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Landiin 03-01-2007 12:56 PM

[Not a bug] /testcopy is only available on PVP worlds
Getting spammed with /testcopy is only available on PVP worlds. This only seems to happen while the mouse is hovering over the group window.

I've searched every file in eXtremeUI for any occurrences of /testcopy or testcopy and there is none. This just started after LU32.

Deathbane27 03-01-2007 02:00 PM

What in all is going on in your group window? Two things that could be causing this:

1- Something is now a shortcut to /testcopy that wasn't before (like how /i is a shortcut to /invite, used to be a shortcut to /ignore), and is now triggering it in your group window.

2- Setting a value to "something" can trigger /something as a command. (Like how Parent.Blarg.LocalText=1 sometimes gave a chat channel error message, because it thought you were trying to do "/1 blah blah blah").

Try searching through the xml for =t or =test or something with those quirks in mind.

Landiin 03-01-2007 02:15 PM

nothing has changed in my group window from lu31 to lu32. Nothing has changed at all in my entire UI really from lu31 to lu32 besides resizing the iconbank in the bag window. /shrug

I didn't read about any shortcut changes in LU32 update notes but that doesn't mean any thing.

I've also though about a typo setting a bogus prob causing but haven't found any thing as of yet, but still looking.

Ratan_Kabidge 03-01-2007 02:17 PM

Observations for diagnostics
Hello, I've been having this same issue as well (as I suspect most of us are), and I did try to pay attention to what caused this. It appeared to me that it occured most often when doing something with targeting, even when I was ungrouped and did not even have the group window open. Every time I change a target, or have the mouse over something targetable the spam occured, on resource nodes, other players, and interactable items. I'm wondering if perhaps Deathbane27 had a point, could there be a slash command that has changed from /target to /testcopy maybe? I have spoken with some others using various UI's (shame on them for not using UIeXtreme /grin) and they have not seen the bug, so there must be something either in your chat window or elsewhere (I don't pretend to know how they all tie in together, but it seems to me, that if an error is occuring with the target window, it would still display in the chat window, so that window may not actually be where the bug is). The spam also occurs if i am standing perfectly still, with no mouse movement, nothing targeted and an agro mob comes up and hits me, which also seems to be something with the targeting to me.

Hope these observatoins help,


Landiin 03-01-2007 02:24 PM

Hmm thanks for the imput Ratan_Kabidge, I'll look into the target window to see. Still don't think that's the issue as why would they make a short cut for /testcopy, WTF is /testcopy any way? lol

Zoltaroth-SOE 03-01-2007 02:33 PM

I loaded up your UI in the debugger this morning and I think I figured out what the problem is.

Basically you have a bunch of code like this:


Parent.Archtype.Style=(Test ? WarriorArchtype : False) Test=(Parent.TArchetype.LocalText==Fighter)
Parent.Archtype.Style=(Test ? MageArchtype : False) Test=(Parent.TArchetype.LocalText==Mage)
Parent.Archtype.Style=(Test ? PriestArchtype : False) Test=(Parent.TArchetype.LocalText==Priest)
Parent.Archtype.Style=(Test ? ScoutArchtype : False) Test=(Parent.TArchetype.LocalText==Scout)

What happens here is that the command parser sees your "Test" variable, and decided that this is a valid command and queues it up to send to the server.

The fix for this is to rename your variables something unique that can not ever become a valid command. For your UI I made the following changes that seemed to fix the problem for me:


Parent.Archtype.Style=(eXTest ? WarriorArchtype : False) eXTest=(Parent.TArchetype.LocalText==Fighter)
Parent.Archtype.Style=(eXTest ? MageArchtype : False) eXTest=(Parent.TArchetype.LocalText==Mage)
Parent.Archtype.Style=(eXTest ? PriestArchtype : False) eXTest=(Parent.TArchetype.LocalText==Priest)
Parent.Archtype.Style=(eXTest ? ScoutArchtype : False) eXTest=(Parent.TArchetype.LocalText==Scout)

Note the use of eXTest instead of Test. This is only one example and similar problems exist all over the place, so you will have to do a bit of digging to fix them all.

I recommend to all the UI Modders that if you create variables, you prefix them with your mod name. Such as eXtreme_Var = foo, as opposed to Var = foo. This should minimize this kind of problem in the future.

Very nice UI by the way! Keep up the good work, and if you have any more problems or this solution does not fix all the problems, feel free to post. I will be checking these forums throughout the day.


Landiin 03-01-2007 02:41 PM

Thanks Zoltaroth-SOE!, I thought I had done a search of my extreme folder for the word test but guess I didn't or the my search prog bows lol. any way thanks for the advice, will go through and change all var as you suggested.

Deathbane27 03-01-2007 03:52 PM

Told ya! :p I knew it wasn't a change on your end, but like Zoltaroth said, you can't count on wierd interactions not happening.


Still don't think that's the issue as why would they make a short cut for /testcopy, WTF is /testcopy any way? lol
/t -> /tell
/te -> /tell
/tes -> /testcopy
/test -> /testcopy
/testc -> /testcopy
/testco -> /testcopy
/testcop -> /testcopy
/usea -> /useability
/useabilityo -> /useabilityonplayer

Command shortcuts are automatic. So if you had a subroutine named Blast and they added a command called /blastermasteristhebestNESgameever you'd be in trouble. :p (So would the rest of the world, actually.)

(And /testcopy copies your character to Test. They're doing some major PvP changes on Test that need testing on a massive scale, so they're letting people copy their characters over.)

Landiin 03-01-2007 07:29 PM

ROFL, Yea yea I need some cream for that burn!

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