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Ranot 01-24-2006 01:11 AM

Vert Reborn
after 3 months of no updates on VertClassic I took up the project myself and finished it. It can be found over at


Testing fully by anyone is appreciated, and bug notes would definatly be handy.

Still to come
Tabbed pet window with stats ala the eq1 vert.

Findarato 01-24-2006 03:32 PM

Sorry about the no updates. I sorta took a vacation from EQ2 to try CoV.

You did a great job updating the UI. I look forward to seeing all the other cool things you will bring to this UI.

If you notice on the pet window the code for the stats is there just hidden. I never got around to adding in the tabs :D

Zarbrina 02-03-2006 11:14 AM

broker window
I installed vert reborn 1.1 today and when I try to use broker windo wto search I am unable to enter item name or shopowner name as it only gives me option to drag window when I try to type in these two boxes. Everything else seems to work fine .

Kagnar 02-03-2006 06:17 PM

one thing ive noticed is my clock window is off screen...only a piece of it i can see and i can't get it to move

Ranot 02-04-2006 04:44 AM

1.2 just uploaded..
Contains fix for the broker window, Tabbed pet/player stats

EQ2map is no longer shipped in the zip by default saving space on the size of it.

I'll look into the clock issue tommorow, just got a new computer and had 1 hours sleep in the last 2 days setting it up.

Ranot 02-06-2006 02:43 AM

Version 1.3
Version 1.3 of the UI was just uploaded.

Change Log
- Fixed Font issue's, windows should display the way they were ment to again
- Added the clickthrough option to window settings (something i missed from LU17)
- Fixed merchent window script to use new class system in the my class & level button
- repositioned the clocks default location, tho with clickthrough off you can finally move it
- started playing with jaxel's start button to try getting it to autoshow, works with a new character, still trying to get it to autoshow for old characters.

Ranot 02-13-2006 02:38 AM

Wasn't sure about releasing this with KoS just around the corner, but I suppose enough has changed to warrant it. This version should be installed in a clean directory due to the change from silverfox's journal to info center, and the cleanup of images directory for colorpacks.

Change Log for v1.5
- revamped group and maint windows to look like eq1 vert
- redid window pieces so color packs can be done
((Color packs are in the mods directory, just replace
vertwindow_pieces01.tga with the one you want.))
- fixed trade window having no background
- added effects to player window
- fixed tradeskill window being nomove/noresize
- added milquetowst's info center (reskinned)
- removed redundent tabs from journal that are in info center
- changed notes on start button to be info center
- fixed compass so it's no longer off by 90 degree's

Findarato 02-13-2006 11:08 PM

You are my hero. Adding in all the things I wanted to but never got around to doing. For the maintained window does it list all 30 possible or just 12 like the picture shows? Just wondering, I know your not going to get 30 maintained spells any more (now that clairity isnt single target), but just wondering.

And is it a separate graphic on the background if the window or parts on each of the icons?

Ranot 02-14-2006 01:15 AM

it goes up to 20, didn't see any need to go beyond that since in testing i only ever got to 12 at the most.

It is a background image. easier then having 20 icons that might or might not display :)

Findarato 02-14-2006 02:55 PM

Sweet, thanks for the responce.

boltor 02-19-2006 09:09 PM

no player effects showing still
the version I got when downloading shows 1.4 though you say its 1.5

And when I put it in a new directory, its still not showing any effects on my character (ie spells mobs cast on you, skills, etc)

One other issue I have, is no slider bar, such as scrolling thru guild window, or quest journal.

Otherwise I love it, and great job!

Ranot 02-19-2006 10:48 PM

The effects are showing in the bottom left corner of the player window, I have 4 slots there, one for each of the afflictions you might be effected by..

as for the scroll bars it's not they arn't showing up.. they arn't there at all. I guess i'll look into adding them when i do the updates for KoS on tuesday.

Duerand 02-20-2006 02:58 PM

So I am a custom UI Noob
Your UI looks great. I have used custom ui's is other games but I seem to be having a problem with this one. I can't get it to work.

So I unzip the vert folder into my UI folder inside of EQ2 folder. I make sure its only one level down and not a folder inside a folder.

I changed the eq2.ini file in root eq2 folder to say:

cl_ui_skinname vert
cl_ui_subdir UI/

i even changed the default character file by renaming the one you provide and moving to to the root eq2 folder.

