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choker 03-27-2005 07:46 PM

Group window and an idea for full set?
Hello all, I have been looking for this but haven't found anything that would work right. Ok it may be because I have both eyes in teh same hole, but that is not important.

A Group window - Vertical - F1-F6 .. with all the nice little thingy you can do ;)
Have a target and implied target that nicely fit as part of the design to stack over or under it. Think it would be great for fast info all on the spot.

I would like to create an UI myself but lack the time to play the game already so won't start an UI right now. ;)

Would be great if someone would make something that fit in 1280x1024 that would a chat window to the left next to it the said vertical group window wiith all the stackable target and than have 4 3/4 hotbar on the right.

I have seen that arcan as removed the black border? I don't know how at all, but would it be possible to make it as only the top is removed? this way the chracter don't get hidden behind the stuff at the bottome and you see more at the top. (As I see it the play screen is what we see in default if you remove both the player goes down a bit on teh screen... but I think it's not that way right? ok none understand me... it's ok really ;) )

Sneazel - Antonia Bayle - Sanguis Corvus

Laffs 03-27-2005 08:07 PM

Wow, is this some sort of encoded message for a quest lol ? J/K

I started to do somthing along the lines of this but it turned out very much like another window mod in the downloads area so decided whats the point lol...

Thing is why do you want the group all stacked Vert with T and Imp on top or bottom if you need to have max gameplay area ?

If they where all horz then group along the bottom and T and Imp target ontop of that would make it take up less area than a tower like vertical mod

Post a drawing of what you would like and I am sure either me or sombody else will make it for you

choker 03-27-2005 09:03 PM

Will try to draw and better explain on tomorrow... now ... bed?

choker 03-28-2005 11:13 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Ok first thing first.. a small question:

The original UI has 2 black frame, ona at the top, one at the bottom. (see center.jpg) At first the left line show the cenetr as I see it middle of both frame. if I remove the top frame would teh center remain in place or move up a bit taking the new window space in count. Or is it just two black box not changing anything but hidding part of teh game screen. If you don't understand this, it's because of my bad english.. sorry for that.

Ok to the UI now: (picture 2)

Red line (mostly hidden but hey...) would be teh normal bottom frame
1: Chat window with tab fitting nicely with the remaining thingy
2: F1-F6 with all the neat thingy you can put in should fit with 3/4hotbar size or if too small normal hotbar (width of course)
3: 4 3/4 or 3 100% hotbar, whichever fit the most nicely and easy to use.
4: Implied Target
5: Target
6: Player window with all you can fit.

That woudl be nice for me.. maybe other woudl like it too. If too much trouble.. I presume we can forget it all, if someone wish to make it go forth, I'll keep looking and answers question if any arise.

Sneazel, Antonia Bayle, Sanguis Corvus

Laffs 03-28-2005 11:22 AM


The original UI has 2 black frame, ona at the top, one at the bottom. (see center.jpg) At first the left line show the cenetr as I see it middle of both frame. if I remove the top frame would teh center remain in place or move up a bit taking the new window space in count. Or is it just two black box not changing anything but hidding part of teh game screen. If you don't understand this, it's because of my bad english.. sorry for that.
That is the "Letterbox" your talking about I hate that thing it has caused me loads of problems lately hehe...... Go into display settings set the letterbox slider all the way left and uncheck the frame box, accept and thats it nuked!!

As per the request I am looking into this now for you but may take a couple of days before I post anything for you to use/try


choker 03-28-2005 11:33 AM

Ok thanks.

I have just opened teh games and sees taht tehre is a lot more width that I first imagined (1280x1024) so I may post other things or re-arrange a thing or two...

Like maybe have something like: (from Left to right) (Height of 4 mook full size hotbar)

Chat Window - 100% hotbar - Vertical f1-f6 group window - stacked implied and target window with player window...

I now remember why I wanted it vertical... wanted to put it to the right of the hotbar. ;)

Laffs 03-28-2005 11:39 AM

Lol oks, I will wait for new drawing.....

Whilst having a look through most of this I can piece together with a few mods to the existing windows in the donloads section, so it may not be so much work after all hardest part will be keeping track of who's bits I have used to give credit lmao

Also you say player window with all you can fit have a look in that section and point me to either a one you would like used / changed or exactly the info you need to see in it.. As my idea of whats important may differ from yours :)

choker 03-28-2005 12:24 PM

Your compact chat window with tab support.. can you make it scrollless? :p
Ger full-size hotbar (with bank, labels; no background, no frame, no overlap)

I don't remember where I had found it so here it is: the bar that goes from left to right witch character info on it... 1280 width one. to the bottom of the screen. Chat window on the left side Height of 4 Ger hotbar. 4 Get hotbar next to it. A vertical group window that would fit the height f2-f6 or f1-f6 if possible. Implied and target next to it. maybe the journal help next to it and otehr thingy that might fit that would to make it all a nice block with nothing else elsewhere. So XP in % class and TS... hum maybe a 3/4 or even 1/2 window with your inventory and ammo? that could be great to have too.. wathever you deems worthy of fitting in there.. would be a great bottom I mean bottom UI ;)

(the bar 1280 width coudl be cut so it goes only from chat window to Ger hotbar in maybe two row? giving a bit more height for group window?)

choker 03-28-2005 12:32 PM

Or put 3 hotbar and squeeze a horizontal gorup window so more space to fit stuff on the left... if you do so.. put group on teh top of teh hotbar.


choker 03-28-2005 12:36 PM

hehe well starting to have many thing into this thread I ask .. just thought of something else when I saw something you did... hum well

Add in the player or better in teh small bar that does all of teh screen or cutted into two ... the 3 custom preset - music on and off and the nightvision... quite usefull with my barbarian...)

