Thread: eXtremeUI
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Unread 07-06-2005, 06:10 AM
Landiin Landiin is offline
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Originally Posted by mackgee
Four new "bugs" I can remember off hand.

1. The quest journal still does not resize correctally. The bottom frame is locked, and the window will not adjust horizontally.

2. Also, the implied target health percentage is stuck at 100%. I saw in UI Builder that you use two /'s where there were supposed to be .'s for the dynamic data.

3. In the merchant window the money does not move when you adjust the window vertically. This causes the money to be behind the items for sale.

4. In your new pet window the power percentage sits too low, and it is difficult to read the percentage. Either re-arranging the pet window or making it a little taller will allow to see the percentage better.

I bet you didn't think you'd have to put up with all the BS when you came up with the idea for making a UI? I quote Laffs:

"Welcome to the world of modding UI's Landiin"

Keep up the good work..

p.s. too late for spell check.. going to bed..
1. yea yea yea.. I noticed the frame locked tonight also, was like OMG!!

2. target and inplied are totaly redone in the next update.. But thanks for pointing this out I would prob get owned by copy and paste again lol.

3. see 1.

4. Yes Sir Pet people are so picky j/k I don't have a char with a pet so its hard for me to test this part. I should lvl one up to test with.

I figured there would be some, but its just xml how much could go wrong.. WOW wake up Landiin lol..
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