Thread: Vert Reborn
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Unread 03-01-2006, 08:08 PM
madlordofmilk madlordofmilk is offline
A Grove Wisp
Join Date: Mar 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 28

Originally Posted by HC1153
How exactly do I go about changing my sound defaults? I tried opening the sound files but I couldn't modify them. They just opened in Internet Explorer (even though I use Firefox) and I couldnt type anything in them. Also, I couldn't figure out which lines to modify. A quick walkthrough for that would be much appreciated. Otherwise, fantastic work
You have to make a folder - I think the name has to be something like "custom_music" or "custom-music" or "custom music" or something - then put in whatever track you want for the sound file w/the name and location of the corresponding regular file. For example, to replace the Blackburrow music, the replacement file would be something like "C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest II\custom music\zones\darkpaw.mp3", obviously replacing "custom music" with the actual folder name it needs to be.
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