Thread: Wrong locations
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Unread 03-17-2005, 08:19 PM
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Humudce Humudce is offline
A Griffon
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Server: Blackburrow
Posts: 352

I think we are all trying to keep the PoI's on the website policed to duplicates and Bad PoI's. Being a live system as it is, it is quite possible that two people logged in could be putting in the same PoI at the same time, so duplicates are bound to happen. The ability to mark POI's as bad has recently been fixed. Everyone can help out if you see something wrong make a note of the ID# and either post something here, or go and do a search on the ID# and mark it as bad. If it's a bad location mention that in the note on the POI, if it's a duplicate also mention that and if possible what the Duplicate ID# is so one of the Admins can look at both and determine which one to remove.

[Guild Leader] Tiggler is my Main, Humudce is my Alt on Blackburrow.
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