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Unread 05-06-2005, 09:20 AM
Kostarsus Kostarsus is offline
A Coastal Crab
Join Date: Feb 2005
Server: Antonia Bayle
Posts: 1
Default Idea for Recipebook


I've an idea to optimize the recipebook. I don't know, if the idea is possible, because I don't know the exact features of the User-API.
Well, here is my idea:

First split the recipe-window in three columns.
The 1st column should have the possible recipes, like it is.
In the 2nd column, there should be written the text of the first inspect of a recipe. This column should be filled automatically if I click on a recipe in the first column.
The 3rd column should be handled like the 2nd one. And there should be written the text, like if I inspect a recipe a second times. So in the 3rd column are the statistics of the product. In e.g. prestine gold band +3 agi, +2 wis, etc. I don't know the exact statistics of a gold band. Perhaps there are possible more than one texts for display in the third winds. Take the statistics of the highest quality ever created by the character.

Thats my idea. I would be glad if any developer can give some comments on the posibility.

cu Kostarsus
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