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Unread 08-08-2007, 08:20 PM
thistleknot thistleknot is offline
A Crazed Gnoll
Join Date: Jun 2006
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 23
Default group and self-target-implied window question

Has the way these windows worked changed in 3.4.6 (and .5)?

On the group window, the click-to-cure is now targeting the person I'm curing, when I'm pretty sure it didn't before.

On the Self-Target-Implied window, I used to be able to click the implied target and it would just switch to the implied target, now it seems like it switches to myself first before switching, and sometimes, after switching to myself it switches back to the target instead of the implied. Mostly this happens when I have a mob targeted that has the tank targeted. For example:

My Target = Golem, Implied Target = Group tank
Click the "implied target"

about 80% of the time, it selects me, then reselects the golem
the other 20% of the time, it selects me, then selects the tank.

If these are intentional changes in order to implement some feature, is there a way to get the old versions of the windows back, as I'm not liking either. The whole reason I liked click-to-cure was that it didnt change my target. And the implied target thing is just wonky. hehe.
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