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-   -   Changing greyscale of progress (https://www.eq2interface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1050)

onnel 01-16-2005 06:08 PM

Changing greyscale of progress
As time passes, the active spells are slowly covered up with grey (to nidicate how much of their duration is past). The problem is, they grey that covers them isn't dark enough for me.

How can I darken the "progress" colour on the progress bars for active spells?

I looked in the xml and the only thing I found was "progress_grayscale_fill". i have no idea if that's really the property for what I'm looking for.

The other problem is that it is only a reference to a sourcerect in a DDS file.

What do I need to do to change the colour?

All help much appreciated!


P.S. Same goes for the hotkeys..I'd like they greying over as they "reactivate" to be more extreme.

Eloa 01-25-2005 04:54 PM

Where did you find this progress greyscale fill? Im not finding anything on it.

Zonx 01-31-2005 02:29 AM


Both reffer to a grayscale fill image within a DDS file. Haven't checked, but I'm guessing this image controls what is revealed at various progress levels. 50% gray and brighter probly reveals at 50% progress.

I'm guessing how dark the overlay is is an opacity setting somewhere in a UI file.

tonyis3l33t 01-31-2005 05:57 AM

Found in eq2ui_images.xml:

<ImageStyle Name="GaugeBackground">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="110,10,210,18"/>
<ImageStyle Name="GaugeFill">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="110,20,210,28"/>
<ImageStyle Name="GaugeLines">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="110,30,210,38"/>
<ImageStyle Name="GaugeLinesFill">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="110,40,210,48"/>
<ImageStyle Name="GaugeEndCapLeft">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="216,20,220,28"/>
<ImageStyle Name="GaugeEndCapRight">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="212,10,216,18"/>

I plan on making the greyscale thing a dark red.
Avandia Class Action

Deathbane27 01-31-2005 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by tonyis3l33t
Found in eq2ui_images.xml:

<ImageStyle Name="GaugeBackground">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="110,10,210,18"/>
<ImageStyle Name="GaugeFill">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="110,20,210,28"/>
<ImageStyle Name="GaugeLines">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="110,30,210,38"/>
<ImageStyle Name="GaugeLinesFill">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="110,40,210,48"/>
<ImageStyle Name="GaugeEndCapLeft">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="216,20,220,28"/>
<ImageStyle Name="GaugeEndCapRight">
<ImageFrame Name="f_0" Source="images/window_pieces01.dds" SourceRect="212,10,216,18"/>

I plan on making the greyscale thing a dark red.

That's the old EQ1-style gauges. I seriously doubt they're used for icon re-use timers.

tonyis3l33t 01-31-2005 06:28 AM

think i may have found it...checking now in game

nope hehe ended up being the background for all items' icons.
Galateya live

Kalazart 02-10-2005 12:58 AM

I found something out about this in IconStyles:


<IconStyle BackGlowRect="212,170,254,212" BackGlowResource="/images/icons/icon_ss9.dds"
FrameRect="126,42,168,84" FrameResource="/images/icons/icon_transp1.dds"
MouseOverRect="84,84,126,126" MouseOverResource="/images/icons/icon_transp1.dds"
Name="self_spell" PressedRect="168,42,210,84" PressedResource="/images/icons/icon_transp1.dds"
ProgressRect="84,42,126,84" ProgressResource="/images/icons/icon_transp1.dds" />

It seems that the progress refers to the recast timer. But if you take a look at that DDS file, you'll see that 84,42,126,84 is pointing to a white square, not a black/grey one. Hope it helps a bit... trying to find out more.

Deathbane27 02-10-2005 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by Kalazart
I found something out about this in IconStyles:


<IconStyle BackGlowRect="212,170,254,212" BackGlowResource="/images/icons/icon_ss9.dds"
FrameRect="126,42,168,84" FrameResource="/images/icons/icon_transp1.dds"
MouseOverRect="84,84,126,126" MouseOverResource="/images/icons/icon_transp1.dds"
Name="self_spell" PressedRect="168,42,210,84" PressedResource="/images/icons/icon_transp1.dds"
ProgressRect="84,42,126,84" ProgressResource="/images/icons/icon_transp1.dds" />

It seems that the progress refers to the recast timer. But if you take a look at that DDS file, you'll see that 84,42,126,84 is pointing to a white square, not a black/grey one. Hope it helps a bit... trying to find out more.

Okay, I was able to edit the alpha channel and get the progress thing to only move on half of it. Unfortunately it still darkens it slightly and any color change I make to the image doesn't seem to apply there. Continuing experimentation.

taco-man 02-10-2005 01:44 AM

awesome, i wish you luck cause i hate that thing...

Deathbane27 02-10-2005 02:36 AM

Unfortunately, all modifications I'm able to make only make the visibility problem worse. :(

tonyis3l33t 02-10-2005 02:40 AM

so....what changes it?

icon_transp1.dds only or is there some xml opacity values? at work atm so im unable to check :)

ahh stupid me i see kalazart's post...ill give it a whirl later on today.
SexyLoverGirl live

Zonx 02-10-2005 03:46 AM

Check the alpha channel on that square, if its grey than that's what's setting the transparency value ;)

Deathbane27 02-10-2005 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Zonx
Check the alpha channel on that square, if its grey than that's what's setting the transparency value ;)

It's white. The transparency is controlled by the game via either an XML we can't find or it's hardcoded.

