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bluja000 02-27-2019 08:27 PM

ProfitUI suggestion: Bags with transmute button built in
I saw a mod in the bags section, where someone added a transmute button to all of the bags, in one of the corners. I tried to install it in a different UI folder recently, but had issues with that UI. Since Darq was so kind as to tell me how to reinstall a fresh install of ProfitUI, I thought it would be really terrific if the team working on it could maybe add that feature. Believe me, it'd be so nice to not have to search for the Transmute button on my hotbar, the extra space could be used for another icon instead. Btw, the work that's been done on the ProfitUI is awesome, I really love it.

fostot 02-27-2019 11:04 PM

Just as a suggestion, why not Keybind your transmute so you dont ever have to look for it and can just hit a key and click the mouse? For example, i have mine bound to shift+t so i can just hit shift t and click whatever i want to transmute with my mouse.

bluja000 02-27-2019 11:08 PM

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how to keybind that to a key. That does, however, sound ideal, if you don't mind teaching me how to do it.

fostot 02-28-2019 03:10 AM

Sure it's really easy, Hit ALT+O to bring up your Options. Go to Controls on the Left Hand Side. Then on the right hand side there are a bunch of options there is one that says Hotbar Keys with a + beside it. If you click it, it will expand to show all of your hotbars. Drag your Transmute spell to one of your hotbars and then right click the hotbar and click Hotbar settings. You will see a Key Map here that tells you what hotbar keymap that hotbar uses. Scroll down in that Hotbar Keys options panel until you find that hotbar keymap and go to the button you put your transmute on. Then click the gray box and press your key.

Here's an example: http://prntscr.com/mr7lzz

I have placed Transmute on my HotBar #4 on the 6th Button and set it's binding to SHIFT+T and it shows up as St as i have it set to Text style Minimal Text on it.

This should get you all of the way there. But if you have any questions let me know.

bluja000 02-28-2019 01:50 PM

Heh, I had to actually COUNT (oh, the agony) the number of hotbar spaces to figure out which space to actually assign. The steps you had me take just told me which hotbar it was on, lol. But yes, I was successful. Thank you again, kind sir/ma'am, for your assistance.

Cheese 03-12-2020 12:10 AM

mute / salvage bag automagically
Having transmute / Salvage on a key is a thing but being able to click on an icon in the bag's bar to see the whole content being muted / salvaged that would be a huge gain of time.
Could one of the gods of automation look into it please ? :D

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