When I load into game nothing. My UI is exactly the same. still on the default UI. Now like I said I am a custom UI noob. It's possible I am missing something basic that is obvisous to everyone else. Any idea what I am doing wrong? I cant figure it out for the life of me. LOL.

Be greatful for any help you can give. Thanks.


warwizzard112 02-20-2006 03:39 PM

I have the exact same problem and its really annoying, I followed the instructions and I'm not computer illiterate. It'd be nice to get an answer.

HC1153 02-20-2006 06:37 PM

The main problems I have with this UI is that my sound settings reset every time I relog, the pet window with the extra tab turns off whenever I zone, and the Heroic Opportunity window also resets whenever I relog. Aside from that, I love it :)

HC1153 02-20-2006 06:45 PM

Also, I forgot to mention that when I downloaded it, the file was named vert-1-3 or something similar. Is this the newest version or is it not updating correctly?

Ranot 02-20-2006 09:19 PM

Ok, it didn't update to 1.5... not sure why it didn't upload but i just downloaded the file there and tested it, so the effects thing isn't in, I apologize for that. I would upload it now but with KoS only 6 or so hours away I'll just wait till i'm finished with that and upload it all at once.

For those who can't get it to run at all... i'm at a loss.. I just did a fresh install of eq2, downloaded the exact zip you guys are.. and it's working fine. If there's any error messages or the like you can provide i would really appreciate it.

The pet window vanishing with every zone is sony's fault. They have it hardcoded to do that, I can force it to stay showing.. but then you won't ever be able to close it.

Duerand 02-20-2006 09:28 PM

No error messages. It simply doesnt work. Like its not even there. I am at a total lose myself. I will keep messing with it. If I can find an answer I will post it. If anyone else has managed to fix this same problem please let me know. Thanks guys.


Loktha 02-20-2006 09:58 PM

You are currently using the following in the eq2.ini file:

cl_ui_skinname vert
cl_ui_subdir UI/

This may sound crazy, but switch the lines to:

cl_ui_subdir UI/
cl_ui_skinname vert

Also make sure the name is exactly the same as the folder name. I'm thinking capitalization if there is any.

This may seem silly, but it seems to fix this problem a lot of the time.

Duerand 02-20-2006 10:06 PM

Ok so here is the result..I am using EQ2 Map. I moved my EQ2 folder to my c: drive off of my storage drive at some point. But didnt change where EQ2 map pointed. The Map program was forcing the default UI to load when it couldnt find the other folder in the place it was looking. I simply changed the file paths in the Options of EQ2Map and bingo everything worked fine. Noob mistake. lol. Thanks for the great UI.

Ranot 02-22-2006 04:32 AM

Changelog v2.0
- KoS/LU20 Compatable
- Everything that was suppose to be in the 1.5 that never made it live is in
- Scrollbars are no longer invisible in guild window and journal
- Pet window is now locked as always on screen
- Minimize button added to top right corner of pet window since you can't close it anymore
- Sound setting defaults can be set via editing the files in the video subfolder
they are all just one line, and you only need to change the first part of it.

madlordofmilk 02-23-2006 07:15 PM

Nice job :) Only a couple problems I noticed though - can't type in a few of the textboxes (Broker window for example)... also, scrollbars don't seem to show up, for example, in the quest reward window :) Finally, when choosing traditions/skill upgrades/whatever, the effects aren't shown in the window for whatever reason. That's all I could find wrong.

tgurok 02-25-2006 07:06 PM

hrmm the control panel (where the EQII button is and the 'unequip' all button is) disappears after the first run. not just me my gf has the same issue)

pet/player window:
Everytime I relog I have to reclick on player when I have no pet it defaults to the pet window can I make player default?

Duerand 02-25-2006 07:32 PM

They tell you about that in the notes when you download the UI. They way to fix it is open your options go down to user interface. Where it says Keep Main HUD Windows Visible, uncheck that. Now close that window and hit alt+~ and hit it again. It will reapper.
Now whenever you log in. quickly hit alt+~ twice and you will be good to go.
Good luck. :)

Ranot 02-26-2006 02:53 PM

thanks for posting that help :) as for the pet window, it's either default pet each start and change it to player, possibly annoying pet classes. or default player and make pet classes change it each login... I'll probably include the optional default player file in the next release.

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