Thread: Offline Selling
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Unread 04-07-2005, 12:11 AM
Gumba Gumba is offline
A Darkpaw Brute
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Posts: 43

Originally Posted by metavirus
Con: Offline selling will only be active for one 24-hour period. As in, you have to re-enter your house every 24 hours to keep it going.
Actually, as I understood the patch notes, all you have to do is log in, not visit your house.
However, to grab the coin the sales generated and to see the sales log, you will have to visit your house. If you sold anything while out of the house, coin will be automatically transferred to your inventory and the sales log will pop up.

Lower prices in the economy resulting from more sellers: Hell yeah! I just picked up an artisan refining 4 for 25s, because I was too slow to snatch the one for 20s. Cheapest I had seen before was 2g, cheapest I had heard of 1g.

Makes me wince for the 10g+ I spent on books before this influx of goods, but that's far outweighed by the "Yay! I can refine rares and it only cost me 25s!" factor.
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