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Unread 12-02-2006, 06:43 PM
NiteWolfe NiteWolfe is offline
A Grove Wisp
Join Date: Jul 2006
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 25

I know there are plug ins and such for just press enter to accept on loot.
Whati want to know is thre any way to do this in reverse? IE jsut press enter or preferably some other hotkey to decline loot?
I 2 box a lot and i 2box in my guild groups ether with a back up healer or some times my boxed warden is our only healer. I never roll on loot from a boxed char. IE iam one player i get 1 roll not 2 just b/c i have to 2 chars in the group.
i have yet to find a wayt oauto decine loot on boxed account would be nice thu sincei do use the keyboard on that acount for heals nd such to be able to just hit a key to decline loot.
IS there any way to set this up?
many thanks in advance love the UI