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Unread 01-26-2005, 08:43 PM
Eloa Eloa is offline
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Default Dropdownbox,treeview functionality needed.

We need some way to use dropdown boxes if nothing else. Treeviews and other ways of selecting data would also be great.
Right now say your using a dropdownbox, you cannot translate the selecteditemindex into even the text that is selected. Documented is a Selecteditemtext property that doesnt show up, when called doesn't work. Even that would add a little fuctionality to it. Like a OnSelect property for the data that is displayed in the box would be very very useful. If there is/was an if statement would be great for everything. you could use like
onselect:if(selecteditemindex=1) and many many other things.

The way it looks there is no possibility of there being an if statement incorporated into the UI as the IF (or anythign else) is just bypassed and the first property with a value is set. like above:
sets selecteditemindex=1 and thats it.

We really need some way of making these controls usable.
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