_" it's location.

"Row Selection"s OnShow message grabs "lblSelectedNameAndPrice_"s Location property and applies it to the fake selection highlight (named QM_Selection) and makes QM_Selection visible. It then copies "lblSelectedNameAndPrice_"s LocalTooltip property to "lblSelectedNameAndPrice_"s LocalText property (this is how the selected objects name is determined, since LocalTooltip will change every time a text object gets OnHoverIn called). Then "row Selection" hides itself (this is required so OnShow will get called when you select another item).

When you press "Search for Item" (button name of QM_Search) it sends "lblSelectedNameAndPrice_"s LocalText value to the Market window's Item Name text field (using Parent.Parent.Parent.Market.TextItemName.LocalText). Then it hides then shows the Market window (hide then show to make sure it's on top after the button is pressed).

After that the user clicks Find Items or presses enter (if they have a "just press enter" modded Market window).


The current bug I'm trying to squash is if the user clicks "Start Selling," "Stop Selling" or clicks the "Merchandise" or "Sales Log" tabs, it moves the fake highlight and changes the item name to be searched for to the last item to get hovered over. This bug may be unfixable and users will just have to deal with it.


Last edited by Quib : 01-31-2005 at 08:17 PM.
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