Thread: Minimap Plugin
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Unread 02-05-2006, 12:58 AM
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Zonx Zonx is offline
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Talyns, I'm realy not interested in hyjacking your mod as my own. I was just trying to help folks that wanted to keep the plugin. You'll notice I posted I had a working version days befor you responded.

I was trying to help and maybe save other devs some effort. If you don't want/need my help that's fine. Not trying to step on your toes.

Sorry if you didn't get credit for the plugin system, I know how that goes myself having suggested the inclusion architechure to enable skinning, plugins and the web updates. Neither of us were runing the project so not much we can do about who got credit for what. At least you got TM_ stamped all over the plugin code

As far as the size thing goes... changing the plugin page size now will result in both my already released plugins being out of position untill I can release another update. Its hard enough keeping up with SOE changes without having EQ2Map skin and plugin code changing and breaking stuff mid release. The current size works for the current plugins, why change it and force updates to existing plugins when future authors can just as easily code for the existing size? Are we gonna break plugins every time SOE resizes the map window?

In any event I'll deal like I always do.
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