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jacobian163 02-10-2009 11:24 PM

[added] Nu'roga Maps
8 Attachment(s)
Here is my new set for Nu'Roga... I can't get it to work with this code, so I can't test it yet. Any thoughts?? I can't figure out what is wrong with the xml code. The map name shows up in the dropdown thing in the game, but the map itself is just black, so for some reason I guess it's not finding my map .dds files?? I put the in the right folder though, so I'm really confused.

<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_0" displayname="Nu'roga" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-82,-59,81,58" heightmax="20">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_0.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_1" displayname="Nu'roga" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-83,-65,95,91" heightmin="20" heightmax="80">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_1.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_2" displayname="Nu'roga" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-80,-55,89,68" heightmin="80" heightmax="120">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_2.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_3" displayname="Nu'roga" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-70,-60,88,86" heightmin="120" heightmax="150">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_3.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_4" displayname="Nu'roga" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-78,-56,94,69" heightmin="150">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_4.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />

There are 5 "levels" (the 4th one being a long ramp up to the top floor), and one of them didn't have a name in the game, so I just call it the "Ramp".

level "0": Sacrificial Chamber
level "1": Chanting and Ritual Chamber
level "2": Arcane Practice and Study
level "3": Ramp
level "4": Blood Altar


level "0": -82,-59,81,58
level "1": -83,-65,95,91
level "2": -80,-55,89,68
level "3": -70,-60,88,86
level "4": -78,-56,94,69

Height Cutoffs:
20, 80, 120, 150

I'm anxious to get this working, but I can't test it until I can get it to load in the game. Any help you can give would be great.

jacobian163 02-10-2009 11:25 PM

final level files...
2 Attachment(s)
Here are the last 2 files...

gm9 02-13-2009 01:40 PM

I take it you didn't try within the zone? That zone probably has fog. :)

I'll go ahead and add the maps already, if you need to tweak the zonerects or height values afterwards that's no problem.

jacobian163 02-13-2009 02:58 PM

Nuroga difficulties
I did try to test it in the zone. I was in a zone I had cleared with a group earlier that day. But for the life of me, I couldn't get it to show up, it was always just black, didn't even show the outine of the map or anything :-(. But the zonerects should still be ok, and I know those height cutoffs work. I just wish I could have seen it show up on the map in-game to know for sure about all the alignments.

jacobian163 02-13-2009 03:17 PM

still not working
I went into the zone after running the map updater, and it won't show up. It doesn't even properly connect to the map when I enter the zone and click "current zone"from the dropdown menu in the map. I then tried manually going through Kunard -> Nu'roga 1: Sacrificial Chamber and it comes up blank with the default screen showing no map. Just the EQMAPS logo. Any thoughts? At the moment no one will be able to see these maps. :-(

gm9 02-13-2009 03:30 PM

Eq2maps logo is the map fog overlay. If you don't see that when in zone then the internal zonename is incorrect. Either you can't append the _# numbers (some maps are like that) or it is something else entirely (during TSO beta it was exp04_dun_droga_nurga). What does it say when you do the /show_map2_style_name 1 before zoning in?

jacobian163 02-13-2009 04:23 PM

(1234303581)[Tue Feb 10 16:06:21 2009] You have entered Nu'roga.
(1234303581)[Tue Feb 10 16:06:21 2009] This instance will expire in 1 day 10 hours.
(1234303588)[Tue Feb 10 16:06:28 2009] Map style name: exp05_dun_nuroga_

those are the 3 lines showng up at the top of my log file for when I zoned in.

I don't think it's a simple "fog of war"-type issue, because in those cases the map still show up lightly, but you have to walk around to unlock it all. When I walk into the zone, I see nothing but the "parchement" background and the eq2logo. I'm just not sure what the issue is. and if it doesn't like me adding numbers to the end of the map file names, what are my other options?

gm9 02-13-2009 05:19 PM

It's definitely the fog image you are seeing. If it is showing when you zone in that does indicate that the zonename works. Do you see the red arrow indicating your position?

EDIT: Maybe the zonerect is incorrect after all. That could lead to "discovering" the empty parts of your map. Took the maps offline again until it gets fixed.

jacobian163 03-01-2009 12:31 PM

got part figured out... need help
Ok, so I've been tweaking the xml file for over an hour now, and I figured a few things out, but I need help getting the last part. So the original code I posted doesn't work because in the ImageStyleName="exp05_dun_nuroga_0" it doesn't recognize the mas when there is that last part with the underscore and the number. I tried getting rid of all of them and it can't discriminate between the floors because they are all called the same thing... so when I pulled up the maps in the map window from the dropdown box, Nuroga 1 to 5 are all the same map (the first floor). The good news with that is it knows I'm in nuroga and under Current Zone it shows the first floor map with a cursor showing my location. So I know all my zonerects work correctly. I tried getting rid of the underscore and leaving the numbers on all floors but the first level, and now it gets more complicated. Under the dropdown showing the current zone, it only shows the first level, and the cursor showing my position. None of the other levels are available in the dropdown under that heading. When I look in the Kunark dropdown, all 5 levels are there, and each shows the appropriate map, but when I try to switch to a different floor, it doesn't have a cursor showing my position. So the catch is, I can't have underscores in the first part of the code for each floor, I can't have a number at the end of the image style name for the first floor, I can't figure out how to get them to connect even though the heightmin and heightmax settings are correct, and I'm totally stumped now. This is the code I have at the moment. Where should I go from here??

