Thread: eXtremeUI
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Unread 07-06-2005, 06:00 AM
Landiin Landiin is offline
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Originally Posted by bakes
The UI seems to be causing alot of Memory cashes (Started since loading your UI, Laffs UI no issues but tonight in raid crashed 4/5 times) The target window when in detail mode has the ^^ cut off in the implied target window. The target window chat/health bar colors change when I die or zone (Happens in laffs also) Performance / music setting dont save the compas letters could be brighter to actualy see where i am going, raid window box can it be like laffs where I can remove the windows when I dont want them there or if I only want grp 1x and 4x there or what not, in the spell effects window 1 buff over hangs the edge always happens with laffs also =), In the target window the Lvl XX and then class bellow it is cut off with certain longer name classes/anon, there anyway to make the inventory moveable I usueally like to move it and have a bag near it so I can hot swap potions/totems etc, but memory error is the biggest problem that needs to be fixed

(also the yellow bubble still in the maintained buffed bubbles) can the HO window be made w/out the big ass bg arorund it
When you crashed did you change your video settings via the exp window controles? I don't mean you changed the settings then u crashed, but changed them and a little be later you crashed..

I never liked the 4 box raid wndow. I just resize the window to what need. I'll try to toss somthing together, would be a good controle to put in a dead spot:P

I noticed ther ^^ being cut off too, but keep forgeting to fix it. Will not it this time.

As far as teh color changing no clue, Dosn't happen for me nether did laff's. What color is it changing to?

Working on getting it to save changes, Trust me I would like it to safe them myself. savessettings don't seem to work.

Tell the person thats names are getting cut off to /pet and get a shorter name. j/k Not much I can about that. But I'll look into making it longer.

Thats what I use the bag in the main invintory for, I just pop it open and drag and drop. But yea, I guess you can unlock it and drag it to where you need it.

Yea I hate that big ugly bulky backdrop on the HO wnidow also.. Working on makeing this look better atm..

Again, take note of what actions you did UI wise before you crashed, that will help me find whats causing your memory to leak on the floor.
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Last edited by Landiin : 07-06-2005 at 07:02 AM.