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matslin 03-05-2005 12:50 AM

Icon gone after I rearrange their location
I try to change some ui's icon location, (kosmos' PerformancePanel)
I was hoping to change it into a row of icon which fits my UI space

but after I log in, it become a black panel :(

when I move my mouse to icon location it still show up the correct tool tips

but I can't see the icon

can anyone help me with this? :D

Edit: everything works fine in UI editor, but in game it's just a blank panel

matslin 03-07-2005 02:45 PM

should I post this on UI dev discussion help??

Kosmos 03-07-2005 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by matslin
I try to change some ui's icon location, (kosmos' PerformancePanel)
I was hoping to change it into a row of icon which fits my UI space

but after I log in, it become a black panel :(

when I move my mouse to icon location it still show up the correct tool tips

but I can't see the icon

can anyone help me with this? :D

Edit: everything works fine in UI editor, but in game it's just a blank panel

Due to the way the Parser works. You will not be able to relocate these buttons. Unless....
You change the location information of the buttons in the eq2ui_custompreset*.xmls

The parser outputs an XML document from your eq2.recent.ini
So after you creat the eq2ui_custompreset*.xml documents. You will need to go in with a text editor and change the location coordinates of the buttons.

Also. becareful. The UI Builder, doesn't like these files as they are.
if you load them into UI Builder, and then save them they will mess up big time. Due to the fact that UI Builder doesn' like commands that are not all on the same line.

I just posted a reply to someone on this issue, so you can get more specific information if you check the other threads on how this Mod works.

I sure like the looks of your Mod!!

matslin 03-07-2005 07:28 PM

yes I did change the location on each button's xml

I just found out that if I use show_window mainhud.performancepanel in game
all icon will be show up

but to show up the UI I need them to include in eq2ui.xml
so the game will load one blank ui (no icon , but you still can click)

so it ends up I have 2 panel in game, one with icon one without

but at least it's working now :D

btw I try to make an extra icon to make Complex SHader Distance = -1 (use when raid or lag )
when actived, and set it back to 20 when disactive

but only 20 will work, it won't set it to -1 when I click :(

Deathbane27 03-07-2005 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by matslin
btw I try to make an extra icon to make Complex SHader Distance = -1 (use when raid or lag )
when actived, and set it back to 20 when disactive

but only 20 will work, it won't set it to -1 when I click :(

Are you setting it to -1 or '-1'? It needs the single quotes to set negative values.

Kosmos 03-07-2005 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by matslin
yes I did change the location on each button's xml

I just found out that if I use show_window mainhud.performancepanel in game
all icon will be show up

but to show up the UI I need them to include in eq2ui.xml
so the game will load one blank ui (no icon , but you still can click)

so it ends up I have 2 panel in game, one with icon one without

but at least it's working now :D

btw I try to make an extra icon to make Complex SHader Distance = -1 (use when raid or lag )
when actived, and set it back to 20 when disactive

but only 20 will work, it won't set it to -1 when I click :(

I was thinknig about doing a complex shader slider, but decided 3 profiles is plenty for me to do all I want. Some users might find that complex shader thing useful though. I think a mini-slider would be best though. Just my opinion.
the value would have to be like this.


OnSet="r_fast_layer_min_distance=-1.0 r_fast_layer_min_distance=-1.0"
I'm going to have to check about using the single quote marks.
I don't think I'm using those, and I'm almost positive the parser doesn't do that. So that might be a bug that needs to be fixed in the next version.
I am pretty sure I've not set my slider to -1 for that before. LOL, so It's possible I actually missed a big. GASP!

Laffs 03-07-2005 09:05 PM

I been working on a way to mod this is the UI builder and its ok as long as you dont "run" and press any of the mods buttons, What I have been doing is making a visual template as it were in the UI builder , making note of the positions of everything then using notepad to actualy edit the files, with my new value's, seem's to be the only safe way to adapt this stuff...

Sorry dont have enough time right now to go into much detail.. but thats the gist of it ;)

Kosmos 03-07-2005 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Laffs
I been working on a way to mod this is the UI builder and its ok as long as you dont "run" and press any of the mods buttons, What I have been doing is making a visual template as it were in the UI builder , making note of the positions of everything then using notepad to actualy edit the files, with my new value's, seem's to be the only safe way to adapt this stuff...

Sorry dont have enough time right now to go into much detail.. but thats the gist of it ;)

Ah.. so that's what is doing that. I often click the run button.
I wonder if there is a way we could mod the character select screen and use it to test UIs. ?

matslin 03-07-2005 11:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I try both '-1.0' and reapeat = -1.0 still not working for me :(
anyone have time to check out my code :D ?

I add one extra button on the end which toggle between -1 & 20
and I rearrange the button location so it's a row ( better fit my own UI)

btw, if I didn't include performancepanel.xml in eq2ui.xml (which will auto load when eq start)
when I use show_window command it will only shows a blank panel (see the picture on top message)

but if I include it in eq2ui.xml, it will auto load a blank panel, but when I use show_window command again, it will show up another panel with all icon, both panel works just one is without icon :(

the way I deal with it is drag the no icon one outside of screen then use the icon one :P

maybe someone can help me with that?

Deathbane27 03-07-2005 11:32 PM


OnSet="r_fast_layer_min_distance='-1.0'" OnUnset="r_fast_layer_min_distance=20.0"
I don't know why the 20 is working... Try this.

OnSet="r_fast_layer_min_distance='-1.0' r_fast_layer_min_distance='-1.0'" OnUnset="r_fast_layer_min_distance=20.0 r_fast_layer_min_distance=20.0"

matslin 03-08-2005 12:13 AM

Thank you!! it's working now :D
with the combination I have 6 profile ( 3 x -1 & 3 x 20 )

and the nightvision function~

this is cool

Laffs 03-08-2005 01:25 PM


I been working on a way to mod this is the UI builder and its ok as long as you dont "run" and press any of the mods buttons, What I have been doing is making a visual template as it were in the UI builder , making note of the positions of everything then using notepad to actualy edit the files, with my new value's, seem's to be the only safe way to adapt this stuff...
Just to expand on that a bit,

I have 3 profile buttons,

Back up your custompreset files, to another location

Then load up the UI builder, Re arrange the buttons or whatever you are going to do.. It seems to be safe to use the "run" button on the UI builder but dont actualy click on the custom buttons "mouse over them" is oks.. But clicking on them adds button infomation to the performance profile file and you dont want that to happen!! lol

Its safe to change icons etc that stores the values in the folder correctly.

So once you are done you need to take note of 2 things !

1. The size of the new buttons eg= 10,15
2. The location of each one eg= 1,2 and 12,2 etc

Save in the UI builder then edit the backup of your custompresets files with the infomation above, Restore the backup files.

And all should work well.

Also I have added a shader button that turns the shadows off and on as well ,That I made in notepad but it wouldnt work untill the UI builder had added " " to one set of values.. I wont go into depth here, but I understand how that works now, after a bit of head scatching. Lol

Hope this is of some help to anyone else wanting to edit Kosmo's gizmo ;)

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