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Unread 03-04-2009, 12:21 AM
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g0dless420 g0dless420 is offline
Dyadem @
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Server: Everfrost
Posts: 31

So I recently figured out how to use this program, and it does work nicely and I'd like to give you my appreciation for it.

Now to the downside.

After configuring the Necromancer rez button (to tell a group that I'm rezzing whichever member), my Coercer's buttons are all missing except for the #5 "Heart/Shard" request.

I reverted the _profituiquickraidbuttons file back to the original and everything goes back to working fine. So I figured I must have done something wrong. I then reset the Necro rez for the macro I want, and again my Coercer broke.

I promptly went to my few other alts to see if they had any missing/broken buttons (Sk, Templar, Monk), and all of their buttons are in normal working order with no issues what so ever.

This is only a minor issue since the only quick button I use on my Coercer is for mana-flow...but I do use that spell a lot and would rather not have to directly target the person I'm going to feed power too.

The only thing I havent tried yet is to open the editor again and editor the Coercer raid buttons, which I am going to attempt to do as soon as I have the time to fiddle with it.

Please look into this and if it's something I'm doing on my end can you offer any suggestions as to how to fix this.