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lsakowski 01-01-2006 07:45 PM

Logitech G15 Keyboard plugins
Is there anyone working on plugins for the LCD on the G15 keyboard, is there anyone else who has or is planning on getting this keyboard? Timers, such as for recast/duration, come to mind for this small LCD display, information that is useful for the game but not so vital that it should take up valuable main screen space.

dente 01-01-2006 09:11 PM

mm hmm
i agree. just got this keyboard and was very disapointed to see that there was no functionality with it and EQ2. it would be very nice to have the LCD display maybe: target, HP / xp / power.

ShadowProwler420 01-01-2006 11:36 PM

Ummm.....this sounds like an issue with the keyboard itself. Nothing anyone here can help with.


Deathbane27 01-02-2006 12:57 AM

SOE would have to add support for it. We can't even properly do anything with a standard second monitor, much less an obscure new piece of hardware. :p

Dolby 01-02-2006 01:04 AM

Whats funny is there is a new up coming MMO in beta that supports it. I was really surprised.

lsakowski 01-02-2006 01:22 AM

If I understand how the system works you can write programs for it in C++ to make the LCD display what you want it to. The ingame information would have to be coded in a C++ program linking the info from the game into it. Again not really sure that I have that right but that is what I was able to get from a couple reviews about it, one site that talks about programing the LCD on the keyboard.

http://www.metku.net/index.html sect=view&n=0&path=reviews/logitech_g15/index_eng

Drumstix42 01-02-2006 01:34 AM

I find the LCD display keybaords to be an interesting thing, but playing some games, you just can't use up time looking down at your keyboard ;) I mean, most stuff you would think/want to display would already be on the screen. /shrug It's a cool idea, but I just kind of thought it to be strange. Now if you can put stuff like what button does what for special whatever, that could be real useful in my opinion. :rolleyes:

MrChat 01-02-2006 06:51 AM

Check out this one too:


Thory 03-06-2006 06:59 PM

I use my G15 keyboard LCD with a teamspeak plug-in. Currently it shows who is talking and how many in channel.

teddyboy420 03-06-2006 09:02 PM

Auto Assault supports it, actually support for it is a bit more widespread than you think. Hopefully it's only a matter of time before more companies jump on the band wagon.

I'd like to pick one up myself...but have been waiting for a bit more widespread support before I give up my backlit Saitek ;)

Pixi 03-10-2006 06:09 AM

A new beta-release of the Logitech G15 software has been released and it contains a *very* useful timer app for the LCD.

You can download the drivers here:


DysePro 03-13-2006 03:09 PM

Damage Log or total damage, group damage total, mob damage etc. Damage logs can be externalized correct? It'd be nice to look down instead of adding another window to clutter up things.

Maybe on the LCD have a Fraps fps, Damage Log or total damage per encounter or something. (vague huh?) Any a few of any other stat that can be exported from EQ2.

Well, a question to make me think of doing such a program myself, other than a Chat Log, what else can be exported from eq2 if any?

Kraki 07-20-2006 03:43 PM

check out http://home.maine.rr.com/eqaditu/ACT/# its a combat tracker that can use the g15 LCD. pretty slick

Yite 08-05-2006 09:03 AM


World of Warcraft
by Blizzard Entertainment Native support in V1.11+

Now if only they add support for EQ2....

koiecks 08-10-2006 02:00 AM


Findarato 09-28-2006 11:16 AM

I was looking at getting one, any one have complaints?

I heard the keys rub off quickly and end up being clear.

Pixi 09-28-2006 12:20 PM

I've had mine since release and I've used them daily. I don't think the keys can rub off since there's light behind them that needs to get out hehe. Which means that the key markings are transparent insets in the key. If that makes any sense hehe. Anyhoo, I don't have any such complaints - if anything this keyboard has totally lived up to what it claimed. The macro keys are great, they really spare your wrists.

Dolby 09-28-2006 01:32 PM

I have the G15 as well, so far no complaints. I love the LCD as you can get a plugin for Vent/Teamspeak so it shows who's talking on the LCD. The backlighting on the keys is great too. Right now I just use the extra G keys for quick access to spells on my other hotbars.

Wow this is an old thread... :D

Lindar Phamoncry 10-04-2006 12:46 PM

If your looking for AoE timers, or a few different DPS tools then ACT(Advanced Combat Tracker) has them already built into their parsing program and fully functional with the G15.

skywisepj 10-04-2006 05:07 PM

LCD use
I use teh G-15 and Advanced Combat Tracker. ACT output the parsed data to the lcd. It is native to ACT. And crafting and harvesting with the programable keys is nice. It records keystrokes and Times them so you can have it hit the f key ever 3.5 seconds and harvest one node without sweeting it. I use it to watch more TV while harvesting.

Zarrian 12-12-2006 12:09 PM

The 1st release of the keyboard had the ink on top of the keys (paint...whatever) and rubbed off after a couple of months. I went back to best buy and they exchanged it with no problem for a new one explaining that they have seen the problem before. The replacement works just fine and is not subject to the rubbing off of the keys.

Ironaxe 03-29-2007 01:53 AM

I absolutely love this keyboard. I have the latest one, since my keyboard is only about 2 months old. Now if someone at Sony or whomever would make the LCD capable for EQ2 I would be immensely happy. :)

Strange that Vanguard and WoW support it but not EQ2. Oh well maybe in do time.

Hotwings 10-05-2008 03:27 AM

I have had the G-15 from a few months after it came on the market. No Problems at all. I use it to show cpu and ram usage, Because I use it to quad box on my main computer. only thing you have to watch out for is going from one char to another you need to make small micro's that changes from main char to healer, slow main mob mezz other mobs or evac. Try to keep micro's short and sweet and will work well. I use wineq2 to do the quad boxing. Works great. My main computer is a home built amd 9600 quad core with 6 gig or ram and a 8800 gts video card. Running windows xp pro 64. Eq2 micro's should work about the same as my eq1 micro's.

Fizard 06-14-2009 01:05 PM

For people wanting this keyboard i've been using it for almost 8 monthes , 8hours a day and my wasd keys rub off into blue circles so u can't make the letters out , the rest of my keys have stayed fine. it is a excellent keyboard, even if u can't be bothered to find plugins for your lcd screen for games. the programmable key can be used to auto type websites , other sentences thats you say alot in typing games , overall i give it a 9/10 just because the black paint wore off my blue keys. it may rub off earlier for you if u have greasy fingers or sweat when u play games :S

lordebon 06-14-2009 02:14 PM

Nice job rezzing an already multiply-rezzed thread :rolleyes:

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