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Unread 06-05-2007, 11:36 PM
Khisme Khisme is offline
A Forest Scavenger
Join Date: May 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 15

Thank you for the quick reply, I do appreciate it.. um, I went into the file and changed the music to all 0's instead of the 0.40 it was at.. but when i log in it still resets.. not sure why.. the other UI's do not do that. I loaded in ProfitUI, ThorUI and GeZer UI, and I really really hope Fetish is kept up to date. the others, especially GeZer, have lots of bleck to them.. such as the headers on the chat boxes being MISSING, so you see 1 row of types text where it should say "Main" or "Combat" or Chat" title.. very annoying..and then one has duplicated info.. when in a group you have the group info, which it puts ME in also, and then when i target anyone i have the single target boxes like default and Fetish use but ALSO have another changed info box that has that and implied target and such.. i like the implied target idea a LOT, we should add that to Fetish, but when that IS active, The normal target boxes should not be there! 2 times of the same info is sloppy and also gets confusing.

the I)nventory is also sloppily done, in an effort to save space I guess, but, it doesn't need to always be open, so, it is much better to have the normal, larger I)nventory. also box headers are too tiny and do not all fit, and just loop sloppy o the other UIs that have some titles.. some don't!



Originally Posted by Othesus View Post
For the music volumes, look in your eq2_recent.ini file. It's just a text file and the sound volumes should look something like:
master_volume 0.680000
movie_volume 0.860000
music_volume 0.530000
combat_music_volume 0.600000
voice_volume 0.900000

The problem with the chat channels is common. Try this method here:
A while back we didn't have this problem with loading incorrect chat channels but we did have a problem from corrupted ini files causing the game to crash all the time. Since the uisettings.ini file is in a binary format it's not as easy to see all the settings. I think this chat channel problem is a side effect of fixing the corrupted ini game crashing bug.
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