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Unread 01-02-2007, 08:44 PM
vict3r vict3r is offline
A Young Mystail Rat
Join Date: Jan 2007
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 3
Default Problems Saveing with UIBuilder

Ok this gots me all wierded out

Today i was editing one of my UI windows (eq2ui_mainhud_player.xml to be specific) i added some stats with labels. I save it then check it out in game. Ok the new lines of stats/labels i added are there but OOPS! when i copyied labels when makeing new ones i forgot to change the "LocalText" properties of the new ones and they are all named the same thing! silly me ill just go change it to what its supposed to be and ill be good.

This is when all hell breaks loose

I open my newly edited file change all of the proper label "LocalText" properties to what they say they should... save it with FILE/SAVE close the program with FILE/EXIT... it asks me if i want to save before closeing yes/no/cancel (even tho i JUST saved) i say yes and it doesnt close just sits there not doing anything. So i try again File/Exit. Same question yes/no/cancel i click yes again and same thing... i could do that for hours. On the next File/EXit i select no and finally the UIbuilder closes. Ok cool. I load the game and the labels have not changed!! WTH?!... So i close game and open the file with UIBuilder and yep the changes i made have not been saved... so i say ok ill try "save as". I do the changes again select File/Save As and rename it to eq2ui_mainhud_player123.xml click save and it seems to work. I check the folder to see if the new "123" file is there and NOPE. OK how about "save as"ing to a new folder. File/Save As eq2ui_mainhud_player123.xml into a new folder and to my amazment its acutally saves it to the new folder but as eq2ui_mainhud_player.xml ?!? i try File/Save as again and its default save name IS eq2ui_mainhud_player123.xml which is what i want to save it as but when it acutally saves its eq2ui_mainhud_player.xml. Anyway so what it didnt save it as 123 as long as it saved the changes right? So i close the UIBuilder then open it again and open up the new file in the new folder and NOTHING had changed! Its the same file that i opened as if i made no changes at all b3fore i did my save as..
Are you confused? i dont blame you... i know i am!

Anyway the point is today i edited it... it saved properly the first time... but then when i go back to edit it again it wont save any changes and it wont even change the name of the file im saveing...

Any suggestions? (sorry about the long read i just thought i'd make it as detailed as possible.)

Last edited by vict3r : 01-02-2007 at 08:53 PM. Reason: added more
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