Zonx 02-13-2005 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Deathbane27
It's white. The transparency is controlled by the game via either an XML we can't find or it's hardcoded.

Ok I dorked with this a bunch and have come to the conclusion progress opacity on IconStyles is a hardcoded fixed value. Stuff I tried...

- Changing the progress resouce to something else results in exactly the same opacity. Messing with this also revieled that only the Alpha channel is used.

- Tried manually adding various Opacity params with no results.

- Tried removing other style settings such as Glow in case the layered resources might be a factor. Had no affect on the ProgressResource.

It might be possible to rebuild the various buffs using ProgressBar objects, but I'm guessing they'll just break. Even if you get them working this way, I don't think the ProgressStyle supports all the states of IconStyle.

danmir 04-25-2005 02:46 PM

Could any of the following be related?

From eq2ui_ImageStyles.xml

<ImageStyle Name="progress_grayscale_fill">
<ImageFrame Name="progress_grayscale_fill" Source="images/window_elements_specific.dds" SourceRect="382,341,505,356"/>
<ImageStyle Name="progress_fill">
<ImageFrame Name="progress_fill" Source="images/window_elements_generic.dds" SourceRect="16,352,27,353"/>
<ImageStyle Name="progress_grayscale_bkg">
<ImageFrame Name="progress_grayscale_bkg" Source="images/window_elements_specific.dds" SourceRect="379,357,508,378"/>

I'm at work now, and dled a mod that included most of the ui files, so maybe this is way off.

Skuall 04-25-2005 03:45 PM

omgggggggggggggg this a real gooooooood idea

i hate when i cant see if is ready in 1 secs or .....

in red or a color more powerfull will be nice

:nana: gogogo guys u can do it :nana:

ger 04-25-2005 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by danmir
Could any of the following be related?

From eq2ui_ImageStyles.xml

<ImageStyle Name="progress_grayscale_fill">
<ImageFrame Name="progress_grayscale_fill" Source="images/window_elements_specific.dds" SourceRect="382,341,505,356"/>
<ImageStyle Name="progress_fill">
<ImageFrame Name="progress_fill" Source="images/window_elements_generic.dds" SourceRect="16,352,27,353"/>
<ImageStyle Name="progress_grayscale_bkg">
<ImageFrame Name="progress_grayscale_bkg" Source="images/window_elements_specific.dds" SourceRect="379,357,508,378"/>

I'm at work now, and dled a mod that included most of the ui files, so maybe this is way off.

That's for progress bars (i.e. health, power bars) not for hotkey greyscale overlays, unfortunately.

dc_roenfanz 04-25-2005 09:58 PM

Maybe add an IF statement to bring up an image?

While I was sitting in my Alg.2 class, I had an idea. Instead of modifying the hotkey progress directly, could we not set up some sort of IF statement that would toggle an image file? Not exactly schooled in boolean, but basically:

IF the hotkey prgress is active THEN show IMAGE_X (on top)

This would effectively make visible (or opaque) an image DDS file that lies directly above the normal icon. If it doesnt work for clickthru, then we could still prolly do that, but by shifting the location of said image (ie moving it from outside to inside of the parent window's borders)

Like I said, it was just a brainflash that I had in math, and might not function as flashy as i think it does. But what do you all think?

ger 04-25-2005 10:39 PM

Interesting idea. Two problems:

1. We have no way of forcing the displayed image to sync to the reuse time of the pressed hotkey.

2. We have no way of forcing looping animations to display from their first frame.

So if it worked at all we'd end up with a random clip of an image, rather than a cohesive, correctly-timed progress-style image.

dc_roenfanz 04-25-2005 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by ger
Interesting idea. Two problems:

1. We have no way of forcing the displayed image to sync to the reuse time of the pressed hotkey.

2. We have no way of forcing looping animations to display from their first frame.

So if it worked at all we'd end up with a random clip of an image, rather than a cohesive, correctly-timed progress-style image.

1. Ugh. Hmmm.. Seems to me there should be a way to set the if statement so that it is dependant off of the specific rect that is chosen. As I understand it, the hotkeys use the button IconStyle, right? And when the hotkey counting down, the progress rect is active? So couldn't we set an IF statement based off of that rect?

2. I wasnt thinking of it being an animation, actually. basically it would have been just a big red X or something, until that icon became available for use again. Then it would go away/hide/move "off screen"
Or ... if we HAFTA use an animation, just repeat the same frame over and over again, so it wouldnt matter whether it was the same frame or not.

=( *cries* and I really thought i had a good idea!

Killarny 04-26-2005 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by ger
2. We have no way of forcing looping animations to display from their first frame.

Wow, are you serious? The game just picks some random frame and starts to display the image on that frame? That's kinda goofy..

Deathbane27 04-26-2005 02:01 AM

No, it starts at frame 1 when the game first comes up, and repeats from there. When you show it, it will be at wherever it's at.

We might be able to see using Style whether an icon is grayed out or not, but we wouldn't be able to clear it unless the user hovered the mouse over it or something. Your idea was a step in the right direction, though.

dc_roenfanz 04-27-2005 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Deathbane27
No, it starts at frame 1 when the game first comes up, and repeats from there. When you show it, it will be at wherever it's at.

We might be able to see using Style whether an icon is grayed out or not, but we wouldn't be able to clear it unless the user hovered the mouse over it or something. Your idea was a step in the right direction, though.

Hmmm. Any further advice or conjectures on this? Somehow this should/could work. Blargs!!

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