<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga" displayname="Nu'roga 1" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-82,-59,81,58" heightmax="20">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_0.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga1" displayname="Nu'roga 2" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-83,-65,95,91" heightmin="20" heightmax="80">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_1.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga2" displayname="Nu'roga 3" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-80,-55,89,68" heightmin="80" heightmax="120">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_2.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga3" displayname="Nu'roga 4" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-70,-60,88,86" heightmin="120" heightmax="150">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_3.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga4" displayname="Nu'roga 5" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-78,-56,94,69" heightmin="150">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_4.dds" SourceRect="0,0,436,506" />

gm9 03-01-2009 12:35 PM

SOE has a fix incoming with GU51 for a related issue (the _raid zones). I'll make sure that they've got this zone covered as well.

jacobian163 03-01-2009 12:39 PM

Thanks, I was just reading about the similar problem that was going on with the Palace of Ferzhul. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon. I'm just happy that my zonerects work.

gm9 03-01-2009 12:46 PM

I sent an email to SOE about this, hopefully they still get this fixed in GU51 or have already done so in the incoming fix.

PS: I guess if you are bored until then you could try if the old beta internal zone name I posted above ("exp04_dun_droga_nurga") still works as an alternative. Somewhat unlikely though. ;)

jacobian163 09-03-2009 08:59 AM

still not working... :-(
I've tried again a few times to get this map to show up when I zone in, but it still isn't working. I don't know whether or not the dev's made the changes they said they would regarding this issue, but I can't figure out what to call the different levels of this map to make them show up. If ANYONE can figure it out, go for it. The alignments should already be done, just the file names aren't connecting to whatever the zone(s) are called in-game. I would REALLY like to see these maps go live someday, but I'm out of ideas!

jacobian163 01-11-2010 10:44 AM

Can someone fix this?
So I've tried finding the right xml coding myself and it won't work no matter what I think of doing. If anyone can figure out how to make the maps show up properly for Nu'Roga, I'd really appreciate it.

harczos 01-24-2010 10:50 AM

it seems the zonerects are calculated wrong, probably for the default image size, instead of the actual 512x512. i could only get the correct zonerects for the first 3 levels on my kamikaze mission in a not yet cleared zone :D

<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_0" displayname="Nu'roga 1" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-85,-59,110,60" heightmax="20">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_0.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_1" displayname="Nu'roga 2" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-85,-67,114,70" heightmin="20" heightmax="80">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_1.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_2" displayname="Nu'roga 3" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-81,-57,110,61" heightmin="80" heightmax="120">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_2.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />

gm9 01-24-2010 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by harczos (Post 87914)
it seems the zonerects are calculated wrong, probably for the default image size, instead of the actual 512x512. i could only get the correct zonerects for the first 3 levels on my kamikaze mission in a not yet cleared zone :D

<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_0" displayname="Nu'roga 1" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-85,-59,110,60" heightmax="20">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_0.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_1" displayname="Nu'roga 2" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-85,-67,114,70" heightmin="20" heightmax="80">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_1.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_2" displayname="Nu'roga 3" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-81,-57,110,61" heightmin="80" heightmax="120">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_2.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />

Do the correct maps show up though?

harczos 01-24-2010 03:36 PM

yes they do, i could see the first 4 maps on the correct floors. the heights should be adjusted tho a bit i think

Drumstix42 01-24-2010 05:06 PM

I'll be happy to fix up the rest next time I run the zone. Missed this topic first time around around.

gm9 01-24-2010 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Drumstix42 (Post 87924)
I'll be happy to fix up the rest next time I run the zone. Missed this topic first time around around.

Ok cool, I'll wait for your post to put it live then.

Drumstix42 01-26-2010 05:52 AM

I wasn't able to log on much extra the past few days, so I just flopped around the zone a bit with my SK.

Maps are working, showing up, and I tweaked the 4th level, and 5th level seems fine. These are just an update on harczos's semi-complete zonerects:

<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_0" displayname="Nu'roga 1" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-85,-59,110,60" heightmax="20">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_0.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_1" displayname="Nu'roga 2" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-85,-67,114,70" heightmin="20" heightmax="80">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_1.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_2" displayname="Nu'roga 3" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-81,-57,110,61" heightmin="80" heightmax="120">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_2.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_3" displayname="Nu'roga 4" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-76,-57,105,61" heightmin="120" heightmax="150">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_3.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />
<ImageStyle Name="exp05_dun_nuroga_4" displayname="Nu'roga 5" menugroup="Kunark" zonerect="-81,-57,110,61" heightmin="150">
<ImageFrame Source="images/maps/map_exp05_dun_nuroga_4.dds" SourceRect="0,0,512,512" />

Enjoy :)

gm9 01-26-2010 10:41 AM

The SourceRect of 512,512 does not look good tbh because the actual map is only default size, but if this is a working version now I'll just add it like that I guess so it finally gets used.

harczos 01-26-2010 05:16 PM

the maps are 512*512 size, though the attached jpg images are indeed default size

gm9 01-26-2010 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by harczos (Post 87935)
the maps are 512*512 size, though the attached jpg images are indeed default size

No the dds is 512x512 but the actual map on it is only default size with a bit of empty space to the right. For some reason the map template DDS used for the old default sized maps was always 512x512, no idea why. The SourceRect denotes the part of the DDS which is actually being used so it should have been 437x506.

Papabard 01-26-2010 06:11 PM

I see the updater says enjoy new maps but I'm getting no new files when I run it last update I did was 2 days ago. Did these not get pushed?

lordebon 01-26-2010 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Papabard (Post 87937)
I see the updater says enjoy new maps but I'm getting no new files when I run it last update I did was 2 days ago. Did these not get pushed?

I think gm9 already pushed the files once, before the issue with them was noticed. Thus you would only see updated files if you had already downloaded the map files back when they were originally pushed.

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