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Cantino 10-19-2004 03:56 PM

What Race/Class are you planning on playing?
So the name of the thread really says it all... Essentially I'm curious as to what everyone is thinking of in terms of their own characters. I've found the hardest thing to do in new MMORPG's has been to find that friends base that I had back in EQ, thought I'd better start posting and saying hi in interesting ways pretty quick. :D

In EverQuest (when I used to play) I was a Dark Elf Enchanter and found how much I love it! Nothing better than zoning in and having groups yelling at you to join. Plus I used to be pretty decent... :cool:

In EQ2?? My main will be a Dark Elf Enchanter named Sariig. I'm leaning towards Illusionist personally but of course I'm not in beta so dont know as much about the types of enchanters as I'd like. As Illusionist trainer is apparently a "good" trainer and Dark Elf starts out in Freeport we'll see if I stick with it. Coercer could be fun though... We'll see what happens.

As for an alt I'm leaning towards Wood Elf Ranger named Falash.

And you all??

Serpentis 10-19-2004 04:37 PM

Still undecided really.... been thinking of trying a DE Assassin for a main, that or Shadow Knight. Until I actually try them out for myself though, I really don't know what I will like. The first few weeks after release (unless I get into beta) I will probably be just testing out different things to see how it goes.

Esperant 10-19-2004 04:49 PM

Main :

Esperant - Erudite - Conjurer


Acknar - Dwarf - Warden
Sweetleaf - Wood Elf - Troubador
Odin - Barbarian - Monk

Xiepher 10-19-2004 04:53 PM

Planning to be a Ogre Shaman / Defiler named Grizsmasher dunno about alts though.

Sir Taleisin The Seer 10-19-2004 07:23 PM

Barbarian/Mage - Summoner - Necromancer

and my secondary will probably be a

Ogre/ ? - ? - Bard

minalcar 10-19-2004 08:32 PM

Definate: Character will be a kerra

Unsure: Leaning to scout possibly a priest (druid type or Shaman type).


Esperant 10-19-2004 08:53 PM

Just the thought of a Ogre bard brings such joy to my day. LOL what a sight that would be...

broken english speaking ogre with slight ebonics singing a tune for us all with his trusty banjo.

mistium 10-19-2004 09:18 PM

hmmm, I'm having trouble deciding, heh.

I see my self staring at the creation screen just zoning out for a bit. :)

Esperant 10-19-2004 09:25 PM

That horrible feeling of knowing that once you've decided... THATS IT. You'll need to log in hours to even find out if your choice was the one that completely suited you. I know the feeling.

I dont plan on logging in a huge amount of hours on just ONE character though I probably will put the most in on my first. I'm going to try my other 3 alts as soon as my first hits level 10. That way I might find out if I enjoy other classes more and it'll also put me in a good position to really "know" (well at least in general) the other classes so I can best utilize them in group situations when with other people.

Dolby 10-19-2004 09:30 PM

Human Paladin for sure.

Maybe some kind of caster as an alt.

Findarato 10-19-2004 09:41 PM

Half elf Necro

Trackerwolf 10-19-2004 09:41 PM

I'm planing of haveing 2 scouts. One going the route of Dark elf brigand (rogue) and the other a Wood Elf Assassin (yes I will betray Qeynos). I do have a story for my Wood Elf. Pretty much a contiuation from my Wood Elf ranger in EQ1. Mage is a close 3rd. I solo alot and even though priest can solo best atm, they don't really suite me and fighters feel to plain.

Esperant 10-19-2004 10:04 PM

priests can solo the best... lol.

I have an extremely funny visual of that. Lol... a priest *snickers* :D :rolleyes:

Mykind 10-19-2004 11:17 PM

Going to go Human SK because I always want to see an evil version of myself in a game. The way I have created the human in the starter kit my friends will be able to tell its me!

Now thats a good program!


guice 10-20-2004 01:14 AM

Class? Maybe a fighter. Race? Most likely a rat, just cause I like the non-humanoid forms.

lonwolf00 10-20-2004 03:52 AM

haec to stick to druid since been one forever so wood elf druid with a rat rouge or sk not sure as of yet since not in beta

Cantino 10-20-2004 11:19 AM

It took me forever to find a character that suited me in EQ1. I played a wood elf Ranger for about 35 levels before I finally figured that wasn't my true EQ calling. I tried about 10 different characters and then finally settled on Enchanter after that. I'd never had so much fun. =)

Wood Elf Assassin would be interesting for Alt but Falash is just too good a person to betray Qeynos.. I've always pictured him as the perfect chaotic good character, doing whatever he feels needs to be done for good. Sariig however... He's the puppeteer.

Esperant 10-20-2004 11:47 AM

well back in the day when I used to play EQ lol... before the horde of expansions came out. The ranger was the worst class hands down in the game. They were hybrid of WAY too many classes which just about made them worthless. But I heard they've really beefed up the ranger these days.

After about the second expansion I quite because I started seing things that I dont like in MMO's. Specificly robes that I remember used to cost 18kp going for 1kp. Then a swarm of newbs comming on late reaping the benefits and leveling without the fun it took for every battle being a serious challenge without all the fat loot.

Yeah, thats right, I'm an elitest...

Stilletto 10-20-2004 02:13 PM

My main gunna be a Erudite Necro... never played a nec in EQ so im saving it for EQ2!! Alt gunna be some kinda Troll... I love the new leaner meaner look of the trolls!! although I do like the pot belly and the cockeyed sideways run or the EQ trolls LOL. Then maybe a rat dood... but I really want my froglocks back!!! they look alot better now... cant wait to see how they run and cast.

insomniac 10-20-2004 03:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
:D I'm planning to be an Erudite Conjurer.
basically this guy...


Webletts 10-20-2004 03:12 PM

Dwarven Priest, stick with what I know lol.

Esperant 10-20-2004 03:55 PM

that looks awsome insomniac. I cant wait till I get my guy now. AHHH this is horrible *whimpers*

COFFEE 10-20-2004 07:52 PM

Hmmmm,Thinking Murrpau(Kerran to those who naut know the term)Bard or Necro(that is possible right a Kerran Necromancer?) and a Teir'dal Necro or Bard ...Maybe an Iksar so I can have an attitude at everyone else for having the nerve to be alive ....naut sure really we have to wait and decide after I win one of the Beta Slots :cool:

Esperant 10-20-2004 08:47 PM

sometimes I wonder if I should try the next race down for what seems perfect for the class I chose. For example... Erudites start off probably being the safest best for a mage... however, we know that caps exsist in which case other stats will start to matter more once you've hit your cap level. What do you all think about this? I'm thinking I may no longer choose to be an erudite and possibly something else now for my main.

Sir Taleisin The Seer 10-20-2004 08:50 PM

I might be a gnome after launch, some of the things they can tinker are so cool :-)

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