Laffs 03-28-2005 12:54 PM

Well sounds like all there is to "mod" is to make a more compact vertical group window, thats easy to do can just take the group part out of the Nedra window, and the scroll bar can be taken out of the chat window np..

The rest of the stuff all you need do is make a new UI folder and drop all the bits in there and arrange them on screen in game..... Take a screenshot and post it here along with a file list of the parts used and I can make the group window fit in and make any changes you want to the other windows.

choker 03-28-2005 02:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok Got a screenshot up.

bottom a stat bar... the menu buttom good could be made smaller liek teh performance pannel one.. would like to have the 3 custom preset and music on/off and nightvision on/pff on it. (pics use the Sunthas' Stat Bar (Coldy's Stat Bar) 1280x18)

Left your chat window... would like it to be scrollless and i had some truoble with the resize.. no matehr what it will be fized in position.

Next to it Ger 3/4 bar x4... Don't know why but the bank is kinda not aligned.. see pics .. would like it no-label if possible.

Red square (over hotbar) In that I would fit the "Reduced Resizable casting bar by Azoz" in the left add the implied and target window If place in it mayeb fit under the casting bar % only xp both class and TS with death penalty and vitality Class name and level.... If you still have space Nortah time with all the info of teh day and month :)

Blue square (next to hotbar) f1-f6 or f2-f6 group window bad effect on no need for assist.. not even sure what assist do (I usually target and use implied target)

the other 2 square.. not sure how much place woudl be used by gorup window so... hum to the total left would be nice to have a vertical 3/4 or 1/2 of ammo and inventory so easy access to bag.

The place to have the other trinket I just can't think of.. Maintened and the other one spell are on both side of my screen and looks good there. A place with journal help would be good but can be put on top right corner...

choker 03-28-2005 02:42 PM

oh yeah on teh stat bar.. you can remove time since it would be put somewhere else...

Laffs 03-28-2005 03:40 PM

Oks thats better, now I can get my head round this lol :)

choker 03-28-2005 03:59 PM

OK good. if I see anything else I'll ask here. If you have question I'll be here. ;)


Laffs 03-29-2005 01:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oks have a look at these the file has all the mods in you listed, the group window still needs the f1 etc added , experiance window is this sort of how you wanted it? , target and implied what else do you want done with them? , chat window still has scrollbar..

best thing is for you to try it, move them about tell me what needs changing or and bugs, and we go from there.

Eloora 03-29-2005 02:33 PM

Take a look and post screenshots choker! I wanna see!

Laffs 03-29-2005 02:49 PM

Lol dont get too excited, I can see this going through alot of changes as yet ;)

choker 03-29-2005 02:55 PM

Well currently at school but I'll look into it tonight.

But wanting to know, is there others interested in this kind of UI? Just to know if I'm getting Laffs to make me a personnal UI or soemthing for others too.

choker 03-29-2005 05:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Good start.

The group window would need to have hp and mana pourcent and name of character

If needed it could go as high as teh chat window... If you do so I would fit target and implied right over the hotbar...

If you could put the mage and artisan in this format ... it oculd easily be stacked right under the hotbar giving a bit more space for group window and chat (in height) (would be good if it would fit nicely in the total lenght of the hotbar like the / always just before the 7th square)

Shadowknight 50 - 220% - 220% - 100% / Carpenter 50 - 220% - 220% - 100%

Time could be placed elsewhere

Hotbar remove the label keep the bank.

Laffs 03-29-2005 08:08 PM

Oks the group window more messed up than I thought it would be lol...

Back on this late tomorrow , got lots of work to do first sorry :)

But at lest it starting to look like somthing now lol

choker 03-29-2005 08:31 PM

No worry, in no hurry. pis by the way do you think at teh end when we get things all worked I oculd work some graphic to be integrated.. to look like the steel bottom .. by someone (sorry I don't remember) I don't want the same thing but just something holding it all.

but that is super flux... and not necessary

Laffs 03-30-2005 01:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Not enough room to put the TS class in, that window to be same lengh as the hot bar as you will see (didnt want to make the fonts smaller as they would be tiny to fit this all in),
Left the time in as as yet there is no sutable window to move it to,
Taken the scrollbar out of the chat window (I wonder if you can still scroll in there with mouse wheel?)

Found this kool group window by Synatic so I have used a version of that in here..

Now its your turn :p , The testing and re ordering of them :)

P.s I can now see what your trying to achive here, Important info and needed items like hotbars etc on view at the bottom but as simple and compact as possible..

A thought I had was to make the experiance and time the same lengh as the stat bar at the bottom but only 1 line deep and maybe add in earth time etc to fill up the unused space a bit?

Game time / Adventure exp / Ts exp / Earth time

That way we achive 3 things
Able to include TS class back in and a place to keep the clock and also loose one extra line in hight.

choker 03-30-2005 02:00 PM

Ok good now we understand each others :)

Ok good with teh second line at teh bottom... I hate earth time there but ok if there is place ;)

To that one might as well use the bottom bar make it two line in height put the presets I asked.. can you put guild name and xp toward next level?

I will test it tonight... currently I have no time.. at school :) And woudl teh graphic be doable?

Laffs 03-30-2005 02:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Better to just use the exp window :p

And sit it on top of the stat bar

Insted of game time I could put "current zone" in there (usefull to see if your in 1,2 or 3) guild info , and the presets that would all fit in nicely.... I will throw that together quickly now and update the zip (but will leave space for the presets and add them in last, as the ui builder dont like the code for that so its better to put it in last, once its location is decided and no more changes to the window that holds it as it were)

As for the grafix yes if you can make them I can put them in (I have had no luck whatsoever with making my own :( )


Attached new files

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